Although there are some voices of doubt, in the eyes of others, those voices are like clowns jumping beams, and no one pays attention to those voices.

However, why did Gu Yong put forward the concept of "alternative historical fiction"? Many people do have some doubts.

In their opinion, compared with non-alternative historical novels, alternate history novels seem to have folded their wings a bit, voluntarily giving up one of the biggest points of interest and one of the biggest cool points.

Of course, although they have doubts in their hearts, they, like book fans, think that alternate history novels will definitely have advantages that non-alternate historical novels don't have, but they can't think of what kind of advantages?

They know that they are not Gu Yong after all, and they cannot think what Gu Yong thinks.

They are waiting for Gu Yong to solve their puzzles, and they know that Gu Yong will definitely solve their puzzles for them.

In fact, of course, this is also the case. Gu Yong will not ignore the idea of ​​"alternative historical novels" after he put forward the idea. He will let the outside world know how alternate historical novels and non-alternative historical novels compare The advantages? What are the disadvantages?

And the best way is to launch an alternate history novel. After reading it, the outside world will naturally compare, summarize, and summarize, without Gu Yong's detailed interpretation.

Therefore, Li Fan decided to launch another historical work, a work that belongs to the alternate history, which was originally in his plan.

Alternate historical novels and non-alternative historical novels have their own advantages and disadvantages. There is no difference between them. The key is how the author writes them.

For readers, some people prefer alternate historical novels, while others prefer non-alternative historical novels, and everyone's preferences are different.

Therefore, Li Fan wants to launch another fictional novel in order to give readers in this world more choices when reading books in the future.

Logging into Guyong's Weibo, Li Fan updated another message, announcing that at 10:00 tomorrow morning, in addition to the update of "Returning to the Ming Dynasty to Be a Prince", a new overhead historical novel will be uploaded, and everyone is welcome to read it.

As soon as the news came out, everyone from all walks of life was stunned, not because Gu Yong wanted to publish a new book, but because it was too early at this time.

Everyone had expected that Gu Yong would probably launch another fictional historical novel, but they did not expect that Gu Yong would launch it at this time.

Everyone originally thought that Guyong would wait until the serialization of "Return to the Ming Dynasty to Be a Prince" was completed before launching it.

Now, just halfway through the serialization of "Return to the Ming Dynasty to Be a Prince", Gu Yong announced that a new work will be released.

Doesn't this mean that Gu Yong will update two works at the same time in the future?

Countless people sighed with emotion, and for book fans, it was unprecedented excitement.

Although there is now a boom in time-travelling historical novels, and many new works appear every day, including a few of good quality, the most anticipated works by book fans are always Gu Yong's works.

They originally thought that they would not be able to see Gu Yong's new works until after "Returning to the Ming Dynasty to Be a Prince" was over, but they never thought that they would be able to see Gu Yong's new works immediately.

Moreover, in this way, they can watch two Gu Yong works at the same time, and there is nothing more exciting to them than this.

What's more, Gu Yong's new works are overhead historical works. In this way, they will soon be able to know what kind of works are overhead historical works?

Guyong gave them the answer so quickly, they believed it would be a very perfect answer.

Fans are excited, and so are the authors of online novels. Guyong's launch of alternate history novels means that they have another choice in the future.

Moreover, this choice is also a time-travel historical novel, which will enrich this type of novel.

Web novel authors are excited and looking forward to it!


Guyong is going to release a new work tomorrow, which is a new historical work.

Once again attracted the attention of countless people from all walks of life.

Everyone wants to know very much, what kind of alternate history novel will Guyong release?

And the time soon arrived at 10 am the next day.

Everyone's eyes once again focused on

A pop-up window almost occupying the entire page of the website appeared, and after a splendid streamer, the title of Gu Yong's new work was announced.

"Necessary Home Ding"!

Jiading? Is this a story about Jiading?

For the first time, everyone was slightly taken aback.

Jiading, everyone naturally understands what Jiading is?

In history, the servants who guarded the house and did errands in the homes of the rich were called servants.

Then it is obvious that the servants belong to the subordinates, they do odd jobs in other people's homes, and their status is very low.

Now, Gu Yong's new work is called "The Need for a Family". Does this mean that the protagonist's identity is to be a servant of the rich family and the servant of the housekeeper?

Moreover, looking at the meaning of the title, it seems that the protagonist will always be a housekeeper.

Isn't the protagonist a transmigrant? Not with a modern high-tech mind? Don't you want to be prosperous in ancient times? How can you only be a servant all the time?

Although the word "superior" was added in front of him, he was still a family member in the end. Even if he achieved the pinnacle of superb quality, he was still the first family member in the world.

Is it really good to let the protagonist be a servant all the time?

Everyone thinks this way, so they will be stunned for the first time.

What they want to see is that the protagonist uses the advantages of modern people to rise strongly in ancient times, and he is omnipotent. Or a very high-ranking official, high above, it's cool to look at it like this, always being a little housekeeper, what's the matter.

However, if you think about it a little more, some people's eyes become brighter and more interesting, until they become very excited and looking forward to it!

Jiading? Hello, Ding!

Jiading is a small person. If something happens, no one else can solve it, but this small person can easily solve it.

So, wouldn't this strong contrast shock others even more? Where did they expect to get a little family member, and they still have such skills.

Wouldn't it make everyone feel more comfortable in this way?

Moreover, a family member is just an identity, and a family member can also do earth-shattering events, be splendid, or be shy.

Moreover, it seems even more exciting for a family member to do these things.

So, how can a family member do these things, isn't it even more exciting?

Thinking of this, some people's eyes lit up, and they suddenly had unprecedented expectations for this work.

Without hesitation, I couldn't wait to open the first chapter.

And those who haven't thought of this for a while, also clicked the first chapter without hesitation.

The protagonist's identity is a family member, so they want to see what kind of family member the protagonist will be?

You know, this is the work of Gu Yong, and no one will choose to give up.


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