Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2101 Some people regret some people gloat

? The people in the "Ghost Story of the Night" program group are waiting anxiously and nervously, and the people in the other program groups of the radio station are also discussing the fact that "Ghost Story of the Night" is about to be cut.

Most people still feel very sorry and sorry for this.

After all, "Late Night Ghost Story" used to be the trump card program of the radio station. It has been brilliant for a long time, and it is always regrettable that it has such a sad result now.

While they regretted the "Late Night Ghost Story" program, they also regretted the programs of their own program group, and regretted that the base of radio listeners was constantly decreasing.

In fact, except for "Late Night Ghost Story", which has been declining, the listening rate of all programs on the entire radio station is actually declining.

A year is not as good as a year.

This is naturally related to the development of the times. The number of listeners of radio stations is gradually decreasing every year.

If this trend continues, the radio station will one day completely stop broadcasting. As a staff member of the radio station, no one wants to see this day come.

Even those who have retired, or have left the world of radio, don't want the radio to go down altogether one day.

Of course, for now, radio stations are far from the point where they have to stop broadcasting completely. Although the base of listeners is decreasing, there are still many listeners.

Radio stations are not at risk of a complete shutdown for at least a decade.

There is no risk that CCTV radio stations will stop broadcasting, but the number of listeners continues to decrease, and the overall listening rate is on a downward trend, which is regrettable and sigh.

Among them, the most regrettable and embarrassing is naturally "Late Night Ghost Story".

Although the listening rate of all programs is declining, "Late Night Ghost Story" has fallen the most thoroughly and seriously, and its listening rate has been at the bottom for a long time.

Now, it's finally time to be axed, and most of the people on the radio are talking about it.

"Alas! 'Late Night Ghost Story' is doomed this time. Although Director Feng has won a week, it's useless at all. It's just to let the show air for another week."

"It's really useless at all. How can a problem that hasn't been solved in the past two years be solved in a week? Alas! I can only say sorry."

"The show "Late Night Ghost Story" is quite special,

Are there ratings? It almost all depends on whether the story it tells is attractive? Therefore, the seemingly doomed ending actually has a chance of survival. Let's see if they can find a compelling enough story? "

"Having said that, it's hard, hard! As far as I know, their program team has found a story that surpasses the quality of storytelling broadcast at its peak, but it's still powerless. No way, listeners now The requirements have become higher, and although those stories are excellent, they have not gone out of the way, so they are powerless."

"Actually, I think their show really has a chance to bring the dead back to life. As long as one of those two people can be invited to create a story for them, it will definitely be able to bring the dead back to life."

"You're talking about Li Fan and Guyong, right? Everyone can think of this, and their show team naturally thinks of it. It's just that one of the two of them is asked to create a story for "Late Night Ghost Story". This kind of hope is impossible. It's almost impossible to save one."

"That's right, pray for them, I hope a miracle will happen. Otherwise, you can only watch their programs, and they will be broadcast for the last week. In two years, Director Feng will retire. At this time If the show was cut off in this way, it would be very uncomfortable for Director Feng to come to him."

"Alas! That's something that can't be helped. It's not that the above doesn't talk about human feelings, but that a radio station has to consider comprehensively. In fact, the above should not want "Late Night Ghost Story" to be cut off. They also feel that it is a pity, the reason why they will Promise to give the last week, perhaps because the above also hopes that in this week, a miracle can happen."


As many people have guessed, the radio executives actually don't want to see the fate of "Late Night Ghost Story" finally being cut off.

One is because of the brilliance of this show, and the other is because of Feng Ge, and the senior staff are not willing to add to Feng Ge's heart when Feng Ge is about to retire.

But in the end, it is necessary to comprehensively consider the problem, and it is not possible to just talk about human feelings. They are unwilling to cut "Late Night Ghost Story", but they have to cut it and replace it with a new program.

"There's one last week left, and hopefully they can do a miracle."

"Why is it so easy to create miracles? This last week should be regarded as a farewell to this once-trump card show."

"And then inform the "Night Talk Tonight" program team, be sure to make full preparations for the "Late Night Ghost Story". Be sure to improve the listening rate of the program during this time period."

"They're ready, and they're waiting to pick up 'Late Night Ghost Stories' next Monday."



Most people on the entire radio station are feeling sorry and sighed that "Late Night Ghost Story" is about to be cut off. Only a few people don't have this feeling. They are excited and looking forward to waiting for "Late Night Ghost Story" to end. In the last week, there was even some schadenfreude.

These people are naturally those who have had conflicts with the "Late Night Ghost Story" column team. "Late Night Ghost Story" is about to be cut, and they are very excited.

In their opinion, this show should have been axed long ago, and each episode has only a small audience rate, which is really shameful.

For example, the current radio ace program, the program with the highest listening rate for a long time, Jiang Rui, the director of the "Music Frontline" program, thinks so.

The listening rate of each issue of their "Music Frontline" is around 1.5, which can be described as quite brilliant.

The listening rate of "Late Night Ghost Story" is only 0.1, 0.2, and sometimes even less than 0.1, which is indeed quite miserable.

Of course, at the peak of "Late Night Ghost Story", the listening rate once exceeded 1.8, but unfortunately that is already the past.

In a chat group, Jiang Rui said: "Director Lu, congratulations! There's still a week left before your show can be officially broadcast. "Late Night Ghost Story" has been delayed until now, but it is considered a Some things are created."

Director Lu's name is Lu Yue, and he is the director of the "Night Talk Tonight" program group who is waiting for the new program "Late Night Ghost Story".

There is no contradiction between Lu Yue and Feng Ge and the "Late Night Ghost Story" program team.

However, in order for his program to be broadcast online, Lu Yue naturally stood on the same front as Jiang Rui and others, hoping that "Late Night Ghost Story" would end soon.


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