Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1970 Launching historical works again?

Li Fan was very happy.

Of course, all this was also expected by him, so he was not surprised.

Meeting Zheng Jie, Liang Sheng, Qin Lie, and Su Yilin in the village, Li Fan said rather proudly, "How are you, the four old men? I told you not to worry."

The four old men were very happy. The significance of "Those Things in the Ming Dynasty" will be very important, and they can naturally see it.

However, seeing the somewhat smug look on Li Fan's face, the four old men said at the same time, "Go, go, go to the side and be proud."

Li Fan laughed and left. He did have other things to do.


The next day, "Those Things in the Ming Dynasty" continued to be updated.

This time, no one hesitated to watch it again? Almost all of them opened the latest updated chapter at the first time. \u00261t;i\u003e\u00261t;/i\u003e

After reading today's serialized content.

On the Internet, book fans are still hotly discussing.

Also, learn to urge more.

"Urgent! Urge! Gu Yong will update soon, a little more, it's at a critical moment, and it's gone."

"Yeah, it's wonderful to watch. Zhu Yuanzhang is about to fight Chen Youliang, who will win? Well, I know that the final winner will be Zhu Yuanzhang, but I want to see the process, how did Zhu Yuanzhang win? His current strength is much worse than that of Chen Youliang."

"Damn it! I didn't even know that Chen Youliang was so powerful in history. He actually became an emperor, and he was the first emperor before Zhu Yuanzhang."

"When I watched Gu Yongda's "Eternal Dragon Slayer" before, there was a character named Chen Youliang. I didn't expect that there was such a person in history, and he was not an ordinary character, so he was simply a generation of heroes!"\u00261t;i \u003e\u00261t;/i\u003e

"We really got to know Chen Youliang again. I'm thinking that in the battle between Chen Youliang and Zhu Yuanzhang, if Chen Youliang won the final victory, and finally overthrew the Yuan Dynasty's rule. Then, Chen Youliang will no longer be just A generation of heroes, but a generation of emperors who overthrew the rule of the Yuan Dynasty and established a new dynasty. The evaluation of Zhu Yuanzhang in history will become a generation of heroes."

"That's right, but there is no such thing as history. If Chen Youliang fails, he can only be a generation of heroes. However, Chen Youliang has actually become an emperor. The country name is Han, the era name is Dayi, and the temple name is Chen Han Gaozu. He is already a generation of emperors. However, at that time it was still the rule of the Yuan Dynasty, the Han Dynasty established by Chen Youliang was not very powerful, and it was destroyed by Zhu Yuanzhang a few years later, so that it had little influence."

"Amazing! Everyone knows a piece of history so well."

"Hey! This is thanks to Gu Yongda's work, as if there is no such work, how can we know this?"\u00261t;i\u003e\u00261t;/i\u003e

"No, it should be said that without this work, we would not be interested in knowing these things. Or, even if we wanted to know these things, we couldn't read the historical books that recorded them."

"So, we want to call on Gu Yong to make more updates, and only update this little every day, it's not enough to watch!"

"That's right! Add more! Add more!"



Book fans kept urging updates, and Li Fan was also willing to follow the fan's wishes, and decided to reveal updates from time to time.

Anyway, the whole work has been written, and you can explode it any way you want.

"Those Things in the Ming Dynasty" is continuously serialized, and Gu Yong will be exposed from time to time, which can be said to be very refreshing for book fans.

The popularity of "Those Things in the Ming Dynasty" has always been high. \u00261t;i\u003e\u00261t;/i\u003e

However, for those online writers, they are also very happy to watch "Those Things in the Ming Dynasty", but at the same time, they are also very happy.

And quite sad and depressed.


Because of this second category of works launched by Guyong, they couldn't write them.

Because they can't write fairy-tale works, they have been waiting for Gu Yong to launch the second type of works, and they are looking forward to the second type of works launched by Gu Yong, they can write.

They have long wanted to create a work of their own.

However, the second category of works launched by Guyong is "history".

There is nothing wrong with this type. The key is to see what specific works Gu Yong has launched. Then, through imitation, reference, and standing on the shoulders of Guyong, can they write their own works?

Now, the specific work is "Things in the Ming Dynasty", which is completely cold now. \u00261t;i\u003e\u00261t;/i\u003e

No matter how they learn from, imitate, or stand on the shoulders of Guyong, it is impossible to write their own works.

They can write a "Things in the Qing Dynasty", "Things in the Tang Dynasty" and so on.

But just think about it.

How can this kind of work be written by ordinary authors?

Therefore, many online authors are depressed, it seems that the time when they want to create a work of their own must be postponed later.

Only after waiting for Guyong to launch the third type, see if there is any chance?

depressed! depressed!

Pity! Pity!

Fortunately, "Those Things in the Ming Dynasty" is very attractive, so that they can't bear to read the scroll, and they are no longer so depressed and regretful. \u00261t;i\u003e\u00261t;/i\u003e


The depression and regret in the hearts of online authors can also be felt by others, including celebrities, ordinary book fans, authors in various fields, etc.

They find it somewhat amusing and sympathetic.

Of course, this kind of "funny" is not a mockery, let alone a sneer. It just feels that those authors must be quite depressed after waiting for a while. They want to laugh, but they don't have any emotion, they just want to laugh.

Then, there is some sympathy, which is really pitiful!

Sansheng Village.

Li Fan saw these situations in his eyes, and he smiled lightly. It seemed that the current outside world's understanding of the category of "history" still had great limitations.

Everyone still thinks that the history category can only be books about real history.

Just like "Things in the Ming Dynasty", although Gu Yong adopts a new writing style, it is still a book about real history.

They don't yet know that history can also be imaginative and colorful.

Of course, it is normal that the outside world does not know now.

After all, the current web article has just kicked off, and everyone's thinking in web articles is not yet active, and Li Fan needs to continue to promote it.

After thinking for a moment, Li Fandeng entered Gu Yong's Weibo and updated a message.

The main target of this Weibo is a group of Internet authors.

The main idea is to let the network authors not have to be sad, depressed or regretful. Let the Internet authors read "Those Things in the Ming Dynasty" carefully, and it is best to study it over and over again.

When the time is right, he will release another historical work, one or two.

At that time, authors who have studied the history of the Ming Dynasty may be able to write their own works.


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