Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2096 I fully understand

The sounds that didn't seem normal were still going on.

"Where is this place? The city gate and city wall are full of traces of time. Are the two characters on the city gate 'Menggen'? Menggen City? What a strange name."

"It is indeed Menggen City. I just checked the information. In Ganliang Province, there is a desert outside the city called Tengger Desert."

"Tengger Desert? Well, I haven't heard of it. Of course, this is mainly because I am not familiar with deserts. I don't know how many deserts there are in our country. But now, I suddenly have an infinite yearning for deserts."

"In my subconscious, the desert represents barrenness and despair. Of course, there should be no problem. But now I suddenly discovered that besides barrenness and despair, there are many other things in the desert."


These seemingly abnormal voices kept appearing, and when other "normal" people saw it, they were completely stunned.

"What's the situation? This is a music forum, not a desert forum. Why did you suddenly talk about a desert?"

"I don't know, are those desert lovers going to the wrong place? Originally wanted to go to the desert forum, but came to our music forum?"

"Of course it's impossible. Look at what they said, almost all of them suddenly became interested in the desert and suddenly wanted to take a look. Something must have happened that we didn't know about. We Go ask them."

"No matter how things change, it's impossible for the music forum to suddenly become a desert forum! This thing is really weird."

"Go and ask first."


So, below those abnormal sounds, such a sound appeared.

"I said, what the hell happened? Why are you talking about the desert all of a sudden?"

"No matter what happens, this is a music forum, everyone is talking about music, is it appropriate for you to talk about deserts here? To discuss deserts, you go to the desert forums!"


The voices responded quickly.

"Hey! Of course we know this is a music forum, we're here for a music forum. We're talking about deserts, but the reason we're talking about deserts all of a sudden is because of a short video, a video about a song short film."

"A video clip about the song? What's going on here? That video clip connects the song to the desert?"

"I said that your reception of new information is a bit behind. You still don't know the video clip. The video clip is called "Desert Camel", which is also the name of the song in the clip. You can see it for yourself. All."

"A song called 'Desert Camel'? I seem to understand something. I'll watch it right away."

"Desert Camel? Is it hot now? I wipe! I'm behind?"


Those "normal" people, after hearing a song called "Desert Camel", seem to understand how the music forum suddenly became a desert forum.

Obviously because of the song "Desert Camel", Shengsheng turned a music forum into a desert forum.

Is this influence too great?

Whose work can have such great influence? Could it be that Li Fan has released a new work?

Thinking of this possibility, those "normal" people's hearts suddenly burst, this is unlikely, right?

But apart from Li Fan's works, who else's works can have such great influence?

No matter if it's possible or not, let's look at the video clip of "Desert Camel" first, and then say that they are behind this time.

Looking on the Internet, they were even more depressed to find that they were really behind this time.

Because the "Desert Camel" short film has already gained high popularity on the Internet, they found it easily.

Of course, it is not too far behind. Although the short film of "Desert Camel" is already very popular, it is obviously still in the fermentation period.

It's still far from its peak of popularity.

It's not too late, those people felt a little comfort in their hearts, and then they couldn't wait to open the video.

The ancient mottled city gates and walls, the barren and lonely desert, the camels on the edge of the desert, a group of people, and two singers with guitars in the middle of the crowd, these pictures appear alternately in the video.

I haven't heard the song yet, I just saw such a picture, but all the people are inexplicably infected.

Maybe it was infected by the ancient city gates and city walls, or maybe it was infected by the barren desert and camels, or maybe it was infected by two young people with guitars and the surrounding people.

It can't be said that he was infected by anything, but he was really infected inexplicably.

Then, the prelude music starts, the rhythm is lively, free and easy, but also seems to be a little lonely.

After the prelude, two young men in the crowd, holding guitars, started to sing.

"I want to cross this desert,


Looking at the picture in the video clip, listening to the high-pitched and hoarse singing of the two young people, all the people fell.

At this time, they already fully understood why the previous music forum suddenly turned into a desert forum.

However, I understand that I understand, but they don't want to worry about other things for the time being, they just want to completely sink into the video.

I watched the video over and over, and listened to the song called "Desert Camel" over and over again.

The combination of the two has an unprecedented appeal.

Looking at it, listening and listening, everyone suddenly envied the group of people in the video.

I envy them that they can stand under the ancient mottled city wall, envy them that they can see the vast yellow barren when they lift their eyes, envy that they can stand around the two young people, and listen to the song called "Desert Camel". Song.

Everyone is envious!

This song is a bit lonely, and everyone can feel that loneliness.

This video is also a bit lonely, and everyone can feel it.

There are so many people in the video, why does it still give people a feeling of loneliness?

Is it an illusion?

It's not an illusion, it's not that there are many people and you're not lonely. When your heart is lonely, even in the endless crowd, it's also lonely.

Also, the more people there are, the more lonely they appear.

Because everything around you has nothing to do with you.

Likewise, if your heart is not lonely, then you will not feel lonely when you wake up alone in the silent late night.

Everyone feels lonely in the video.

But this kind of loneliness doesn't seem to exist forever. When the eastern fish's belly is white and the scorching sun is blooming, the lonely person in the desert has put down the dust and set foot on the way back.

At this time, the feeling of loneliness suddenly disappeared.

The rest is just the joy and warmth of the journey back home.


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