Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2084 try to calm yourself down

"Are there songs related to deserts and camels?" Li Fan nodded after listening to it. It was a coincidence. There was indeed such a song in a previous life, a very popular song that made people feel a lot after listening to it. Suitable for two people to sing.

Moreover, as soon as this song comes out, the popularity of Tengger Desert will definitely rise sharply in a short period of time.

Sometimes, a song does have that charm. As the previous project leader said, even just one song can solve the problem of Tengger Desert's lack of popularity.

Of course, as another project leader said, this statement sounds simple, but it is actually extremely difficult.

A song like this is hard to come by for anyone, and they can't get such a song.

Li Fan heard the conversation between several project leaders yesterday. He agrees with several project leaders very much, and is willing to use that song to help them solve the problem that caused them a great headache.

Everything is a chance. Since Li Fan came to the Tengger Desert, he met Shi Kai, got to know Luo Zhan, and heard the conversation between several project leaders.

Well, he is also willing to bring that song to the world.

Moreover, for Li Fan, now is also the best opportunity, and he also needs an opportunity to launch his works. In fact, he also needs to be grateful for this trip, the Tengger Desert, and the encounter with Shi Kai.

Everything is mutual.

After thinking about it, Li Fan smiled slightly, and continued to ask Shi Kai and Luo Zhan, "Can you read the sheet music?"

The two looked at each other again, and Shi Kai replied a little embarrassedly: "Sir, no... not very good, if it's a very simple one, I can barely understand it. But if it's a little more complicated, I can read it completely. I do not understand."

Li Fan nodded, not surprised by this. He took out a few pages and said to the two: "It doesn't matter if you don't know how to read it. There are professional sound studios in Menggen City. You can go and ask them for advice. I got these pages in the middle of nowhere, and there should be a song on it, and it's useless to keep it on me, I don't sing. Now, I'm giving it to you, I hope you can always stick to your original intention of music."

"This..." Shi Kai and Luo Zhan were stunned at the same time, the husband in front of them actually wanted to send them a song, although they didn't know Li Fan's identity or the quality of the song, but this love Already too precious.

Shi Kai and Luo Zhan didn't know what to do for a while?

Is it accepted? Or decline?

After a while, Shi Kai said, "Sir, this...this is too precious, we...we..."

Li Fan smiled and said: "Meeting is fate, you don't have to refuse, and you don't have to be grateful. No matter how good a song is, it needs the right person to sing it. You are the most suitable person to sing it. And a song, also Only by finding the most suitable person to sing it can it be known and liked by the world, and it will have the best destination."

After Shi Kai and Luo Zhan heard it, their hearts were shocked again, and then they stretched out their hands at the same time, took a few pages of paper in Li Fan's hand, and said respectfully at the same time, "Yes, sir, thank you sir. ,we know."

Li Fan nodded and said, "Okay, we're going to the desert, goodbye."

Shi Kai and Luo Zhan quickly said again: "Yes, goodbye sir!" The tone was still extremely respectful.

Li Fan waved his hands and put the two daughters Su Qing and Qin Yulin on the camel, and then he also got on a camel, and the three of them rode slowly towards the desert.

Shi Kai and Luo Zhan watched the three of them leave until the three of them disappeared from sight before they retracted their gazes.

Then, looking at a few pages of paper in their hands, there was an unreal feeling, and they got a song like this.

Although I don't know what the song is like, it still feels unreal.

After a while, Shi Kai said, "Since Mr. gave us this song, let's open it and take a look?"

Luo Zhan nodded and said, "Then open it and see,

This does not disappoint Mr. "

Shi Kai nodded, opened the blank first page, and a score appeared in front of the two of them. The two watched the score for a while, and finally shook their heads helplessly. They couldn't understand it.

Although they could see that the score was actually not complicated, they still couldn't understand it.

However, they can understand the lyrics, so let's look at the lyrics first.

Seeing this, their bodies began to tremble because they were too excited and excited.

Moreover, the trembling became more and more severe. At the end, Shi Kai's hands were almost unable to hold the piece of paper.

At this moment, they were unprecedentedly excited, and there were already faint tears in their eyes.

After reading the lyrics, their hearts were overturned, and it was difficult to calm down again.

Not because they had guessed Li Fan's identity, but just because of the lyrics themselves.

Every sentence of the lyrics can easily touch them, and before they can calm down, they are touched by the next lyric, sentence after sentence, and it is difficult to calm down.

They accompany the desert and camels alone, sit alone on a lonely camel, walk alone in the desert, and then sing alone.

Everything is lonely.

But in their hearts, they are not so lonely. They can still sing and find oasis and hope.

Because they have an oasis in their hearts and hope.

People who have oasis and hope in their hearts, they will not be too lonely, they still have hope for company.

Shi Kai and Luo Zhan still shed tears after all. They were tears of loneliness and tears of excitement.

In the end, it was tears of hope.

After a long time, the hearts of the two finally slowly gained some peace.

At this time, they began to think, what is the identity of that gentleman?

They slowly thought of a possibility, but they were not sure, and just this possibility made their bodies tremble again.

Far more trembling than before.

Luo Zhan's voice trembled a little, and said laboriously: "Will...will...will it be him?"

Shi Kai's voice was equally trembling, and his words were equally laborious, "No...I don't know. No...But, judging from the legends about him, it's really...really possible."

Luo Zhan said laboriously: "Then...then what should now?"

Shi Kai said: "First... let yourself calm down first and then talk about it."

Luo Zhan said: "Okay...Okay!"

Shi Kai and Luo Zhan wanted to work hard to calm themselves down, but the harder they tried, the more they discovered that it was a very difficult thing.

Far more difficult than their lonely journey through the desert.

They are still trying.


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