Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2018 1 dragon divided 2 tigers

After learning that the TV picture was the "Yellow Turban Uprising", those viewers who were not interested in history were very happy.

And those book fans who solve puzzles for others are equally happy at this time. The feeling of solving puzzles for others is really cool. They like it very much and look forward to coming more times.

And they know that in the future, they will have many opportunities to solve the puzzles of others, and they are very much looking forward to it.

This was not expected before, and it was a surprise after the launch of "Romance of the Three Kingdoms".

Fortunately, they are familiar with "Things in the Three Kingdoms", otherwise, how can they solve the confusion for others now? How can you feel so cool?

For this, I must also thank Guyong. If it wasn't for his launch of "Those Things in the Ming Dynasty", all the things behind it would be gone.

Even Li Fan will not launch the work "Romance of the Three Kingdoms".

Now that everyone can see "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" and hear the heartwarming theme song, in addition to thanking Li Fan, we must also thank Guyong.

Book fans thought so in their hearts, and the plot of "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" continued.

The Yellow Turban Uprising was in full swing, and Emperor Ling of Han ordered the landlords to lead troops to suppress it, and the states recruited troops to defend.

A recruiting notice was posted at the gate of Zhuo County.

In the crowd watching the notice, the audience saw a person, a person they were already very familiar with, Liu Bei.

At the opening ceremony a few days ago, all the leading actors appeared, and they appeared in the costumes of the characters in the play.

Therefore, the audience saw Liu Bei's figure in the crowd at a glance.

The audience was overjoyed, as if seeing a familiar old friend.

Everyone has been discussing before. After the launch of "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", who will be the first to appear among those familiar figures at the launching ceremony?

Now the answer is revealed, it is Liu Bei.

What made the audience even more delighted was that a familiar figure soon appeared.

Liu Bei was the great-great-grandson of Emperor Jing of the Han Dynasty. After Liu Sheng, King of Zhongshan, he was a clan of the Han family. However, he lost his father when he was young and lived with his mother in Zhuo County.

Therefore, Liu Bei sighed while looking at the recruitment notice.

At this time, another figure familiar to the audience appeared in the crowd. It was tall, with a long beard and thick beard. Both ends of the upper lip beard were flying upwards. The leopard head and eyes, it was Zhang Fei.

The audience was overjoyed again, and Zhang Fei even appeared.

The visual impact of Zhang Fei's image is too strong, even in the vast crowd, it is difficult for the audience not to notice.

Zhang Fei should have heard Liu Bei's sigh, so he walked up to Liu Bei and said, "A man does not contribute to the country, but sighs here, what is a man?"

After hearing this, Liu Bei saw his unusual appearance and asked his name, Zhang Fei replied that his surname was Zhang Mingfei, and the word was Yide. Living in Zhuo County, the family has quite a few farms, selling wine and slaughtering pigs, and specializing in making friends with heroes in the world. I just saw Liu Bei sighed at the list, so I came to ask.

After listening to this, the audience couldn't help but sigh with emotion, Zhang Fei is such a local tyrant!

In fact, Zhang Fei is really a local tyrant.

At least in the work "Romance of the Three Kingdoms".

The Taoyuan in "Taoyuan Three Knots" is Zhang Fei's back garden.

In addition, the reason why Liu Bei, Guan Yu, and Zhang Fei were able to rise up was entirely supported by Zhang Fei's money.

Liu Bei and Guan Yu, one made a table and sold concubine, and the other sold mung beans. If they can make a living, it is not bad. How can they have extra money to fight?

After listening to Zhang Fei's self-introduction, Liu Bei said that he was originally a clan of the Han family, surnamed Liu, and named Bei. Now I heard that the Yellow Turbans advocated chaos and wanted to break the bandits and save the people.

After hearing this, Zhang Fei said that his family has quite a lot of money, and he is willing to invest in recruiting Xiangyong to hold a major event with Liu Bei. He asked Liu Bei how he felt?

Liu Bei was naturally delighted when he heard this, so he went to a hotel for a drink with Zhang Fei.

The audience sighed again that Zhang Fei is really a local tyrant.

