Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2002 Sit down, this is just a routine operation

Yuan Changfeng suddenly regretted it even more. The audition invitation sent to him by the crew of "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" was for him to audition for the role of Zhuge Liang.

If he hadn't refused at that time, the probability of passing the audition should be not small, and he is very confident in his acting skills.

Moreover, the crew must also think that he is suitable to play Zhuge Liang, so they will invite him to audition, and the probability of passing the audition is naturally not low.

If he passed the audition, shouldn't it be him who is so popular now? What's wrong with Tang Guoqiang?

With the current surge in popularity, even if the final ratings are not ideal, it doesn't matter.

The more Yuan Changfeng thought about it, the more he regretted it. He never thought that Li Fan's influence would be so great. It was obviously a historical drama with a very sluggish market, but it still set off such a craze.


Yuan Changfeng only sighed. Those schadenfreudes in the past suddenly softened a lot. Now he just wants to regret it, and how much he has to rejoice in misfortune?

Yuan Changfeng became more and more regretful, and Lu Qi also became more and more regretful.

However, while Lu Qi regretted it, he was also a little dissatisfied and jealous.

The crew invited him to audition for the role of Liu Bei, but he refused. And now the role of Liu Bei is played by Sun Yanjun, who is also a second-tier superstar.

Sun Yanjun took the initiative to sign up to audition for the role of Liu Bei.

Sun Yanjun took the initiative to sign up, while Lu Qi refused to invite him. These are two different relationships.

If the response to the opening ceremony of the "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" crew is flat now, not many people pay attention.

Then, Lu Qi can laugh at Sun Yanjun, saying that he has a problem with his vision. It is obviously a TV drama with a sluggish market. He also took the initiative to audition, but his vision was extremely accurate, and he took the initiative to refuse the audition invitation from the crew.

But now the opening ceremony of "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" is so influential that Sun Yanjun's popularity has skyrocketed.

Then, the situation is reversed. It is Lu Qi who has a problem with his vision, and Sun Yanjun who has the most accurate vision.

Also a second-tier superstar actor, why is Sun Yanjun's vision more accurate than his?

Lu Qi was dissatisfied and jealous.

But no matter how dissatisfied he was, no matter how jealous he was, it was useless, he could only be envious and jealous, watching Sun Yanjun's popularity soar.

For every point in popularity, he hates one point.

He not only hated Sun Yanjun for being more accurate than him, he also hated the "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" crew, why didn't he directly invite him to play the role of Liu Bei, but just let him audition?

If the crew directly invited him to play the role of Liu Bei, maybe he would agree.

He also hated why Li Fan didn't invite him in person? If Li Fan invited him personally, he should and likely would agree.

There has been a problem with his mentality, and he is only looking forward to one thing now, that is, the final ratings of "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" will be dismal.

The dismal audience ratings are in stark contrast to the now extremely popular opening ceremony. As a result, there may be a lot of disappointment and even ridicule from the outside world and the media.

If that's the case, Lu Qi believes that he can feel the slightest pleasure.


The one with the fastest rise in popularity is Tang Guoqiang, followed by Sun Yanjun. In addition, the popularity of starring Bao Guoan, Li Jingfei, Lu Shuming, etc., is not slow to increase.

This made all the protagonists excited and excited like never before. They never imagined that it was just a kick-off ceremony that made their popularity soar.

Tang Guoqiang sighed in his heart that in recent years, he has dropped from a first-tier superstar to a third-tier star. Although this is the inevitable result of his fading out of the film and television industry, it can be said that he chose it voluntarily, but it does not mean that he has no regrets at all. .

If he can, he naturally hopes that he has always been a first-line superstar.

However, this is of course impossible. His popularity has been declining since a few years ago. It is just because of his previous influence that his popularity has dropped very slowly. After a few years, it is still the same. Three-line star.

He also thought about when and under what circumstances would his popularity rise a little?

In the past few years, he has thought a lot and assumed a lot of situations, but he never imagined that a start-up ceremony would make his popularity rise wildly.

If this trend continues, it is very likely that he has returned to the ranks of second-tier superstars before the filming has officially started.

Everything is so magical and simple.

Of course, this is only superficially simple, or it is Li Fan who made everything so simple.

Tang Guoqiang was filled with emotion!

There is also Sun Yanjun who is also full of emotion. He took the initiative to sign up for the audition, and he really saw that the influence of this drama will be not small.

But now, he found that he still underestimated the influence of the show, or underestimated the influence of Li Fan.

He has almost determined one thing now, and that is the drama "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", which will push him to the position of the first-line superstar that he has always dreamed of.

This is the influence of a person and a drama, it's really scary!

Bao Guoan, Li Jingfei, Lu Shuming and others were even more emotional. They had successfully seized such an opportunity. They found that God favored them.

They were excited and grateful, grateful for God's care for them, and grateful that Li Fan gave them this opportunity.


The constant reports from hundreds of media is a spectacular scene, which makes countless ordinary netizens stunned and excited.

Their interest in the TV series "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" has grown a lot stronger.

For this drama, they have already begun to look forward to it!

There are already more and more people who plan to watch this drama.

Of course, they still only intend to watch the first few episodes. If the first few episodes can't keep them successfully, they won't watch it later.

But no matter what, the more people who plan to watch the first few episodes, the more people who end up being successful in keeping them, the more they will not.

Netizens are talking about it online.

"I rub it! Hundreds of media reported at the same time, this is too big, right? Moreover, this is a historical TV series with a very sluggish market, and Mr. Li Fan's influence is terrifying! Of course, this is related to 'CCTV shooting' and ' The above requirements' are also relevant, but Mr. Li Fan definitely accounts for most of the reasons."

"Tang Guoqiang actually made a comeback, which is really unexpected. And there should be only one reason for his comeback, and that is the role of Zhuge Liang in "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", which made him regain his enthusiasm for filming. It seems that Zhuge Liang This role is not easy!"

"Sun Yanjun actually signed up for the audition himself. Did he know at that time that the show's influence would be so great? His vision is accurate! No wonder he became a second-tier superstar."

"Hey! But not all second-tier superstars are so accurate. A few days ago, Lu Qi and Yuan Changfeng didn't take the initiative to break the news, saying that they rejected the audition invitation from the "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" crew? I wonder if the two of them regret it now? "

"In my opinion, my bowels are definitely regretful."

"The reason why the two of them took the initiative to break the news should be to prove that their vision is accurate, but who knows that the situation is exactly the opposite, which is really sad enough."

"Anyway, the "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" TV series has a huge influence now, and it's just waiting to be broadcast."

"A historical drama with a very sluggish market has made countless people waiting for the broadcast, although the vast majority of people may only watch the first few episodes. But I have to say that this is really a miracle."

"Miracle? For Mr. Li Fan, this is just a routine operation, not a miracle."

"That's... that's true. Then everyone sit down, it's just routine."



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