Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2010 The opportunity has not slipped away

front of the stage.

Among the recruiters of Huaxia Records, a man with a beard said: "Student, your singing has many flaws and your singing skills are relatively lacking, but you still have good development potential. We are willing to pay proper attention to you. , I hope the students will continue to work hard in the future.”

The words of the bearded man can be regarded as the end of Qiu Jing's singing. Huaxia Records will pay appropriate attention, which is also a good answer.

It's not as close as paying close attention, but it's far better than not paying attention at all.

This shows that Qiu Jing already has a certain strength and has a good development potential, but there is still a certain distance from the requirements of Huaxia Records.

After all, Huaxia Records is a first-class big record company, and the requirements are very high.

For Qiu Jing, getting such an answer is worth celebrating.

Qiu Jing is indeed very happy. She didn't have any hope, and she didn't have enough self-confidence. She didn't plan to sing on stage.

It is a pleasant surprise to have such an answer now.

As for what the young man said, if she thinks she can cultivate it, she will recommend her to sign a contract with Huaxia Records directly. Qiu Jing does not hope.

At this time, she also thought that the young man might just be encouraging her to sing on stage in this way, to thank herself for showing him the way before.

That young man was really helping her, not just signing a contract with Huaxia Records directly, but helping her have the confidence to stand on the stage and sing.

Qiu Jing was very grateful. If it wasn't for that young man, she would definitely not have come to the stage today, and she would not have the chance to be noticed by Huaxia Records now.

She had suspected that the young man had thoughts about her before, which made her feel a little ashamed now.

However, the words that Lin Luoxue and Rao Dan said still made her very puzzled. She must ask them to clarify later, Qiu Jing thought so in her heart.

With these thoughts flashing through her mind, Qiu Jing walked towards the recruiter of Huaxia Records, ready to fill in her information.

Now that Huaxia Records has indicated that it will pay due attention to her, it is necessary to fill in an information.

No information has been filled in before.

At this time, all the students in the auditorium were discussing the answers given by Huaxia Records.

"Well, the results are not bad. If you can get proper attention, there will also be a possibility of signing a contract in the future. Not bad, it is worth congratulations."

"This classmate is good-looking and has a good figure. Although I only pay attention to it now, I think she has a high possibility of signing a contract in the future."

"It's not bad, I think it's very good to be paid due attention to by Huaxia Records. If it is a small record company, maybe they can sign a contract directly."

"I think so too. Come, let's congratulate this classmate."


In the crowd, the two women, Lin Luoxue and Rao Dan, looked at each other and sighed at the same time. It seemed that the chance had really slipped away.

The second daughter is very sorry, this is really a great opportunity, and it is not just that Qiu Jing can directly sign with Huaxia Records.

After signing the contract, because Qiu Jing was personally recommended by Li Fan, Huaxia Records will definitely cultivate it vigorously, and resources will also be tilted towards her.

Too bad there's nothing left now. Even if Qiu Jing succeeds in signing a contract with Huaxia Records through her own efforts, the resources she can get from Huaxia Records will definitely be far from being on a par with Li Fan's recommendation to sign a contract.

The second daughter is really very regretful, and the opportunity is really fleeting.

The second daughter is now thinking, do you want to tell Qiu Jing Li Fan's true identity? They were afraid that Qiu Jing would regret it after knowing Li Fan's true identity.

At this time, the students around were thinking, could that kid really do it for that girl to be able to sing on stage?

Now that girl has successfully been followed by Huaxia Records, why do you really have to thank that kid?

They increasingly do not understand, which kind of situation is the truth of the matter.

At this time, among the recruiters of Huaxia Records, a man who looked like the person in charge of the scene was answering the phone.

" this true? Good! Good! Understood! Understood! I know, I know what to do."

After hanging up the phone, the person in charge seemed very excited. He whispered something to the other recruiters, and the other recruiters also became excited instantly.

The bearded man said, "This... is this true?"

The person in charge said: "Of course, it was Liang Xian who called me personally just now. This is really an unexpected and huge gain!"

The bearded man said, "Does Mr. Li Fan know this classmate?"

The person in charge said: "This is not clear. Mr. Li Fan does whatever he wants. Maybe he knows him, maybe he doesn't, but in any case, this is the chance of that classmate and the chance of our Huaxia Records."

The rest of them nodded their heads in haste.

At this time, Qiu Jing was walking towards them. Before Qiu Jing approached, the person in charge asked impatiently, "This classmate, is your name Qiu Jing?"

Qiu Jing was taken aback for a moment, why did the other party suddenly ask her name? Isn't she going to fill in the information soon? After filling in the information, will the other party know?

However, despite her doubts, she nodded and said, "Well, I'm Qiu Jing."

The person in charge nodded calmly, "The name plus the clothes and appearance can match, it seems that she is her, you can't go wrong."

Immediately, the person in charge smiled and said: "Qiu Jing, congratulations, if you want, you can now directly sign with our Huaxia Records. After signing the contract, you will officially become the signed singer of our Huaxia Records. "

"Ah?" Qiu Jing stopped abruptly and couldn't believe what she just heard, "Can you sign a contract with Huaxia Records directly?"

Not only Qiu Jing couldn't believe it, but all the students in the auditorium also couldn't believe it. All of them had expressions of astonishment on their faces. They all wondered if they had heard it wrong just now.

The auditorium, which had been buzzing, suddenly became quiet at this moment. All the students looked towards the direction of the Huaxia Records recruiters, and no one spoke.

Lin Luoxue and Rao Dan exclaimed "Ah", and then hurriedly covered their mouths with their hands, their faces full of excitement and excitement.

Other students wondered if they heard it wrong, but they did not doubt, because they knew why such a sudden change happened?

They were just excited. It turned out that the opportunity that belonged to Qiu Jing had not slipped away.



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