Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2090 desert, people, camels

More and more people gathered around.

Some people had no plans to stay, but after hearing people talk that the two young men were going to sing a song about desert and camels, they became interested and stopped to listen to the two young men finish singing. Go after that.

Outside the crowd, several project leaders were also very surprised at this time. They did not expect that Shi Kai and Luo Zhan would sing an original song today.

Also, an original song about deserts and camels.

They are very sensitive to songs about deserts now. They were still saying that if Shi Kai and Luo Zhan could sing a song about deserts after they became famous, it would be somewhat helpful for the promotion of Tengger Desert. .

Unexpectedly, I immediately heard that the two were going to sing a song about the desert.

Several project leaders were very stunned, which is a bit too coincidental.

Of course, several project leaders now have no other emotions than consternation.

As they said before, I hope that Shi Kai and Luo Zhan will make the Tengger Desert famous, just think about it, it is impossible.

Like the rest of the audience, they didn't have any expectations for the quality of the song they were about to sing called "Desert Camel".

"No matter the quality of "Desert Camel", it is always a very good thing to have a song of your own. Congratulations to the two young men."

"Although I don't know who wrote this song for them, the quality must be very unsatisfactory, and we should not hold any hope. Of course, this is indeed something to congratulate, congratulations to the two young men."

"In short, no matter what the quality is, let's listen to it first."

"Of course, we originally planned to listen to a song before leaving."


Several project leaders were discussing quietly.

Except for a few project leaders, other people at the scene were also discussing quietly. Everyone had a consensus that the quality of the songs was absolutely not good, but at the same time, everyone was a little curious and wanted to know the end. What kind of song is it?

There was only one person at the scene who had a different opinion from everyone, and that was Yuan Shu, the manager of Mengcheng's Yueyin.

Yuan Shu listened to the various discussions of the people around him, and there was always a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, thinking in his heart, "You people are not so optimistic about this song now, wait a while when you listen to the song, I will see you What's your expression and reaction?"

Yuan Shu was looking forward to everyone's expressions and reactions after listening to the song.

In the center of the crowd, Shi Kai and Luo Zhan also heard some people's comments, they smiled slightly and didn't care.

From the prelude music, the sound quality of the scene is very general, but if the quality of a song itself is too good, the sound quality is generally okay.

Shi Kai and Luo Zhan thought so, as did Yuan Shu.

This is of course also true.

Despite the accompaniment of background music, the two still held the guitar to their chests and fiddled gently. With the guitar in their hands, they sang with more feeling.

With the sound of the prelude music, the voices of the surrounding crowd gradually became quieter.

Anyway, listen to the song first.

The rhythm of the prelude is very strong, very lively, and it seems to have a kind of free and easy, so that the people on the scene who were a little careless suddenly all suffocated.

They were shocked to find that their hearts seemed to be swaying to the rhythm.

In their ears, apart from the fast-paced, free and easy prelude music, there was no other sound.

"This...this song..." Everyone was thinking, "Why do you suddenly feel that this song will be very good?"

Is it impossible?

Everyone doesn't believe the thoughts in their hearts, and they were still extremely disliked just now. How could it be just because of a little prelude?

Did you change your mind?

This is impossible.

Whose music works can have such great charm that just relying on a little prelude can change people's views?

That is only Li Fan's music works have such charm.

Will this song be Li Fan's work?

Of course that's impossible. How could the two young men in front of them get Li Fan's music?

Therefore, everyone does not believe the thoughts in their hearts.

It's just that that feeling is obviously extraordinarily real, so real that it seems to be touchable, how could it be fake?

All the people on the scene were conflicted and confused.

Several project leaders also showed a confused look.

Although the people were contradictory and confused, their hearts were completely immersed in the prelude music, light and free.

There seems to be a touch of loneliness.

At this moment, Shi Kai sang:

"I'm going through this desert,

find your true self,

There is only one camel by my side.

The wind blows,

The cloud drifted by,

Suddenly a stream of love appeared.


At the moment when the song came out, everyone who was in conflict and confusion suddenly was no longer conflicted and confused.

They seem to have found the answer at this moment, they seem to no longer doubt what they are thinking, and their minds have been completely integrated into the singing.

It seems that Shi Kai's voice is hoarse, and the lyrics of each sentence have some kind of magic power, pulling their whole minds into some mysterious feeling.

A picture appeared in front of their eyes. In the desert of yellow sand, a person was walking alone.

Of course, he is not alone, because there is a camel by his side to accompany him.

However, it seemed that it was because of that camel that he seemed even more lonely.

His person is lonely, but his heart does not seem to be lonely, because he is not lost in the desert, he is going to cross the entire desert to find his true self.

He has dreams and goals in his heart, and he is chasing dreams.

A person who has dreams and goals in his heart and is chasing dreams will not be lonely, even if he is walking seemingly alone.

Of course, he may also be really lonely, which is impossible.

If a person wants to pursue his dream, he must have the courage to enjoy loneliness.

Because, on the journey of chasing dreams, it is very likely to be lonely.

Lonely or not, everyone saw a real picture in front of their eyes, an endless desert, a person, a camel.

The person in the desert seemed to be themselves and someone else.

They used to be like this, walking alone and not alone.

The wind blows, the clouds drift, as if you can see a small river of love.


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