Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 714 Feeling sorry

what is going on?

Song Jingshu probably will never know the answer.

"Master Song, what's going on? He's gone again?" the driver asked.

However, Song Jingshu's answer was not heard. The driver shouted a few more times before hearing Song Jingshu's furious voice, "It's gone again. There are still no traces of being picked. I'm so damn crazy."

The driver said, "Both of them disappeared overnight. Could it be that they were destroyed by some animal? However, now is not the time to find the reason. We should find other ways to find the other Emperor Shou."

Song Jingshu said: "How easy is it to find an Emperor Shou in this barren mountain? Even if you look for it all day long, you may not be able to find it. Besides, the two Emperor Shou suddenly disappeared. I guess it is because of the vegetation environment in this area. What sudden change caused Emperor Shou to be unable to survive and quickly wither away, which is why it disappeared so cleanly.

In this case, there may be no Emperor Shou in this area. Magan, how could you be so unlucky? However, fortunately, we couldn't find Emperor Shou, and neither could that kid, so it was a draw. Forget it, go back, you must attend the birthday party at noon. "

Song Jingshu was very unwilling. It was obviously a win-win situation, but it turned into a draw. Even God was not on his side, Damn!

The driver sighed and said, "It seems this is the only way to go. Let's go back."

Let’s look at the situation between Li Fan and Su Qing.

Li Fan pointed to a place and said, "This is it. It is very likely that there will be emperors here. Let's go down and have a look."

Xiaotian landed on the ground, and Li Fan jumped off Xiaotian's back, then helped Su Qing down and said, "Let's search around here. I have a strong hunch that there is a Emperor Shou plant." Wait for us."

Su Qing said happily: "Then let's look for it separately. By the way, what is the longevity of the emperor?"

After saying that, without waiting for Li Fan to answer, he lowered his head and started searching on the ground.

Li Fan chuckled, and through the power of space, he quietly transplanted an Emperor Shou plant to a place not far from Su Qing's feet.

The magical power of space makes this newly transplanted Emperor Shou plant appear as if it had grown from here originally, with no trace of the recent transplantation.

Li Fan also pretended to be searching on the ground, and said: "Emperor Shou belongs to the Aloe family, so its appearance is somewhat similar to that of aloe vera, except that the leaves are shorter and thicker than aloe vera. Emperor Shou does not like strong light..."

While Li Fan was introducing Emperor Shou to Su Qing, he glanced at Su Qing out of the corner of his eye. Seeing Su Qing getting closer and closer to the position of the Emperor Shou plant, he laughed in his heart, thinking about what kind of surprise Su Qing would be waiting for later. expression?

Everything was just as Li Fan thought. Su Qing's eyes fell on a plant on the ground. She was stunned for a moment, and then shouted in surprise: "Li Fan, come here quickly, I think I found you." Come here quickly."

"Really?" Li Fan was also very surprised, "Let me take a look."

As he spoke, he ran to Su Qing's side in two steps.

Su Qing pointed to a plant on the ground and said eagerly: "Have a look, is it that one?"

Li Fan took a closer look and laughed and said: "It's really the emperor's birthday, and the appearance is not bad." After saying that, he hugged Su Qing into his arms and continued: "My wife is still awesome, come and reward you. a kiss."

Su Qing was very excited and took the initiative to give Li Fan a sweet kiss. Then with a slightly blushing face, she broke away from Li Fan's arms and said, "Who is your wife? I haven't agreed yet."

Li Fan laughed and said, "We will pick this Emperor Shou plant now, and then take it back and present it to our grandfather."

Su Qing said "hmm", then took out her mobile phone, turned on the camera function, and said, "Let's record the picking process, just in case."

Li Fan nodded and said: "Smart!"

After that, Li Fan dug out the entire Emperor Shou plant and the surrounding soil and placed it in a prepared flower pot.

"It's done, you can go back." Li Fan said.

Su Qing nodded happily.

At this moment, Xiao Ju's voice suddenly sounded in his mind, "Master, there is a cave nearby, and there is an interesting guy in the cave."

"Interesting guy?" Li Fan thought, but now was obviously not the time to explore the cave, so he said to Xiao Ju: "Well, let's come back at another time."

"Okay, Master." Xiao Ju said.

Afterwards, Li Fan and Su Qing returned to Xiao Tian's back, and Xiao Tian returned to the sky.

When the two returned to the air, they happened to see Song Jingshu not far away, who was also returning to the helicopter through the ladder.

Su Qing said: "I wonder if he has found Emperor Shou?"

Li Fan smiled and said: "Whether he finds it or not, we have to go back before him."

Su Qing thought about it, Xiao Tian's speed was much faster than that broken helicopter, and said, "Then let's go back quickly."

The guests at the scene were chatting in twos and threes, and from time to time they would glance in the direction where Li Fan and Song Jingshu were going.

"Who do you think will come back first?"

"It should be the boy from the Song family. He definitely knows the specific location of Emperor Shou."

"I can only say that he is more likely. Mr. Li Fan also has a chance to win."

"Look, they're back."


As soon as the news came out, almost everyone at the scene looked up and looked in the same direction.

"It's Xiaotian, Mr. Li Fan is back first."

"The Song family's helicopter is also behind."

"Come back together? Have you found Emperor Shou?"

"I don't know. It is indeed possible for the boy from the Song family to find Emperor Shou, but Mr. Li Fan probably won't be able to find him so soon."

"Alas! Coming back together so soon proves that Mr. Li Fan has lost."

"Why? Why do you say Mr. Li Fan lost?"

"Think about it, if the boy from the Song family can come back so quickly, it means that he really knows the specific location of Emperor Shou. Therefore, the boy from the Song family must have picked Emperor Shou in his hands.

As for Mr. Li Fan, it was impossible to find Emperor Shou so quickly. Of course, it is theoretically possible, but the probability is so small that it can be ignored.

He came back just because he saw the boy from the Song family coming back and knew that the boy from the Song family had already received the emperor's longevity. It would be in vain for him to continue looking for him.

We lost anyway, so we might as well come back early to attend the birthday banquet at noon. It's just that because Xiao Tian was faster, Mr. Li Fan caught up and got ahead. "

"That being said, it seems to be the case. Alas! What a pity."

"Alas! Did Mr. Li Fan still lose? What a pity."


This statement quickly spread among the guests. When the guests thought about it, it seemed that it should be like this.

Even the appearance of the roaring divine beast could not save the defeat.

Suddenly, many guests felt sorry for Li Fan.

Of course, Lin Yuebai, Zhao Kuo, Lin Kun and others were very excited.

Lin Yuebai said: "That's great, nothing unexpected happened."

Zhao Kuo said: "When that kid got that broken bird out before, he was so pretentious and majestic! He's not defeated now. It really made me laugh to death. It feels so good."

Lin Kun said: "Jingshu has finally regained some face for us. We can have a nice drink at noon."

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