Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2051 Do you want to set an alarm clock in the middle of the night?

The word "stealing vegetables" quickly became a term that countless people on the Internet talked about.

In reality, the same is true. On the second day, in the streets, in the offices of various companies, or in the campus classrooms, etc., when people are chatting, they will always talk about "stealing vegetables". .

This asks if the carrots on your farm have been stolen? How much was stolen? The one asked him if he went to steal food last night? What time did you go to bed? How was the harvest?

When everyone is talking, there is always excitement in their eyes. If you hear someone say that all his carrots were harvested in time and none of them were stolen, everyone will definitely say "wow", indicating various envious.

If you hear someone say that you are one minute late, and all the dishes have been stolen and only 60% are left, everyone will be very regretful and ask the other party to pay attention to the time today, Be sure to receive it as soon as possible.

If you hear someone say that he had a very good luck when he went to steal vegetables last night, he had a lot of harvest, and gained a lot of gold coins and experience, everyone would be very envious, and said that he hoped that when he went to steal vegetables today, Better luck.

In short, when everyone talks about stealing vegetables, they are always full of excitement, and they are very excited. In addition to all kinds of emotions and regrets, they are also constantly exchanging experience in stealing vegetables, how to steal more vegetables. ?

Everyone was so excited and excited, but not all of them were like this, and some people were dumbfounded.

Steal food? what's the situation? So many people collectively went to steal food last night? Still acting so excited, so much fanfare? Stealing vegetables was popular last night?

Yesterday was not the Lantern Festival!

On the night of the Lantern Festival, there is a custom in many places, that is, to steal vegetables, which is called "stealing green".

The custom of "stealing green" has been circulating among the people for a long time, and its origin is no longer known. There are various theories among the people.

In general, it's always in vogue, a mysterious and romantic custom.

On the night of the Lantern Festival, you can steal vegetables, and it doesn’t matter if the host finds out. The host will often ask you to pay attention to safety.

Because, there is a saying that being discovered while stealing youth will bring good luck to the other party in the coming year.

Therefore, when the host found you, he was very happy.

But the key is that yesterday was not the Lantern Festival. How could so many people steal vegetables collectively?

Some people were dumbfounded.

Although the news about Xianyuan Farm is very popular, and it is reported everywhere on the Internet and major media, there are always some people who will get out of the trajectory of life for various reasons, and have never heard about Xianyuan Farm at all. thing.

For stealing vegetables, it is natural to be confused.

Now I heard that, in a sentence on the Internet, it is, "Congratulations on the Internet."

The Internet is connected, but the ignorant is still ignorant.

"I'm very sorry for that. May I ask, what's the matter with the 'stealing vegetables' you're talking about?" The bewildered man finally couldn't help but ask, and he didn't care that the other party would despise him for not being able to communicate with him. network.

"How long has it been since your home was connected to the Internet?" Sure enough, he was still despised.

"I'm sorry, it's true that the Internet has just been connected." Since you are despised, you should laugh at yourself humorously. These are all harmless.

Then, under the explanation of the other party, they finally figured out what "stealing vegetables" was.

After that, I couldn't help feeling a lot of shock in my heart. The Xianyuan Farm was only officially launched yesterday. It has only been a day and a night, and it has become so popular that almost all the people are discussing stealing vegetables. Except for them, they are not connected to the Internet. of.

Is it too influential? As expected of a game designed by Li Fan himself, its influence is different.

The people who had just been connected to the Internet felt a burst of emotion in their hearts, and then they suddenly developed a strong curiosity about Xianyuan Farm.

What kind of game is it?

Is it possible to have such a great influence in one day and one night?

They were very curious, and they were right next to the computer. They couldn't wait to turn on the computer, log in to qd, enter the qd space, and download the Xianyuan Farm game application.

Outside, those who are temporarily unable to use the computer are very itchy, and just want to be able to sit next to the computer quickly and see what kind of farm is the legendary Xianyuan Farm?

The number of players in Xianyuan Farm has been increasing like this, and it is not far from the real "stealing vegetables" from the whole people.

There are voices about Xianyuan Farm and stealing vegetables everywhere.

Among these voices, someone suddenly said: "I wipe! This is what happened!"

"What's wrong? What's the situation?" someone asked.

"I just calculated that the ripening time of the current batch of crops on my farm turned out to be 2 am tomorrow, what should I do? If I wait until I get up tomorrow morning and then collect it, it will definitely be stolen and only the rest will be left. It's only 60 percent. Besides, waiting until tomorrow morning to plant new crops after the harvest will waste a few hours. What should I do?"

"You matured at 2:00 in the morning, and I was at 3:00 in the morning, and I suffered the same. Alas! I feel sorry for my food!"

"It's heartbreaking to have the vegetables stolen, but what's even more depressing is that this way, the progress of my farm's upgrade will be delayed, and I won't be able to catch up with some friends. I still want to increase my level as soon as possible to pretend to be coercive."

"Hey! There's no other way, it's too late to mature, we can't wait until that late, and then go to bed, right?"

"Actually, I thought of a way to harvest and plant new crops in time without having to wait. That is to set an alarm clock. For example, if the crops are ripe at 2 am, then we will set an alarm clock, a few minutes in advance. Rings. When the alarm goes off, we get up to collect the vegetables, and then we plant a new batch of crops, and then go back to sleep.”

"Set an alarm? I wipe! This...isn't that crazy too?"

"This... I think this idea is feasible. Get up and pick up the vegetables and plant new crops. It won't take a few minutes. Just continue to sleep in between. It doesn't have much impact on rest."

"I think... it seems to be okay. Moreover, the probability of crops being stolen at the first time is much smaller when the crops are mature in the early morning. We can still produce as much as we can without being stolen."

"You don't mean it, right? It's too hard. Even if it's fun, it's just a game. There's no need to fight like this."

"Well, I don't think it's necessary to fight like that, anyway, it's just a game."

"I think it's alright to get up and put away the dishes. It won't delay sleeping and rest, so I'll just go to the toilet when I get up."


For the practice of setting an alarm clock and getting up in the middle of the night to collect food, some people have brightened their eyes and said that this is a good idea.

Some people think that it is too crazy, too hard, and completely unnecessary, after all, it is just a game.

In general, there are fewer people who shine in front of their eyes, and more people who feel that there is no need to fight so hard.

But this less is relative. If you look at the number of people, there are very many people who shine.


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