Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2030 Cooperation of game companies

Book fans used to like Ye Xiu very much, but now they like it even more.

Of course, I also liked the work "Full-time Master" even more.

On the Internet, countless book fans can't contain their excitement.

"It's so beautiful, it's so beautiful. It turns out that novels about players playing games can be so beautiful."

"Of course, this is Gu Yong's work."

"The scene where Ye Xiu wanted to join the Sleeping Moon team made me laugh out loud. I've loved Ye Xiu since then."

"'Green Forest', Gu Yong's description of the game dungeon is very attractive! I'm looking forward to the next dungeon, and I don't know what the hidden boss of the next dungeon is? What kind of stories will happen?"

"This is just the beginning, it's still in the novice village, Green Forest is just a low-level dungeon, it's already so exciting, I can't imagine how exciting the future dungeons will be? And the realm of the gods, absolutely It will be even more exciting, I really look forward to it!”

"Besides that, there seem to be quite a few game guilds. The reason why Yue Zhongmian is so arrogant is because he is a member of the Yue Lun guild. So, what other guilds are there? Ye Xiuhui Join a union? How is the strength of the union? Compared with the professional team, how much is the difference in strength? Wait... Wait, it's all very exciting!"

"The relevant settings of this game are really cool, it's just like being in the scene. It would be great if there was a game called "Glory" in reality."

"If there is a game company that can copy "Glory", I will go crazy with excitement."

"I have never played online games before, but if a game company can launch "Glory", I will definitely play it. I have completely fallen in love with Ye Xiu, this work, and the game "Glory". already."

"Me too, I've never played games before, but I'll definitely play Glory when it comes out."



Book fans have a strong desire for a game company to develop "Glory", and people from major game companies have naturally learned about the urgent desire of book fans on the Internet.

The vast majority of game companies sighed. They knew that "Glory" would be so popular, but unfortunately they couldn't develop such a game, so they could only sigh helplessly.

Only Jibei Game Company seemed extremely excited. A high-level person in charge had arrived in Funan Province. He was going to Xiaojianghu Studio to discuss with Gu Yong about the development of the "Glory" game.

Of course, he knew that Gu Yong should not be in the studio. His goal was to be Gu Yong's personal assistant and also the general manager of Xiaojianghu Studio, Rao Qianqian.

The outside world knows that it is almost impossible to see Gu Yong, but seeing Rao Qianqian is equivalent to seeing Gu Yong.

It's the same thing to talk to Rao Qianqian about anything. Rao Qianqian is Gu Yong's spokesperson in the outside world.

The high-level person in charge was named Liang Shibo. He walked into Xiaojianghu to work, but Gu Yong was not seen, and Rao Qianqian received him.

After some self-introductions, Liang Shibo explained his intentions. They hoped to cooperate with Guyong, who authorized them to develop "Glory".

And it is operated by their Arctic Games.

The arrival of Liang Shibo was not surprising to Rao Qianqian. She knew that a game company would come to her door, and it was the most powerful extreme north game.

As for authorizing the development of the game copyright of "Glory", what should she do after she has already obtained it from Li Fan?

Li Fan will not refuse the cooperation request of Jibei Games. In fact, he also wants to see "Glory", which can be successfully developed by game companies in this world.

In the previous life, when Li Fan watched "Full-time Master", he was very interested in the fictional game "Glory" just like the book fans in this world.

The desire to have a game company to develop and operate "Glory" is very strong.

He really wanted to play "Glory" in person and feel the excitement of "Glory".

It's a pity that due to various reasons including technical reasons, "Glory" has not been developed by a game company until he came to this world.

This made Li Fan feel very sorry.

Now, he has brought "Full-time Master" to this world, and "Glory" in this world is expected and highly anticipated by book fans in this world.

Li Fan can understand the mood of book fans, so he will not refuse the cooperation request of Jibei Games.

Not only to satisfy the strong wishes of book fans in this world, but also to make up for the regrets of their previous lives.

Rao Qianqian directly negotiated with Liang Shibo, emphasizing one of the most important requirements put forward by Li Fan, that is, it is necessary to completely restore the various data of "Glory" in the work, and the real game produced must be almost the same as the description in the work. Exactly.

Liang Shibo said that they will do their best to achieve perfect restoration, and they are 70% sure of perfect restoration.

And also said that after the game is developed, Gu Yong will be asked to personally review it, and it will be officially released and operated after Gu Yong's review and approval.

Rao Qianqian agreed with this, and then the two discussed some other details.

In the end, the cooperation was reached, and the two successfully signed a contract.

Liang Shibo was satisfied and left with expectation.


An hour later, the Arctic Games official announced a very important news.

Jibei Games has reached a cooperative relationship with Guyong, and will fully develop the game "Glory" in "Full-time Master".

And he promised that he would make every effort to make a perfect copy of "Glory" in the work.

As soon as the news came out, it quickly became the focus of the game industry, as well as the Internet and the media.

The rest of the major game companies sighed. They could only watch helplessly. Extreme North Games seized this time, and its influence was destined to be a great opportunity.

If Jibei Games really copied "Glory" perfectly, and then went a step further and slowly formed the "Glory" professional league, held professional leagues, etc., its influence would be global.

In the game world of the entire world, many things are destined to happen because of this.

Thinking of such a prospect, major game companies can't help but envy and envy, but they can only envy and envy.

Countless book fans have naturally seen such a news.

They seemed extremely excited and excited.

There are game companies that want to develop "Glory", and they also promise to do their best to copy the "Glory" of the work perfectly. This is the news they are most looking forward to seeing.

Moreover, this game company is also the most powerful extreme north game company in China, which gives everyone confidence that "Glory" is perfectly copied.

They believe that the most powerful arctic games can be perfectly replicated.

They are full of anticipation!


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