Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1989 Pull the hook and hang it for 100 years

Sansheng Village.

Li Fan was tinkering with a script in his study. Last time, Shen Neng called and said that the state planned to shoot a TV series about the Three Kingdoms, and asked Li Fan to help create a work.

Li Fan agreed, and said that he could finish the script first, let the TV series start filming first, and then launch the novel.

Now, on the CCTV TV drama channel, the crew has been formed, and they are waiting for Li Fan's script and the actors who will confirm the main role.

Just finished, Qin Yulin stuck out his head at the door and asked, "Brother-in-law, when are you going to the capital?"

Li Fan smiled and said, "It's just tomorrow. Minister Wang is probably waiting anxiously."

"Tomorrow?" Qin Yulin asked, "Is the script finished?"

Li Fan nodded and said, "The last part of the creation has just been completed. Do you want to take a look, girl?"

Qin Yulin shook his head and said, "Don't watch it, don't watch it, I don't like watching historical TV dramas, it's not good."

Li Fandao: "Other historical dramas are not good-looking, but it doesn't mean that the historical dramas I created are not good-looking, right? You really don't watch them?"

Qin Yulin's eyes lit up, he hesitated for a moment, and finally shook his head and said, "I still don't watch it. When the TV series are broadcast in the future, I'll just watch the TV series directly."

Li Fan nodded and said again: "Okay, then you can just watch the TV series in the future. Let's go, let's go around and see what the old men are doing? I'll be leaving tomorrow. Let's have dinner together tonight. meal."

Qin Yulin nodded, followed Li Fan downstairs and walked out of the courtyard.

There is still a lively scene of tourists in the village. The two of them walked and watched, and they came to Yuanlai in a short time.

The four old men were not there. Zhang Xia told them that they had all gone fishing in the weir pond.

After Li Fan and Qin Yulin thanked Zhang Xia, they turned around and walked towards Dayantang.

The designated fishing area around Dayan Pond is crowded with tourists, many of whom come to fish from afar, and there are even many foreign tourists.

The fish in Sansheng Village is hard to catch and delicious, and it has spread all over the world.

The previous few weirs and ponds are far from being able to meet the needs of tourists.

Fortunately, there are still a lot of weirs and ponds in the surrounding villages. After all of them are used, they can barely meet the demand.

But it is only to meet the demand temporarily, and it needs to continue to expand in the future.

Of course, the other industries of the farm also need to continue to expand.

Now, several villages around Sansheng Village have become farm sites, and if they expand further, they can only expand to a few more outer villages.

The villagers in those villages have been looking forward to it day and night, and they have long been looking forward to the expansion of the farm to their villages.

In fact, they didn't have to wait long. Soon, the farm would expand again, and several more outer villages would all be included as farm sites.

By that time, it would take at least an hour to drive around the farm.

When Li Fan and Qin Yulin were about to reach Dayantang, Li Fan asked with a smile, "Girl, who do you think the four of them are winning now?"

The reason why Li Fan asked this was because the four old men would compete with each other every time they fished to see who caught more fish?

Qin Yulin thought for a while, then smiled and said, "I guess it should be Mr. Liang. I think Mr. Liang's skills are the best."

Li Fan smiled and said, "If your grandfather heard what you said, he probably wouldn't spare you lightly."

Qin Yulin stuck out his tongue and said, "Brother-in-law, you can't tell grandpa."

Li Fan said: "Okay, I won't say it."

After hearing this, Qin Yulin stretched out his right hand, his thumb and little finger were straight, and the other three fingers were bent, and then shook.

Li Fan smiled, and naturally understood what Li Fan meant, and also stretched out his right hand, making the same action as Qin Yulin.

Then, their little fingers hooked together and pulled. After pulling, the two thumbs touched again.

While doing these two actions, the two also recited at the same time: "The hook cannot be changed for a hundred years!"

After that, Qin Yulin snorted proudly.

Soon, Qin Yulin only heard a "Huh" sound, as if thinking of something suspicious, and said, "Brother-in-law, we said this sentence when we were young, and it is very clear what it means. However, I just suddenly thought of something. The question, this hook is easy to understand, but why do you hang yourself after pulling the hook? Also, why is it not allowed to change for a hundred years? Isn’t it better for ten thousand years?”

After hearing this, Li Fan couldn't help laughing, and he was right, why did he hang himself after pulling the hook? Why is it not allowed to change for another hundred years?

"Pull the hook and hang it for 100 years, it can't be changed." This sentence should be regarded as a nursery rhyme, and it should have been handed down since ancient times. Almost everyone knows this sentence.

When I was young, many people should have done the action of pulling the hook and read this sentence.

After the action is done and the words are read, there is no need to worry about the other party's repentance or breach of contract, and the little heart is comforted.

It's just that when everyone was reading this sentence when they were young, they didn't think about it, why did they hang themselves after pulling the hook? I don't even think about why it cannot be changed for a hundred years?

When I think about it now, there is a problem. After pulling the hook, I hang myself, which is really interesting and incomprehensible.

It's also a bit strange that there are still one hundred years that must not be changed.

In fact, the "hanging" here is not the kind of suicide that we think.

Hanging, in ancient times, is a coin unit. People often say that a hanging money is usually a thousand coins, or the number of copper coins worth a thousand coins.

In ancient times, copper coins were not easy to manage, and they were easy to fall off when placed on the body. People used ropes to wear copper coins, and then tied them in knots so that they would not fall off.

Generally, 1ooo copper coins are tied together, which is called "a hanging money".

The "hanging" in the hook and hanging refers to the process of putting on the copper coins.

In this way, we can understand what the "hanging" in the hanging hook means?

Moreover, when the two people make the action of "pulling the hook" and "hanging", they are still.

At this time, the little fingers of the two people are hooked, and the thumbs are turned upside down. When viewed from the side, it looks like a hanging copper coin.

How about it? Does it feel like there is a new big 6?

As for why it is not allowed to change for a hundred years?

This is to be understood.

We often use the century to refer to a person's life. The ancients said: "Life is always drunk for a hundred years, and it counts as 36,000 tides."

Although a hundred years is a long time, sometimes it is very short, and there are few things that can be done. Therefore, from this perspective, a hundred years also means that life is short.

After "pulling the hook" and "hanging", if you want to add another time limit, it doesn't take too long, a hundred years is enough.

Because a hundred years can be very long or very short.

Then, for both parties to the agreement, it is a very long agreement, and both parties can rest assured.

It is also a very short agreement. Both parties can think that since the agreement time is so short, the other party will definitely be able to abide by the agreement, and there is no need to worry that the other party will break the agreement because the agreement time is too long.

Therefore, this hundred years of time, that is very particular.

When Li Fan told Qin Yulin about these details, Qin Yulin's eyes widened instantly, and he couldn't help but let out a "wow".

It was so!


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