After such a sigh, the eyes of the audience suddenly lit up again, because they found another figure in the crowd.

That figure was taller than Zhang Fei, with a long black beard hanging on his chest, Danfeng eyes, lying silkworm eyebrows, a dignified appearance, and a majestic appearance, it was Guan Yu.

After Liu Bei and Zhang Fei, Guan Yu also appeared.

The audience's impressive characters appeared one after another, which made them very happy, but when they saw what Guan Yu was doing, they were quite surprised.

I saw Guan Yu sitting on a stone bench with a large burlap pocket in front of him, which was full of mung beans, and Guan Yu was actually selling mung beans.

Guan Yu is such a heroic image, but sitting on the street selling mung beans, no matter how you look at it, it feels a little incongruous, and it is no wonder that the audience is shocked.

There is a butcher's shop on the street. Some customers go to buy meat, but the butcher's staff doesn't sell it. They say that the meat is all placed in a well with a very heavy grinding plate on it, which cannot be moved or taken out.

It turned out that the boss of the shop had put the meat in the well, and the grinding plate was covered by the boss, and he also said that whoever can remove the grinding plate can take the meat from the well.

The grinding wheel is very heavy, and it is naturally impossible for ordinary people to move it.

Guan Yu came to the butcher shop.

The audience's eyes widened, and they had a premonition that Guan Yu was going to remove the grinding wheel.

In fact, it really did. Guan Yu moved the grinding plate and let the man take out the meat and distribute it to everyone for free.

Seeing that Guan Yu was so brave, the man had to do as he did, taking the meat out of the well and sharing it with everyone.

The crowd cheered, and Guan Yu returned to his mung bean stall and continued to sell mung beans.

Immediately afterwards, Zhang Fei came to Guan Yu's mung bean stand, grabbed a handful of mung beans, squeezed them into bean flour, and then said that Guan Yu was selling bean flour, and selling the bean flour as mung beans was pure swindle.

This is clearly a deliberate attempt to make trouble.

Why did Zhang Fei come to deliberately trouble Guan Yu?

It turned out that the previous butcher shop was opened by Zhang Fei, Zhang Fei put the meat in the well, and he covered the grinding plate. He heard that someone had removed the grinding plate and took the meat from the well, so he looked for it.

He doesn't feel bad for the meat in the well, Zhang Fei is a local tyrant, what is a mere amount of meat? He wanted to have a good contest with the person who removed the grinding wheel, and compete.

In this way, the two moved their hands, and the fight was inextricable.

The audience watched with great interest, and they were all thinking, who is the more powerful of the two?

Some people think it is Guan Yu, because Guan Yu is taller. Some people think it's Zhang Fei, because Zhang Fei's face is more vicious.

Everyone was looking forward to the result of the fight between the two, but unfortunately there was no result in the end.

Because, just when the two were in an inextricable battle, Liu Bei appeared and pulled the two apart, leaving the two to fight.

The process of Liu Bei pulling the two apart made the audience stunned for a while. Liu Bei seemed to be thin and weak, but he had such great strength.

Simply innate power!

At that time, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei were fighting each other. Liu Bei walked over and grabbed Guan Yu's arm with one hand and Zhang Fei's arm with the other. Separated and unable to move.

The two were shocked, and both admired Liu Bei's divine power.

Later, when Liu Bei ascended the throne and became emperor, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei became tiger generals. People called the story of Liu Bei's divine power divided between Guan Yu and Zhang Fei and called it "one dragon divides two tigers".

This is the origin of the folk saying, "one dragon divides two tigers".

It is worth noting that in the previous CCTV classic version of "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", there was a plot of "one dragon divided into two tigers", but there is no such plot in the original novel of "Romance of the Three Kingdoms".

However, "One Dragon Divides Two Tigers" is not an original CCTV version, but has been circulated among the people a long time ago.

When Li Fan brought "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" to this world, he added the plot of "one dragon and two tigers".

Finally, Liu Bei's natural power exists in some folklore. As for Liu Bei in real history, is he also very powerful?

This question may be difficult to come to a conclusion.



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