Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2204 just like to read

? After announcing that the get out of class was dismissed, Mr. Chen thought for a while, and then added to tell the students that if they really want to continue reading "The Enlightenment of Sound and Rhythm", they can ask their parents to teach them to read again after returning home. His parents, at this time, already knew about the work "Enlightenment of Sound Rhythm".

Then, in the unanimous agreement of the students, Teacher Chen walked out of the classroom happily, walking towards the office, thinking in his heart, how to tell the other teachers how he taught the children to read "The Enlightenment of Sound Rhythm" Happening?

How to say it so that teachers can understand it more accurately?

From the time he walked out of the classroom to the time he walked into the office, Mr. Chen was thinking about this question, but when he walked into the office, he found that he didn't need to think about this question at all.

Because, several teachers obviously already know the situation.

As soon as he walked into the office, a teacher surnamed Li laughed and said: "Mr. Chen is back from get out of class. All the students asked you not to leave the get out of class and continue to read. Why don't you take a few more minutes?"

Mr. Chen was thinking about how to tell them. Hearing Mr. Li's words, he couldn't help but be slightly taken aback and said, "Mr. Li, how did you know?"

Before Mr. Li could answer, several teachers next to him said with a smile: "Not only Mr. Li knows, but we all know."

"You..." Teacher Chen responded and said, "So you all went to listen to my class."

Teacher Li said: "Yes, we all went, and we actually came back a little earlier than you. Fortunately, we went, otherwise, how would we know that "Sound Enlightenment" will make children so interested. All All the students asked not to drop out of class, and they continued to study. I have been teaching for 10 years, and I have never encountered such a situation. I am afraid that no one will believe this situation.”

The other teachers also sighed. Although they knew for a long time that children should be interested in "Sound Enlightenment", they did not expect that the children's interest would be so strong.

It seems that the charm of "Enlightenment of Sound Rhythm" is greater than they imagined.

Teacher Chen shook his head and smiled and said, "I was just thinking about how to tell you about this, but it seems unnecessary now. You all went outside my classroom, how come I don't feel anything at all?"

Teacher Li said with a smile, "Mr. Chen is already immersed in the children's naive reading sounds, and it's normal that he didn't notice us."

Teacher Chen nodded.

That's true. When he was just in class, he was completely intoxicated by the sound of children's reading.

Otherwise, several teachers appeared at the back door of the classroom. Even if the back door of the classroom was closed, he couldn't see it, but he should have sensed it.

Then, Mr. Li continued: "Since the children are so interested in "Enlightenment of Sound Rhythm", it is absolutely certain that this work can really help them improve their writing ability. If we do some proper guidance, I am afraid the speed of improvement will be very fast. In addition, this work also contains a lot of historical allusions, which we can tell the children specially. It's not impossible. It's really exciting!"

Teacher Chen said: "Yes, this problem that has been plaguing us for a long time can finally be solved. This kind of thing still needs to be done by Mr. Li Fan himself."

A teacher surnamed Yu said: "Not only can we teach the children, but the parents can also teach the children after the children come home from school. In this way, the effect will undoubtedly be better."

Teacher Chen nodded and said, "Yes, I have already told the students that when I go back, I can ask my parents to read it with me. After I'm familiar with it, I can read it by myself."

Several other teachers nodded at the same time, all intending to explain the same to their students.


What happened in this school is just a microcosm of countless schools across the country.

Today, Chinese teachers in elementary, junior high and high schools all over the country have almost all done the same thing, that is, recommending "Enlightenment of Sound Rhythm" to their students.

Elementary school teachers need to lead their students to read, while junior high school and high school teachers generally let students read by themselves first, and then they start explaining after the students read by themselves.

Of course, teachers and students in various universities are also reading, but college students read and understand purely by themselves.

If they want to talk to the teachers, the teachers are naturally very welcome.

Even big bosses like Shen Cong and Cen Geng felt a sense of benefit from reading "The Enlightenment of Sound Rhythm", and it was naturally the same for the teachers and students of the university.


Countless parents are also more excited after reading the specific content of "Sound Enlightenment". They can feel that their children should be interested in such words.

As long as your child is interested, there will be some improvement in writing ability. If you guide yourself well, you may be able to improve significantly.

They look forward to their children coming back from school, and then teach the "Enlightenment of Sound Rhythm" to their children, and let their children read it repeatedly.

They don't yet know that when their children are in school, teachers have already taught them.

When their children returned home, the parents couldn't wait to say to their children, "Come on, children, Uncle Li Fan just released a new work today, which is very suitable for you to read. Let's read it for a while, how about you? ?"

As soon as the parent's words were finished, the child said proudly: "Is it "The Enlightenment of Sound Rhythm"? I have already read it, the first sentence is 'cloud to rain, snow to wind, evening light to the clear sky.', yes no?"

After listening to this, the parents said with joy: "Did the teacher teach you today? It turns out that the teacher has already taught it. How is it, do you like this book?"

The child said: "I don't know if I like it or not. I just like reading this book. Reading this book feels like reading "Three Character Classic" and "Hundred Family Surnames"."

The parents were even more surprised and said repeatedly: "Okay, that's enough, that's enough. Just read it if you like it, let's read it now, how about it?"

The child said, "Okay! The teacher already said that after we go home, let you take us to read more. When we are familiar with it, we can read it by ourselves."

The parent said again and again: "Okay! The teacher is right. Let's start now. I read a sentence, and you read a sentence with me."

"Good!" replied the child.

In this way, in countless families, the sound of parents taking their children to read "The Enlightenment of Sound Rhythm" has been heard.


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