Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2022 The story of gamers playing games

Great Martial Arts Magazine.

Jian Yishen frowned slightly, and he found it bitterly that he could not guess Gu Yong's thoughts again.

Moreover, this time, it made him even more helpless than when Gu Yong proposed the concept of "Xianxia" before.

"Xianxia" is a brand-new concept. I have never heard of it before, so it's just a matter of guessing Gu Yong's idea, which is very normal.

After all, not everyone is old-fashioned.

But this time the type is "game". Jian Yishen is naturally very familiar with the concept of "game" and can fully understand it, but he is still completely unable to guess Gu Yong's thoughts, which makes people very helpless.

Seeing Jian Yishen's helplessness, Wang Yang smiled and said, "Xiao Tang, it's nothing, it's very normal. You have to know that the more ordinary and ordinary a concept is, the more difficult it is to make people feel. Guess the intention of the proposer. The concept of 'game' is too broad for us to guess, it is very normal."

Jian Yishen nodded and said, "Editor-in-chief, I understand this. What I'm thinking about is why Gu Yong can discover that he can also create novels about 'games'?"

Wang Yang said: "That's why there is only one Guyong."

Jian Yishen said helplessly: "Indeed, there is only one Guyong."

Wang Yang smiled again and said, "Gu Yong has only announced the genre now. When he announces the title of the book, the answer may be clearer."

Jian Yi Shen said: "I hope we can guess the answer after he announces the title of the book."

Wang Yang nodded, he thought so too.


Sansheng Village.

Zheng Jie looked at Li Fan and asked, "Games? Can games be written as online novels?"

Li Fan smiled and said, "Of course you can, and there is far more than one way of writing."

Zheng Jie said again: "Your next work should be ready, right? What kind of writing method is your next work?"

Li Fandao: "A story about a gamer playing a game, or a group of gamers playing the same game."

"The story of gamers playing games?" Hearing Li Fan's words, Zheng Jie, Liang Sheng, Qin Lie, and Su Yilin all felt a little astonished.

They originally thought that Li Fan's writing method would be an unexpected and mysterious high-end writing method, but who knew that it turned out to be the story of gamers playing games.

I have to say that this way of writing is neither high-end nor mysterious.

Someone on the Internet has guessed that it should be a story about a person playing a game, right?

And this statement was immediately denied by countless people. How could it be to write a story about a person playing a game? What's the point of a story like this?

The story that Gu Yong wants to write is definitely beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

Most people think so, and so do the four old men.

Therefore, after hearing what Li Fan said, the four old masters looked astonished.

However, the four old men then thought, the more ordinary the way of writing,

Often, the more it can surprise people, since this kid dares to write like this, it proves that he has absolute certainty to surprise everyone.

Thinking of this, the four old men nodded slowly again. The story of the player playing the game is the story of the player playing the game. Write ordinary things out of the ordinary.

Afterwards, Zheng Jie said with a smile: "Now the outside world is speculating, how exactly should you write about your 'game' work? If you let everyone know, it's just a story of gamers playing the game, and I don't know what they will think? Maybe you will feel a little disappointed, thinking that your kid will come up with some high-end, mysterious writing."

Li Fan laughed and said, "There's no such thing as a high-end, mysterious way of writing. Since the outside world is constantly guessing and can't come up with an answer, I'll just announce the answer now, so that everyone won't keep guessing. "

Zheng Jie said: "Alright, anyway, the serialization will officially start in a few days. By the way, what is the title of the book? It should have been confirmed."

Li Fan nodded and said, "Yes, it's called "Full-time Master"!"

Later, Li Fan logged into Guyong's Weibo and updated a message.

"Hello everyone! The new book "Full-time Master" will officially meet you in a week. This is a story about a group of gamers who play games!"

As soon as the news came out, it quickly focused the attention of countless people from all walks of life.

Since Gu Yong's previous Weibo announced the next type of "game", everyone is looking forward to Gu Yong's next Weibo while discussing.

As everyone knows, Gu Yong will definitely have a Weibo post about the new book preview.

Everyone thinks that they can't guess what Gu Yong thinks by just relying on the word "game", but if Gu Yong announces the title of the book, they should be able to guess one or two.

All are waiting.

Now, they finally waited.

Gu Yong not only announced the title of the new book, but also revealed the story of what the new book is about, so there is no need for everyone to guess based on the title.

It's just that Gu Yong is serious? The story of a group of gamers playing games, is this really good?

Almost everyone was stunned, and they even had some doubts, was Gu Yong joking with them?

See how a group of players play the game? What game to play? Card games as a kid? arcade games? Or is it later computer network games? mobile game?

Well, that's not the point, the point is that no matter what kind of game you play, it doesn't seem to be interesting!

Does this work look good?

Countless people murmured in their hearts, they thought that this time, what high-end and mysterious story Gu Yong was going to make up, who knew it was the story of players playing games.

Of course, everyone is not disappointed, but rather astonished, and they are very doubtful that such a work can look good?

Although everyone knows, don't doubt Gu Yong, but if you know it, you can't help but doubt it!

No way, who made this time a story about the player playing the game.

Many people have guessed like this in a joking manner before, but I didn't expect this to come true.

"It's really a story about players playing games. Gu Yongda made us only 'surprise' this time, not 'joy'!"

"No one can keep up with Gu Yong's big ideas. When everyone thought it was high-end and mysterious, he was so ordinary."

"Gu Yongda doesn't really want to teach us to play games, right? How about Gu Yongda's game level?"

""Full-time master"? According to the title of the book, the game that Gu Yongda will play this time should be a professional one. Then, it should be an online game. I don't know which online game it is? Shouldn't it be a certain game company that paid a lot of money to invite Gu Yongda to write a novel about their game?"

"It's not impossible to have this possibility, but it's not very likely. It should be impossible for Gu Yong to accept this kind of invitation."

"But if Gu Yongda really wrote a certain game, no matter whether it looks good or not, that game will definitely become a hit. This is the influence of Gu Yongda, and it's not that the game company will be in vain. Is it profitable?"

"Yeah, but there's no way, who asked Gu Yongda to write what game this time. If any game company really benefits, it can only be regarded as it should have this opportunity. The rest of the game companies, just Be envious and jealous."

"It's... well."



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