Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2073 There will be more people tomorrow

There was another strong protest from the people at the scene. After finding out that it was still invalid, they could only sigh with great regret after all.

This is a work designed by Li Fan himself. Except for their strong protest, they dare not do anything out of the ordinary.

The security guards who were staring at them all around, obviously it was impossible for them to make any outrageous actions.

Then, it can only be so temporarily.

Although my heart is very anxious, uncomfortable, and very uncomfortable, everyone can only accept it helplessly now.

well! Let's wait for Lingfeng Games to reveal the identity of the mysterious character who is so cool to the sky.

I hope that Lingfeng Games will hang your appetite and not hang it for too long.

Although everyone still doesn't know anything about that mysterious figure, not even the name, but the figure of that figure has been deeply imprinted in the hearts of everyone present.

Next, according to the original plan of Lingfeng Games, after the "King of Fighters" animation is finished, the "King of Fighters" game experience version should be launched for the game players on the scene to try it out.

In any case, this is a game fair, and the original purpose of the people here is also for the game.

Although, they probably have forgotten now, "The King of Fighters" is actually a game.

However, Lingfeng Games has not forgotten, so it should launch the "King of Fighters" game experience version.

Of course, the mysterious character who appeared at the last moment of the animation did not appear in the trial version.

However, the plan may have to change, the "King of Fighters" game experience version, it is estimated that there is no chance to launch.

Because, in the periphery of the exhibition area, there are still countless people waiting.

Those people were waiting there so that they could come in and watch the King of Fighters animation immediately after the people who were in the exhibition area left.

According to the estimation of the total number of people waiting outside, it will take at least ten waves to let everyone come in to watch it once.

Then, the time is very tight, and there is no time for players to try the "King of Fighters" game.

The person in charge of the organizer found the person in charge of Lingfeng Games and said with a wry smile: "Mr. Luo, let's cancel the game trial session. Otherwise, there must be a riot outside, and I hope that President Luo can understand."

One of the people in charge of Lingfeng Games was named Luo Huo. He heard the words and nodded, saying that the trial part of the game could be canceled, which he fully understood.

In fact, the influence of "The King of Fighters" has reached such a terrifying level that there is no need to play the "King of Fighters" game at all.

So, let this group of people in the exhibition area leave first, and a new group of people will come in.

Luo Zou said to everyone at the scene: "Dear friends, gamers, thank you very much for your support of "The King of Fighters". Due to special reasons, our next game trial session has been cancelled, I am very sorry, I hope everyone Understandable. Now, please leave the exhibition area in an orderly manner. I hope everyone will not think about staying here and watch the animation of "The King of Fighters" again. Because everyone knows that there are still a lot of people waiting outside, I hope everyone can Give the opportunity to those who haven't seen it yet, thank you for your understanding and support."

There were indeed a lot of people at the scene, all thinking of staying and watching the animation of "The King of Fighters" again.

No way, they really want to watch it again, just watching it once is really not enough.

Now that they heard Luo Hu's words, they could only sigh helplessly. Since they said so, it's not good for them to stay any longer.

Of course they also know that there are still a lot of people outside waiting to come in, and they are willing to let more people see this animation.

Because everyone actually hopes that a certain work they like can be liked by more people.

It's a great feeling to know that other people can't wait to see a certain work they like.

Therefore, the people at the scene actually hope that more people can come in and see this work.

In this case, let's give the opportunity to more people,

Although they actually want to watch it again.

The people in the exhibition area were reluctant to leave slowly, while the people who were isolated on the periphery made a commotion at this time. Everyone was very impatient and wanted to enter the exhibition area of ​​Lingfeng Games immediately. .

But that's obviously not possible and only a small group of people are able to get in.

The organizer sent a large number of security personnel to maintain order at the scene, and the relevant person in charge had already arranged the crowd according to the time when everyone gathered.

Then, naturally, they can only enter the field in the order of the teams.

With the efforts of all security personnel, the second wave of people finally successfully entered the exhibition area of ​​Lingfeng Games.

Those who did not go in, naturally could only continue to wait helplessly and impatiently.

The people who entered the Lingfeng game exhibition area were extremely excited and looking forward to it. They had heard too much news about "The King of Fighters" before.

Now, I can finally see it with my own eyes.

This feeling is really cool!

So, let's get started.

Luo Zou, the head of Lingfeng Games, understood everyone's thoughts, so this time he didn't say anything, but started from the beginning and replayed the animation of "The King of Fighters".

With a new audience, the story of "The King of Fighters" begins anew.

Starting anew, it is still exciting and exciting.


Along with the first group of people who left, there were also the CEOs or senior executives of major game companies.

At this time, they were even more helpless, and they were more certain that the games their company exhibited at this exhibition would completely become a supporting role.

In other words, all the other game companies will be supporting roles this time.

Or to be more precise, all the other game companies have completely become supporting roles at this time.

Lingfeng Games and "The King of Fighters" have become the protagonists, and especially "The King of Fighters", which is the protagonist of the protagonists.

The bosses and the responsible persons are very helpless, but there is no way to do it. The opportunity of this trade fair can only be wasted if it is wasted.

Moreover, all the bosses and responsible persons also know very clearly that there will be many more people coming to the exhibition site tomorrow.

Moreover, the people who come tomorrow will not only be gamers, but also a large number of anime fans.

Because "The King of Fighters" is not just a game, it is also a wonderful animation work.

And the people who came to the fair today are almost all gamers, and they all came for the game.

I just didn't expect that there would be such an exciting anime work waiting for them.

But tomorrow will be different.

Because, all kinds of news about "The King of Fighters" will definitely spread all over the Internet today. After those anime fans see it, how can they still sit still?

You know, this is Li Fan's animation work, the animation work of the "father of comics", it's no wonder that animation fans can sit still.


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