Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2037 I can't stop playing

Players have already understood that the help content they saw before is completely deceiving them.

If they really do nothing and wait until the zombies get into their house, they lose.

How can we stop the invasion of zombies? The players were all thinking about this problem, and at this moment, the pea cannon they had transplanted to the open space suddenly fired a bullet by itself.

The bullet flew out in a straight line and hit the zombie. After a few bullets, the invading zombie finally fell to the ground and disappeared.

The zombies were dead, and the players all breathed a sigh of relief, not to mention that they were really nervous when the zombies approached step by step.

The main reason is that the zombies look disgusting and terrifying, and they are approaching step by step, which really makes people feel a little shabby.

Fortunately, the pea cannon was powerful, and quickly eliminated the zombies that approached step by step.

But soon, another zombie appeared, and then another one. Several zombies appeared at the same time, and the players suddenly felt more shabby.

Fortunately, at this time, everyone has understood that the pea barrel is a weapon to eliminate zombies, and through the collection of a few sunshine, you can buy a new pea barrel.

The players quickly bought a few more pea barrels and planted them on the ground. After they were planted, the pea barrels immediately spit out bullets.

Several pea barrels spit out bullets at the same time, and finally wiped out all the zombies that had invaded.

The players breathed a sigh of relief, but then, the system prompted "the last wave of zombies" to strike.

"A large wave of zombies?" The players were so frightened that they quickly bought a few more pea cannons.

In the end, the pea cannon successfully eliminated the last large wave of zombies, and this small level was cleared.

After clearing the level, players also get a new equipment, "Sunflower".

After successfully clearing the first level, players finally understood the meaning of "Plants vs. Zombies", which is to use a variety of plant equipment to prevent the invasion of zombies.

Successfully prevented the invasion of zombies and successfully cleared the level. If you fail to prevent the invasion of zombies and let the zombies enter your house, you will fail the customs clearance and start all over again.

The current equipment of the players is only the pea cannon, and the new equipment sunflower obtained after clearing the first level.

After understanding the meaning of "Plants vs. Zombies" and successfully experiencing the process of customs clearance, players found that this game seems to be really interesting.

At least they can't wait to play another level now.

Then go on.

What does the newly acquired equipment "Sunflower" do? Players quickly figured out that it turned out to be producing sunlight, and it was just the sunlight falling from above, which was obviously far from meeting the demand. It was also necessary to plant sunflowers and produce sunlight through sunflowers.

Plant a few sunflowers, and then plant a few pea barrels. When the zombies invade again, the players are no longer nervous, but deal with it calmly.

In the end, the second level was successfully cleared, and a new equipment "cherry bomb" was harvested.

Players are more interested and can't wait to start the third level.

And the function of the newly acquired equipment "Cherry Bomb" has also been tested.

It will explode soon after planting. It is suitable for planting directly in front of several zombies, and then an explosion will destroy several zombies at the same time, which is very cool.

The third level was successfully cleared, and the players obtained new equipment, the "nut wall", which can block the advance of the zombies within a certain period of time, so that the shells behind can have enough time to destroy the zombies.

Players feel more and more interesting, and some can't stop.

Play one level after another, and each time you clear a level, you can get a new type of equipment, potato mines, ice shooters, piranhas, double-gun peas, and more.

The role and function of each type of equipment are different, so players are constantly amazed, and there are more and more ways to eliminate zombies.

Of course, the difficulty of the game is also getting bigger and bigger. Sometimes, although the players tried every means to prevent the invasion of zombies, they failed to stop the invasion and let the zombies enter the house.

With a horrific scream, the customs clearance failed, and I had to start all over again.

If you fail to clear the customs, you will hear a creepy scream, which undoubtedly puts pressure on the players, as well as the fighting spirit and enthusiasm that is unwilling to fail.

No one wants to hear the creepy screams.

Although there were failures, there were still more successful clearances. Therefore, players successfully cleared the tenth level and obtained the eleventh type of plant equipment.

At the beginning of the next level, there is a system prompt for players to choose the plants to fight.

There was no such option before, but now there is such an option suddenly, players finally understand it after researching for a while.

It used to be that only 10 kinds of plant equipment can be selected in a level. Now there are a total of 11 kinds of plant equipment, so you need to choose 10 kinds of plant equipment from the 11 kinds of plant equipment.

This is more interesting.

Players understand that as the difficulty of the next level becomes more and more difficult, the choice of plant equipment plays a crucial role in the smooth clearance of the level.

Because, different types of zombies, their characteristics and attack methods are not the same.

Then, according to the different types of zombies, it is necessary to choose the correct plant equipment that can restrain them.

Otherwise, it is very easy to fail the customs clearance.

This is very interesting.

The more players play, the more interesting it becomes, the more fascinated they become, and they can't stop at all.

The original plan was to go to the Internet to express the experience of the trial after playing it for a while, but at this time, I completely forgot about it.

This has led to a situation where, an hour after the official launch of Plants vs. Zombies, there is still no reaction to Plants vs. Zombies on the Internet.

In the past, after those other web games were launched, there would be some reactions on the Internet within an hour.

Because, when a new game is launched, it can always attract some players to play, no matter how many, it will definitely have it.

And those players who go to the trial will express some of their feelings after the trial on the Internet after playing.

Almost every newly launched web game has it.

But now, an hour later, there is no response to Plants vs. Zombies.

what's going on?

There seems to be only one answer, and it's not hard to guess that Plants vs. Zombies is just too hard to play.

It's so hard to play that those players who try it out have no interest in expressing their feelings on the Internet.

In this regard, in addition to a regretful sigh, some players are still thinking, "Sure enough, who was going to play and who was fooled, thank you for not playing. Otherwise, you will really be fooled."



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