Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2203 The students don't want to leave the get out of class

? In classrooms.

Teacher Chen said: "Students, in this class, the teacher will teach you to read a work called "Enlightenment of Sound Rhythm", which is Mr. Li Fan's latest work. Since there is no textbook for the time being, the teacher will lead you to read it. The teacher reads a sentence, and you read a sentence along, do you understand?"

"Understood." The students answered in unison.

Teacher Chen nodded with great satisfaction. Without textbooks, he could only let the students read with him temporarily. Next, the school will print out enough copies of "Enlightenment of Sound Rhythm" and send them to each student.

But it hasn't been printed out yet, and Teacher Chen can't wait for the school to print it out before teaching the students.

He's going to teach it now, if the kids can get a lot of interest just by listening and reading with him.

Well, until they see the specific text, the interest will only be greater.

"Clouds are against the rain, snow is against the wind, and the evening light is against the clear sky." Teacher Chen began to read, and he didn't know if it was because "Enlightenment of Sound Rhythm" was completely different from modern texts, or because of his own sense of rhythm. The reason is too strong, when Teacher Chen was reading, he shook his head slightly.

It's like often played in ancient TV dramas, the old master in the school shakes his head, and the one who teaches the students to read is also like.

Of course, it's not that exaggerated.

"Clouds are against the rain, snow is against the wind, and the evening light is against the clear sky." After the teacher finished reading, although the students didn't quite understand what this meant, they continued to read in unison, even shaking their heads slightly.

This situation is slightly different from when everyone usually reads other texts with the teacher.

Teacher Chen didn't feel this strange. After the students read along, he continued to read: "Laihong is to Quyan, and the resident bird is to the singing insect."

The students also read along: "Laihong is to Quyan, and the resident bird is to the singing insect."

"Three-foot sword, six-jun bow, Lingbei versus Jiangdong."

"Three-foot sword, six-jun bow, Lingbei versus Jiangdong."



I read it word by word,

The more Mr. Chen read, the more he felt. Later, when he finished reading a sentence, he would narrow his eyes and wait for the voices of the students.

When the students read out the voice, Teacher Chen's face was full of enjoyment, as if those childish voices were reading some kind of sage's words.

And the students, the more they read, the more they find it interesting, and the more they read, the more interested they are.

At the beginning, they just had the mentality of completing the tasks assigned by the teacher. The teacher asked them to read along, and he read along, just like reading the text with the teacher at ordinary times.

But they gradually felt it as they read, which seemed to be completely different from what they usually felt when they read the text.

Usually reading the text is quite drowsy, and I just follow the teacher to read it mechanically, and I just hope that the teacher will finish reading quickly.

But now, not only are they not drowsy, but their eyes are getting brighter. Not only did I not read it mechanically, and I looked forward to the end soon, but I also hoped that the teacher would keep reading, and the longer the reading, the better.

Of course, this does not mean that the students fully understand the meaning of the words they are reading, they just find it very interesting and want to keep reading.

If someone is listening outside the classroom at this time, they will find that the voices of the students are not as mechanical and numb as they usually do when reading the text, but are full of rich emotions.

You can tell from the voice that the students at this time are very interested.

In fact, there were still people quietly listening outside the classroom at this time.

It was the other language teachers who were in the same office as Teacher Chen.

Originally, they planned to wait in the office, and Mr. Chen came back to give them feedback after class, but after Mr. Chen left, they became more and more unable to sit still. They wanted to know as soon as possible that Mr. Chen taught the children to read " The case of Sound Enlightenment.

Finally, a teacher suggested to quietly go outside the classroom where Mr. Chen was in class and have a look.

This proposal was unanimously approved by the remaining teachers.

So, several teachers and teachers came quietly. At the back door of Mr. Chen's classroom, the students in the classroom could not see them, but they could hear the voices of the students.

When they came out of the classroom, Teacher Chen was already reading.

At the beginning, everyone hadn't heard anything unusual, but after listening, they noticed something unusual in the voices of the students.

At this time, they, like Teacher Chen, enjoyed the sound of the students reading "Enlightenment of Sound Rhythm" very much.

The teachers looked at each other, and although they didn't speak, each other's eyes were full of joy and excitement.

They don't have to wait for Teacher Chen's feedback, they already know the answer now.

After knowing the answer, they did not leave immediately, but planned to continue listening outside. The slightly immature voices of the students brought them a different kind of enjoyment and feeling.

In classrooms.

Teacher Chen originally planned to just read the first part, but now he is completely reluctant to stop, so he decided to leave it alone and read the whole work first and then talk about it.

"Red to purple, white to green, fishing fire to Zen lantern." Unfortunately, when Teacher Chen read this sentence, the bell rang at an inopportune time.

get out of class is over, there is still a long way to go.

Some noisy get out of class bells finally woke up the somewhat intoxicated Teacher Chen.

"Class is over? Why is it so fast?" Although I sometimes feel that I have ended so soon in get out of class, this time the feeling is the most obvious, and it makes Teacher Chen feel the most regret. ?

The teacher felt sorry to hear the bell for the end of get out of class, but it was nothing. But if all the students in a class also feel some regrets, it would be quite incredible.

It's normal if it's just a few students who don't want to get out of class so quickly, but it's not normal if all the students don't want to.

Unless it is a physical education class, the physical education teacher has arranged free activities for everyone. It is possible, but now it is not a physical education class, but a Chinese class.

The students in Teacher Chen's class did not want to leave the get out of class at this time.

This was absolutely impossible in the past, but now it happens.

"Teacher, you continue to teach, we still want to read." The students said in a babble.

Hearing this kind of request from the students, Mr. Chen was pleasantly surprised and excited. This was definitely the first time he heard this kind of request from the students since he taught.

Teacher Chen also really wanted to continue to lead everyone to read, but he knew that as a teacher, he should announce the dismissal of the get out of class, and he could not occupy the students' spare time.

"Students, get out of class is over now, let's continue reading next time. Okay?" Teacher Chen announced that get out of class was over. He originally wanted to ask the students if they were interested in the text they just read?

But now, he felt that there was no need to ask.


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