Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2027 Ye Qiu? Ye Xiu?

Some game companies are instantly heartbroken. If they can perfectly copy Gu Yong's fictional game "Glory", and then publish and operate it, it will definitely become a huge hit and become the number one game on the Internet.

Then, you can follow Gu Yong's setting for the work, establish a professional league, hold a professional league, etc... and so on.

By that time, there will be infinite great fame and honor, as well as wealth. And, leading the influence of the world game industry.

The company's status and reputation will be completely unprecedented, attracting global attention.

Thinking of such a prospect, the eyes of those game companies are full of endless fiery, and they can't be extinguished.

One of the prerequisites for these is to successfully copy "Honor" and successfully distribute and operate it.

So, how can we perfectly replicate the game "Glory"?

Naturally, it is to have a complete understanding of the various scenes and settings of the game.

People from the game company believe that Gu Yong will definitely give a comprehensive description of "Glory" in the following content. They only need to study and record well, and all kinds of data about "Glory" in the work will be fine.

With detailed data, major game companies believe that they can successfully copy "Glory".

For a time, the desire of major game companies to learn more about the game "Glory" is far stronger than that of book fans.

In addition to the desire for the game "Glory", book fans are more eager for the plot, while major game companies are now only eager for the game "Glory".

It's just that they don't know yet that the complexity of the game "Glory" will far exceed their imagination.

It is not an easy task to perfectly replicate "Glory".

Of course, with the level of game production in this world, it is indeed possible to do it, but only the top game companies have the ability and financial resources to do it.

The rest of the game companies can only hope and sigh.

Of course, they haven't looked at the ocean and sighed, and now they are still full of fiery eyes and full of fighting spirit, and they are full of expectations for various data about "Glory".


Times Literature Award Jury Office.

Yang Qiming sighed for a long time and said, "It's amazing! It's really amazing! Just the beginning, it completely attracted people. Even I was attracted. In the next year, what will Ye Qiu do? After a year, will he still be able to return as a king? After returning, what kind of stories will happen, etc., all of which are too exciting. Books about games can still be written like this, Gu Yong is amazing. !"

Li Bo said: "It's really amazing. Who would have believed that stories about players playing games could be so attractive? Also, Gu Yong's settings about professional leagues, professional leagues, and professional players in games, It’s also like thinking that ordinary people can’t think about it.”

Yang Qiming said: "Thinking that ordinary people can't think about it, this is one of the reasons why Gu Yong's works are always so attractive."


Great Martial Arts Magazine.

Jian Yishen sighed softly and said, "I have a hunch,

The influence of the work "Full-time Master" will not be limited to the field of fiction, or the field of literature. "

Wang Yang nodded slowly and said, "Indeed, its influence will also extend to the game field, and even have a very huge impact."

Jian Yi Shendao said: "Yes, a lot of things may happen in the game field of the whole world. This is really enviable and helpless."

Wang Yang said: "This is something that can't be helped. Who made him Gu Yong?"


The opening chapter of "Full-time Master" has made countless people in various fields sigh with emotion, and at the same time, they are full of endless expectations for the next plot.

And the serialization continues.

Ye Qiu left the Excellent Era Club and was able to become a professional player again after a year.

So, what should he do this year?

Countless people have been waiting for the answer, and now the answer is revealed.

When Ye Qiu bid farewell to Su Mucheng and left the Excellent Era Club, snowflakes floated in the sky.

Walking in the snow, Ye Qiu didn't have any further plans.

There was an Internet cafe on the side of the road. It was still brightly lit in the middle of the night. Ye Qiu walked into the Internet cafe.

What is Ye Qiu doing in the Internet cafe? Naturally, surfing the Internet. The snow outside is getting heavier and heavier. It is obviously a good choice to surf the Internet in an Internet cafe.

Ye Qiu opened a machine, "No. 47 machine in area C."

It was only when Ye Qiu came to Unit 47 in Area C that he found that Unit 47 was being used. She was a very beautiful girl and was playing "Glory".

As the top master of "Glory", Ye Qiu was obviously interested when he saw a beautiful ordinary player playing "Glory".

The beautiful girl is playing heads-up in the arena. The technical level can only be regarded as the level of ordinary players, and it may be slightly better than the level of ordinary players.

She is beautiful, pure and gentle, but her operation is fierce, and the ruthlessness of gnashing her teeth and ravaging the keyboard and mouse makes people feel that her appearance is a complete scam.

When he finally hung up, he shouted angrily, waved his hand on the keyboard, and closed the game directly.

Then he turned his head and saw Ye Qiu standing behind him, said "Get on the plane", and left.

It turned out that this beautiful girl was the owner of this Internet cafe, called Chen Guo, a "Glory" fan and a huge fan of Ye Qiu.

However, he obviously didn't know Ye Qiu, because she just saw Ye Qiu, but she didn't react at all.

This was mainly because Ye Qiu was too low-key and never participated in business activities. Except for the members of the Excellent Era Club, almost no one knew him.

There are only legends about Ye Qiu in the "Glory" circle, and few people know Ye Qiu's appearance.

When the book fans saw this, they couldn't help but sigh and sigh, such a setting was simply tailor-made to make Ye Qiu pretend to be aggressive.

Fans love it and look forward to it!

The proprietress Chen Guo left angrily. No wonder she was angry. It was understandable that she was angry after losing 52 games in a row in the arena.

It was just that Chen Guo forgot to log out of her game account. When Ye Qiu sat down, the next game had already started.

Ye Qiu took care of Chen Guo's account and played against people in the arena.

Chen Guo realized that she hadn't logged out of the game account, so she went back, and happened to see Ye Qiuzheng operating her account to play a duel.

Before Chen Guo could say anything, she was shocked to see that her account character had won.

Moreover, the win was so clean and quick that Chen Guo opened her mouth wide, feeling very incredible.

"Who is this person? Could it be a professional player from the Excellent Era Club?" Chen Guo thought to herself, her internet cafe was not far from the Excellent Era Club.

However, she knew all the professional players in the Excellent Era Club, except for the mysterious No. 1 player, who was also her idol, Ye Qiu.

Could it be that this guy is Ye Qiu?

Thinking of this possibility, the beautiful proprietress instantly became very excited.

She quickly came to the front desk and wanted to see what the guy's name was, because the Internet requires real-name registration. Since the guy has turned on the machine, he must have registered with his real name.

Ye Qiu's ID card was still forgotten at the front desk. Chen Guo saw Ye Qiu's ID card and was disappointed.

Because the name on the ID card was Ye Xiu, not Ye Qiu.



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