Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2119 Guessing about the listening rate

The situation should not be like this. Jiang Rui, Lu Yue and others, as well as the writers of ghost stories and supernatural stories who feel good about themselves, have a vague feeling in their hearts.

However, they are not too worried. The listening rate may not drop much tomorrow, but what about the day after tomorrow? What about the day after tomorrow? Should it fall off a cliff?

They still believe that the listening rate will definitely fall off a cliff, just a little later than they originally estimated.

Because in their opinion, in the content of today's broadcast, Gu Yong has used tricks to a large extent, there is no content about tomb robbing at all, it is all about the story of grandfather Hu Guohua, plus the plot related to the white paper woman The creative brain hole can indeed frighten most people, so that most people will be full of expectations for this work.

But in fact, the brain hole creativity of the white paper woman's plot can only be fooled for a while, and cannot be fooled for too long.

Next, the "I" as the protagonist, that is, Hu Bayi, comes on the stage, so it's about to start robbing graves, right?

As long as you start robbing tombs, it's easy to do. This kind of detrimental and shameful deeds, what's worth listening to?

Moreover, everyone will also find that this is not the first person they are looking forward to, and they are still using the first person that everyone does not like.

The final result can only be that after the novelty passes, everyone chooses to give up listening.

Therefore, Jiang Rui, Lu Yue, etc., as well as those writers of ghost stories and supernatural stories who feel good about themselves, although they have a faint premonition in their hearts, they are not very worried, and still believe that things will be thought out. develop in the direction they envisioned.

They are still in a good mood. Although it is already 12 o'clock in the middle of the night, they are not in a hurry to rest. Instead, they communicate on the Internet, predicting that the listening rate of "Late Night Ghost Story" will drop off a cliff. The day after tomorrow or the day after tomorrow?

Gu Yong wants to be the savior? That is absolutely impossible.


They still despise "Ghost Blowing the Lamp", and still think that most listeners will gradually choose to give up listening, but this does not seem to be the case.

At least from the current situation on the Internet, the vast majority of listeners are full of expectations for the next story development.

Some people celebrate, some people congratulate, and while celebrating and congratulating,

Naturally, people are also discussing the content of the work itself.

"The plot related to the white paper woman is really attractive. It is a combination of weird, bizarre, suspenseful, and thrilling, which makes people want to stop."

"The beginning of Gu Yongda's work was originally quite bland, but as soon as the relevant plot of the white paper woman came out, this blandness was washed away immediately, making people's spirits highly concentrated and tense. A incomplete ancient book, "Sixteen-character Yin-Yang Feng Shui Secret Technique". I always feel that this book will be very important, and may be the key to the development of the plot in the future. Otherwise, in the final content of today's issue, Gu Yong Da Da will not stress that after Hu Guohua's death, his family was copied and nothing was left, except for this incomplete ancient book that Hu Guohua passed on to Hu Bayi."

"It should be like this. Mr. Sun said that the content recorded in this book is just a little trick to find a tomb by feng shui, but I think it should be more than that. There should be deeper content in this book, but Mr. Sun himself does not have it. That's all. It should be understood by Hu Bayi in the future."

"The content of today's episode is all about my grandfather. It can be regarded as a kind of memoir. At the end, the protagonist Hu Bayi officially appears. Tomorrow is obviously about the protagonist Hu Bayi's story. I guess Hu Bayi Bayi should search for the tomb and then rob the tomb according to the content recorded in the ancient book "Sixteen-character Yin-Yang Feng Shui Secret Technique", which is quite attractive!"

"It's really attractive. The broadcast of this episode is called Ai Baoliang, right? It was the first time I listened to his show, and I felt that the broadcast was very good.

"Well, Ai Baoliang can be said to be the most popular broadcaster of ghost stories and supernatural stories. He should be the most qualified person to broadcast Mr. Guyong's works."

"By the way, the listening rate of this episode should be very high. It feels like a lot of people are listening."

"It will definitely be very high. Tomorrow, the "Late Night Ghost Story" program team will definitely announce the audience rate, and we will know when that time comes."

"It's very exciting! I really want to know how much the audience rate of "Late Night Ghost Story" will be achieved by Gu Yongda himself?"

"We are also very much looking forward to it. The listening rate of "Late Night Ghost Story" has been less than 0.1 for a long time. I wonder how many will be in this issue?"

"I'll find out tomorrow, I'm really looking forward to it!"



Ordinary listeners are so concerned about the listening rate of this issue, and everyone in the radio industry is naturally more concerned.

Many people in the radio industry haven't slept yet at this time, and they can't sleep because they also have a hunch that the listening rate of this episode of "Late Night Ghost Stories" will be quite high.

They are very envious, but they are not jealous, because this is actually a good thing for them, and it is also worth celebrating.

Because, if the listening rate of this issue of "Late Night Ghost Stories" is unimaginably high, it must be because there are many new listeners joining.

This shows that as long as the program is good and the right method is found, there are still a lot of people who have never listened to radio programs before and are willing to listen to radio programs.

Also, with the addition of so many new listeners, there will definitely be some people left who are willing to continue listening to radio programs from now on, which will increase the base of listeners for radio programs now.

In this era when radio stations are no longer mainstream, it is definitely a big surprise and a big good thing to have new listeners join, and it is worth celebrating by the whole radio industry.

Therefore, people in the entire radio industry have only envy, not envy, but in addition to envy, they are full of gratitude and seem a little excited.

Especially the similar programs of "Late Night Ghost Story" are particularly excited, and they have seen the dawn of their programs also getting a new lease of life.

People in the entire radio industry are now most concerned about how much the audience rate of this episode of "Late Night Ghost Stories" will reach?

All are predicting and discussing.

"I think it is very likely that it will break through 1.0. Just look at the voices of the listeners discussing on the Internet. There are too many people listening."

"1.0 is still a bit difficult to estimate. You must know that the listening rate of "Late Night Ghost Story" has been less than 0.1 for a long time. From 0.1 to 1.0, is this too exaggerated?"

"It's really exaggerated, but it feels like it's possible, and Gu Yong's influence is greater than we imagined."

"I estimate that there is no 1.0, it should be around 0.7, which is already a very high listening rate."


... small peasant big star

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