Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1985 Stunning Young Master

Everyone clicked on the first chapter of "Need for a Family".

"The autumn wind is gentle, the tree shadows are slender, and the vast Xuanwu Lake is like a huge and smooth mirror, shining with golden light under the afterglow of the setting sun.

The spacious lake was full of waves, and the cruise ship was like a shuttle. There were constant laughter and laughter on the boat, and I didn't know whose ladies were traveling. The scene was very lively.

Countless students and officials stood on the bow of the boat, looking at the flower boat that the young ladies were riding on, showing a wolf-like longing look.

When they approached the flower boat, they suddenly changed their faces, pretending to be upright and aloof, not looking sideways, swaying their folding fans, reciting poems and writing poems, showing their romance.


At the beginning of the chapter, there is a strong atmosphere of Qinhuai Fengyue, everyone's eyes lit up, they like this atmosphere.

Talented scholars, swaying folding fans, reciting poems and writing poems, are very showy, but they have a very strong ancient atmosphere.

Young lady and beautiful woman, she wants to reveal her face, but her voice is like a green bell, her pretty face is slightly red, adding a sense of romance.

Such pictures are beautiful.

However, this is also the time to score. If this time is peaceful and prosperous, such a picture is naturally beautiful.

However, if the borders of the country are not stable at this time, and wars will occur at any time, such a picture does not seem to be very beautiful, but there is a kind of regret that "the tourists are drunk with the warm wind, and they make Hangzhou as Bianzhou."

After these thoughts flashed through their minds, the fans continued down.

Soon, the protagonist appeared.

Standing beside Xuanwu Lake, a man wearing a blue long gown and a pair of rag shoes with a leaking top on his feet, with a very shabby outfit, is called Lin Wanrong, and he must be the protagonist of this work.

Fans are very sure of this, because Lin Wanrong is an honorable person who transmigrates.

According to his own voice, it has been a month since he traveled here. In his previous life, he was a top student in a famous school. After graduation, he worked as a sales manager in a company, and the salary was very generous.

However, during a company group trip to Mount Tai, he accidentally fell off a cliff, crossed into this world, and fell into the Xuanwu Lake in front of him. Thanks to a blind old man surnamed Wei who saved him.

Otherwise, he may not have time to know what kind of world this world is.

How did Lin Wanrong come across this world? The book fans are not very interested, they just sighed with emotion.

What they are interested in is what will happen after Lin Wanrong arrives in this world?

Didn't you say that the protagonist was Jiading? How can this guy still be so leisurely, standing by Xuanwu Lake and admiring the talented and beautiful women in the lake?

Well, no, it should be said to appreciate beautiful women. Talented, presumably Lin Wanrong is not interested in appreciating it.

Isn't this guy still a homeboy? Or is it that the servants of this unknown ancient world are different from the servants in everyone's consciousness?

Can the family members of this world be like Lin Wanrong now, and appreciate beautiful women leisurely and leisurely?

Fans think there are two possibilities.

Continue to look below.

The beauties around Lin Wanrong suddenly went crazy and screamed at a painting boat that had just floated on the lake, just like some modern female fans who saw their male idols screaming.

It turned out that it was Hou Yuebai, who was known as the first talent in Jinling, and he really saw the idol of the male god.

The book fans secretly muttered in their hearts, why is Hou Yue Bai Hou Gongzi very welcome? I wonder if the protagonist Lin Wanrong will slap him in the face later?

Book fans are looking forward to it.

The beauties were screaming for Hou Yuebai, but Hou Yuebai did not come for them, but came after Luo Ning, the first talented girl in Jinling.

Obviously, Hou Yuebai was here to pick up girls, but Luo Ning, the first talented girl, ignored him.

For some reason, the fans wanted to give Luo Ning a thumbs up when they saw that Luo Ning didn't pay attention to Hou Yuebai.

This is a little strange.

There are beautiful women and talented people standing beside Lin Wanrong.

Lin Wanrong to that first talent,

The first talented girl didn't catch a cold, so she snorted softly, which made all the beauties around her look at him.

When the beauties saw Lin Wanrong's shabby appearance, they were a little disdainful, but after seeing Lin Wanrong's appearance, their faces turned slightly red, and they dared not look again.

It turned out that Lin Wanrong was quite handsome, and those beauties were embarrassed.

Book fans sighed, after all, she was still an ancient woman, and her face was really thin.

The beauties blushed, but the few geniuses next to them were unhappy. They were handsome geniuses, and the folding fans in their hands were so handsome that the beauties ignored them and looked at a shabby poor boy instead. Also blushing, how can they bear it?

As a result, one by one made a mockery of Lin Wanrong's shabbyness, but Lin Wanrong ignored them.

This made the fans of the book feel a little gloomy.

Of course, if Lin Wanrong could hit those talented people in the face, it would be even more cool.

It's a pity that Lin Wanrong didn't make a move, which made fans feel a little regretful.

But soon, book fans felt refreshed again, because Lin Wanrong recited a poem.

It is exactly that sentence, "The tourists who are drunk with the warm wind make Hangzhou as Bianzhou."

It turned out that this world is not a peaceful and prosperous age at this time, but that the war in the north is thick.

The war is intensifying in the north, but these talents and beauties are in a romantic relationship, which really makes people feel a little emotional.

Of course, from the point of view of readers who read books, book fans feel very refreshed at this time, because they know that a poem that fits the situation will definitely attract the attention of others.

If it attracts the attention of others, it will naturally come to the moment when the protagonist pretends to be forceful.

Book fans are eagerly waiting.

The fact remains the same.

"What a 'drunk tourist drunk with the warm wind, and straight to Hangzhou as Bianzhou', Xiongtai's sentence is really wonderful, wonderful!" A crisp voice sounded behind Lin Wanrong.

Come on, come on, fans of books know it's going to be like this.

I just don't know what the identity of this person who shouted "wonderful, wonderful plan" is? Hopefully it won't be an ordinary passer-by character.

It should not be, because if it is a passerby character, there will usually be a group, not one.

As for the people who eat melons, there must be more people. The authors write like this.

Fans feel like they're already very experienced.

Lin Wanrong was a little overjoyed that someone finally appreciated him, it wasn't easy! Turning around to take a look, it is a stunning young man with a face like powder.

Stunning boy? This name is a bit strange, because "beautiful" is generally used to describe beautiful women, while "handsome" is generally used to describe young masters.

The name of this "Stunning Young Master" always makes people feel a little strange.

However, since Lin Wanrong said so, it naturally has his reasons.

Because that young man has slender eyebrows, phoenix eyes, lips like crimson dots, eyes like morning stars, holding a small white fan in his hand, and wearing a light yellow gown, he can't say that he is beautiful, he is even more beautiful than a woman, and he calls it "a stunning beauty". ' seems to be the most appropriate.

Calling a man beautiful, fans always feel a little shabby.

Next to the stunning young man stood a handsome young servant who was also a mess. The two seemed to be in a master-servant relationship.

It's okay for a man to be beautiful, and now even the servants around him are beautiful, and book fans feel even more shabby.

Fortunately, this stunning young master's words and actions are fairly normal, otherwise, fans of the book would have some doubts that this stunning young master likes men, not women.


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