Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2120 The answer is very different

Predictions and discussions continue in the radio community.

"0.7? Absolutely more than 1.0. I estimate that it may even reach 1.2."

"It shouldn't be that high, 1.2 is too exaggerated."

"Although we all hope that the higher the listening rate, the better, but we also need to predict according to the actual situation, it should not reach 1.0."

"1.0? I guess it's more than 1.5. You guys, watch it tomorrow, but don't be too shocked."


Some people say that it is about 0.7, and some people say that it is more than 1.5. It can be seen that everyone's answers are very different, which is of course normal.

After all, the listening rate of "Late Night Ghost Story" has not reached 0.1 for a long time, and now it has suddenly become so popular, giving people a feeling that many, many people are listening, but the specific How many people are listening, and no one knows, everyone just thinks in their hearts, how many people will listen, and the results of the prediction of the listening rate will naturally vary greatly.

Everyone's answers are so different, it's estimated that some people will not sleep well all night, and they must be thinking all the time, what will the real listening rate be?

Do not know the exact answer, let them sleep restlessly.


At 8 o'clock in the morning the next day, there was still half an hour before work, but all the members of the "Late Night Ghost Story" program team had already arrived.

They have been thinking about the listening rate in their hearts, and they couldn't help but arrived at the company early.

Not only the people from the "Late Night Ghost Story" program group came early, but many other people on the radio station had also arrived at this time, including some people who usually like to be late. This time has already arrived.

Arriving half an hour earlier, it is estimated that it is the first time since their entry.


Because they are also very concerned, how much will the audience rate of "Late Night Ghost Story" last night? Although they are not from the "Late Night Ghost Story" program, they are from CCTV Radio.

What was the listening rate of "Late Night Ghost Stories" last night? For the entire CCTV radio station,

It's a big thing, and naturally it's closely related to them.

"How many do you say there will be?"

"It's hard to say, but at least it should be around 1.0."

"1.0 should be more than that, but I don't know if there is a chance to hit the number one listening rate?"

"It's not possible to hit the number one listening rate? It's unlikely. If you want to be number one, you must have at least a listening rate of more than 1.5. Our radio station has long occupied the first place in the listening rate of "Music Frontline", and the listening rate is just At around 1.5, it should be impossible to exceed this.”

"I don't know. It's more or less specific. Anyway, it won't be low. Gu Yong's influence is definitely not trivial."

"Well, it will definitely not be low, at least it will be around 0.7, and there will definitely be no problem in the top five listening rate. "Late Night Ghost Story" has really turned around miraculously. If it goes on like this, not only will it not stop broadcasting , and it is possible to return to its former glory.”

"It's a good thing. Everyone belongs to the same radio station, and in the future, you can take it out and brag in front of other radio stations."


The people who have come are all talking about it, guessing how much the listening rate will be?

The people in the "Late Night Ghost Story" program group are naturally more excited to guess.

"Brother Ai, how many do you think there will be?" Everyone likes to ask Ai Baoliang this question.

Ai Bao smiled and replied: "It should not be low, I think it will be above 1.2."

Everyone is very satisfied and excited about this answer. The listening rate for two consecutive days, from 0.1 to 1.2, such an increase seems to be insufficient to describe the miracle, it should be said that it has surpassed the miracle.

But everyone didn't find it strange or shocking, because this is Gu Yong's work. To achieve such a result, it is a routine operation, and there is nothing to make a fuss about.

"Let's not talk about 1.2 or above, I'm very satisfied if it can exceed 1.0." Director Feng Ge walked into the office area of ​​the program group and said.

When everyone saw the director coming, they were naturally excited again.

This one said: "Director, you are too conservative, definitely more than 1.0."

The one said, "Director, we all think it's at least 1.2 or above."

Feng Ge laughed when he heard it, and said, "Okay, it's true that I'm too conservative. I believe everyone's judgment is more accurate than mine."

The mood was quite good.

Jiang Rui, the program director of "Music Forefront", has also come to the radio station. On the way from entering the radio station to the office area of ​​his program group, he heard that his colleagues were speculating about the listening rate of last night's episode of "Late Night Ghost Story". This made Jiang Rui feel quite unhappy, and walked straight to his office with a straight face the whole time.

When colleagues greeted him, he just responded lightly. If it was normal, he would definitely respond very enthusiastically.

He doesn't like the feeling that "Late Night Ghost Story" has become the focus of the entire radio station, especially when someone said that "Late Night Ghost Story"'s listening rate last night may surpass his "Music Frontline" and become today's first in ratings.

This made Jiang Rui even more unhappy, thinking in his heart what kind of vision was the person who said this? Why is judgment so poor?

He admitted that the listening rate of "Late Night Ghost Story" will be very high last night, but it can't be higher than his "Music Frontline", at most about 1.0, which is already a very high listening rate. .

The listening rate of his "Music Frontline" is a phenomenal listening rate, which has been around 1.5 for a long time.

Today, when radio programs are no longer mainstream, this listening rate is definitely a phenomenal listening rate. Not only is it ranked first in CCTV radio stations, but it is also ranked first in all programs in the entire radio industry.

Moreover, it will be much more than the second place.

The second-ranked program of CCTV radio station has a listening rate of around 1.1, while among all the programs of the other major radio stations, the ratings that can exceed 1.0 are very few.

Therefore, their "Music Frontline" has a listening rate of 1.5, which is definitely a phenomenal listening rate. How is it possible that "Late Night Ghost Story" wants to surpass it?

In their group, Jiang Rui said sarcastically: "Someone said that the audience rate of "Late Night Ghost Story" last night will exceed my program. It's really funny, and the judgment is too poor."

Lu Yue said: "As we said before, its ratings last night will indeed be very high, but it is absolutely impossible to reach 1.5, at most 1.1. Therefore, Director Jiang need not worry."

Jiang Rui said: "Of course I'm not worried, I just think it's a little funny. Director Lu doesn't have to worry, their ratings will not return to their original shape in two days, and they will definitely be suspended in the end, and your show will definitely be on. ."

Lu Yue said: "It's best to be able to go, but it doesn't matter if you can't go. I'm happy for the escape from the dead in "Late Night Ghost Story"."

Jiang Rui saw it, and once again despised him in his heart.

... small peasant big star

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