Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1969 Answers

Afterwards, Wang Xuetao said, "It's true that I didn't think about it carefully, but, in this way, people can't help but feel a little regretful."

Shen Cong said with a smile: "Minister Wang doesn't have to worry. It is indeed almost impossible for one person to complete all the dynasties. But if one person only completes one dynasty, there is almost no major problem."

"Oh?" Wang Xuetao said, "Minister Shen means that he wants to find different authors and complete a dynasty each?"

Shen Cong nodded and said, "Lao Cen and I were talking about this just now. Gu Yong's "Things in the Ming Dynasty" has given us an excellent template. We can learn from this template and use the other dynasties for reference. It is also shown to readers in this way. You must know that our country has a long history and has gone through many dynasties. If there is only the story of the Ming Dynasty, it is indeed a pity. "

Wang Xuetao's eyes brightened, and he laughed loudly: "Okay! Okay! It's still Minister Wang's thoughtful consideration. However, I don't know who Minister Wang is going to ask to write? You know, although there is Gu Yong's "Those Things in the Ming Dynasty" " as a template, but it is still extremely difficult to create things from other dynasties, and it is definitely not something that ordinary authors can do."

Shen Cong nodded and said, "It is still extremely difficult. First of all, Lao Cen and I are interested in one person in charge of a dynasty, and we must send an invitation to Li Fan. As for other candidates, we can discuss them slowly, or we can wait. There is no rush to make a choice after someone recommends himself, at least until Gu Yong completes the serialization of "Those Things in the Ming Dynasty"."

Wang Xuetao said with delight: "Will Minister Wang and Elder Cen write the writing in person? That would be great! If Li Fan also accepted the invitation, it would be even more perfect. Since the end of "Water Margin", Li Fan has not released it. New work, I really miss his work.”

Shen Cong said with a smile: "You must know that Li Fan is not just a writer, we can't expect him to release new works one after another like Gu Yong. He just finished his exploration a few days ago, that's true It is the world's attention and has won great honor for our country."

Wang Xuetao said with emotion: "Li Fan is now a business card of our country. He is influencing the whole world. It's amazing!"


Times Literature Award Jury Office.

Yang Qiming ended the call with Cen Geng just now, and said with emotion: "I have just asked Cen Lao, and Cen said that no matter how big or small the incident is, it is completely consistent with the real history, and even the dialogue between the characters is well documented. In order to create this work, I am afraid that Yong has studied all the historical classics about the Ming Dynasty, which is amazing!"

Li Bo also sighed after hearing this and said, "It's really quite amazing!"


Great Martial Arts Magazine.

Jian Yishen finally found the answer, which made him sigh with emotion for a long time before slowly saying: "Geniuses tend to work harder than ordinary people."

Jian Yishen was impressed. The innovative writing method of "Those Things in the Ming Dynasty" is the embodiment of ancient Yong's unparalleled genius, and the history of the Ming Dynasty has been studied so deeply and so thoroughly that Gu Yong must have read it. Almost all Books about the history of the Ming Dynasty are not only books, but also archives, inscriptions and so on that record the history of the Ming Dynasty.

Success doesn't happen by accident!

Wang Yang also sighed and said: "It turns out that historical works can still be written in this way. This is really an extraordinary work that condenses genius and diligence. This work will be of great significance. The work has already attracted the attention of the Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China. In the future, the Ministry of Education will compile books on history education, and I am afraid that they will learn from Gu Yong's writing technique, which is really amazing! Gu Yong's status will be further improved. "

Jian Yishen nodded and said slowly: "This is what Gu Yong deserves, he will be a great writer!"

Wang Yang looked at Jian Yishen with a little surprise, he did not expect Jian Yishen to comment on Gu Yong like this today.

It seems that Jian Yishen has some kind of enlightenment at this moment.

Wang Yang looked at Jian Yishen and nodded slowly.


Not only Jian Yishen has found the answer, but authors in other fields of fiction have also found the answer.

They are equally emotional! It seems that every time Gu Yong publishes a new work, they are full of emotion.

"Those Things in the Ming Dynasty, an amazing work. Let's not talk about Gu Yong's creative writing style, just to study the history of the Ming Dynasty so thoroughly, it is definitely not something that ordinary authors can do. This really prints that sentence. In other words, the more talented people are, the harder they work. Alas!"

"To study history thoroughly may only require interest and perseverance, but to write a work in this way requires talent. Diligence and talent are indispensable. We can only appreciate such works and want to imitate them. It's impossible to write one."

"I heard that this work has attracted the attention of the Ministry of Education, it's really not easy!"

"More than simple? The influence of this work may be greater than we imagined, let's see."



Sansheng Village.

"Those Things in the Ming Dynasty" has just started serialization, and it has already caused shocks from all walks of life. Li Fan is very happy.

His judgment is indeed correct, and this work will indeed be extremely popular.

In the previous life, Mingyue's work had a great influence and won many honors. After five years of publication, it sold more than 10 million copies, becoming one of the classics of history books.

With this book, Mingyue also became a famous best-selling author in one fell swoop.

The National Education Society, the Institute of Language Education and other institutions have recommended this book as a history book.

This work mainly tells about some things about the Ming Dynasty during the three hundred years from 1344 to 1644.

The work is based on historical materials, takes the age and specific characters as the main line, and adds the writing style of the novel.

In particular, he focused most on officialdom politics, war, and imperialism, and added the romance of the political and economic system, human ethics and morality at that time.

In the language of the Internet, the work tells readers the historical stories and characters of the Ming Dynasty for more than 300 years. It makes the historical figures who were originally unfamiliar and ambiguous in history come alive one by one in the book.

Such a work turns the historical figures and stories of the Ming Dynasty into a living life story.

It's no wonder why people like to read this book so much.

Of course, when Li Fan wrote this work in this world, he made some changes and adjustments to some of the characters and stories.

After all, there are still some differences in the historical events and characters of the Ming Dynasty in the two worlds under roughly the same circumstances, which must be modified accordingly.

Now, this work is so popular in this world, and Li Fan is very happy, so it will not be a waste of him to bring this work of Mingyue back to this world, and it will not be a waste of his hard work to revise.


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