Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2088 Ready to start singing

After Li Fan and the others left, Shi Kai and Luo Zhan also returned to Tonghu Village.

After a night of silence, the next morning, Shi Kai and Luo Zhan came to Menggen City again.

They really wanted to go to Mengcheng to make the sound and ask about the production progress of the accompaniment, but they finally held back.

Since they have already agreed with Yuan Shu, they will be notified as soon as the accompaniment is completed, so they should wait for Yuan Shu's notification, so as not to make the accompaniment flawed due to their own urging.

The two were unwilling to wait in Tonghu Village, so they came to Menggen City early to wait.

The more you wait, the more anxious and nervous you become.

Finally, when it was almost noon, the two also reached the most anxious and nervous time.

At this time, they both hoped that Yuan Shu would call them immediately, and hoped that Yuan Shu would call them a little later, they felt that they were not fully prepared.

In the midst of such precarious situations, Shi Kai's phone rang.

Both of them were agitated, Luo Zhan asked nervously, "Who...whose?"

Shi Kai was equally nervous, took out his phone and glanced at it, and said, "Yuan... Manager Yuan's."

Luo Zhan was even more nervous, but seemed to take a long sigh of relief and said, "Is it finally finished?"

Shi Kai said: "It should be, then I'll take it."

After speaking, the phone was connected.

After 10 seconds, Shi Kai put down the phone, exhaled a long breath, and said, "It's already made, let's go."

Luo Zhan nodded and said one word forcefully, "Okay!"


Mengcheng Sound Studio.

Everyone in the studio, including Yuan Shu, listened to the prepared accompaniment over and over again, and then followed the accompaniment melody and sang the lyrics together, over and over again, completely intoxicated.

Shi Kai and Luo Zhan walked into the sound studio, looked around, and found that there was no one there, and couldn't help but feel a little puzzled.

Where have everyone gone?

Because Yuan Shu and others were singing in the recording studio, there was no sound outside.

Therefore, Shi Kai and Luo Zhan did not hear any sound. It was not easy for the two of them to find people in the sound studio. In desperation, Shi Kai had to call Yuan Shu.

A minute later, Yuan Shu hurried out to greet him, first expressing his apology, and then excitedly saying that after the accompaniment was made, everyone really discovered the magic of the song, and people couldn't stop listening to it.

Then, I couldn't help but hum along, I found myself in the song while I sang, my eyes were red when I sang, I was no longer confused when I sang, I got too much when I sang. so many emotions...

When he said this, Yuan Shu let out a long sigh.

After a while, Yuan Shu forced a smile and said, "Sorry, I shouldn't be so emotional in front of the two of you."

Shi Kai and Luo Zhan expressed their understanding at the same time.

After that, Yuan Shu took the two into the recording studio, and the two needed to audition and practice under the guidance of professionals.

Yuan Shu didn't sit on the sidelines, but walked out of the sound studio, walked into the street, walked out of the city gate, and looked in the direction of the desert.


When Shi Kai and Luo Zhan walked out of the studio, it was already 5 pm.

At this time, the flow of people entering and leaving the city has begun to slowly reach its peak.

The two came to the city gate and chose a position, which was a position they used to sing in Menggen City before.

They're here because they're going to sing here again, songs they've mastered through an afternoon of practice.

A song destined to change their fate: "Desert Camel".

At this time, the two of them were unprecedentedly nervous and excited, and they were also looking forward to it. They connected the relevant equipment and carefully checked it again and again.

The equipment is simple, but sufficient for the two of them right now.

far away,

Yuan Shu looked at the figures of the two busy making preparations, a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and said to himself, "Is it finally here? Let's start soon."

He has been waiting here all the time, and he can't wait.

The figures of Shi Kai and Luo Zhan doing the preparatory work also gradually attracted the attention of some other people.

Anyone can see that these two are going to sing here.

This kind of thing is very common in all cities across the country, so no one finds it novel. Everyone just glanced at it curiously, and then left.

Everyone is not interested in this kind of thing.

If two people are singing, and it happens to be a song they like, then they may stop and listen for a while.

Now, the two are just doing the preparatory work, and naturally everyone will not stop and wait for the two to sing.

Of course, not everyone will stop and wait, there are still a few people who stopped, it is still early, and there is nothing to do, so stop and wait and see, it is time to rest.

"Hey, it's them, are they going to sing again?" Obviously, someone recognized Shi Kai and Luo Zhan.

The two have sung many times in this old place, and some people have recognized them.

"Oh? Do you know them?"

"It's not about knowing each other, but I've seen them sing here before, and I've seen them more than once."

"You're right, I've seen them here too. They should sing here often. It seems that the two lads like to sing very much, which is good."

"How do they sing?"

"I think it's okay to sing, it sounds like that anyway."

"Since they like to sing, why don't they participate in some singing talent shows? Just singing here, what's the prospect and future?"

"I don't know, maybe their level is not enough, they are not qualified to participate in talent shows. Or maybe they don't want to go, they think it's good to just sing like this."

"If that's the case, it's a pity. If you don't follow your dreams, you're wasting your dreams in vain."

"It's easy for you to say, but who wouldn't want to pursue their dreams? It's just that dreams are so easy to pursue? In addition to their own strength, it is more important to pay attention to chance and luck."

"That's true. Chance and luck are often more important than strength."


The passers-by who gradually stopped, because some people recognized Shi Kai and Luo Zhan, and slowly opened up their chat boxes to each other.

As soon as the box was opened, everyone was in no hurry to leave, but chatted with each other.

The content of the chat was naturally related to Shi Kai and Luo Zhan.

Once someone stays here, there will be more and more people who stay.

The surrounding area where Shi Kai and Luo Zhan are located gradually gained some popularity.


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