Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 829 Perfect

As soon as today's youth newspaper was released, it quickly caused huge controversy on the Internet.

Originally, if it were just about "children's fantasy literature", there wouldn't be much controversy, but if Li Fan is involved, the controversy will become even greater.

As the saying goes, the more famous people are, the more famous they are, and sometimes the more criticism they receive.

Therefore, the focus of everyone's controversy is basically focused on Li Fan.

Of course, some of them are just talking about things, and the target they are targeting is not just Li Fan, but the entire Chinese children's literature community, and even the Chinese Writers Association.

But more people obviously want to seize this opportunity, stir up trouble everywhere, and take the opportunity to slander Li Fan.

Their point of view is also very simple. It is nothing more than that Li Fan, as the first person in Chinese children's literature, does not even know about children's fantasy literature, let alone works in this field, which makes the great China lose face in front of European countries. . Li Fan is simply not qualified to become the first person in Chinese children's literature.

On the surface, this point of view seems reasonable, but in fact it is just trying to impose a crime, and there is no excuse for it.

Therefore, many people immediately refuted it.

It's simply a strong word. Li Fan is praised as the first person in Chinese children's literature. That's because Li Fan can be called the first person in short fairy tales, long fairy tales, children's poetry, children's prose, children's comics, etc. .

Now, there is no children's fantasy literature in China, but you blame Li Fan, as if Li Fan owes China's children's fantasy literature. Isn't this funny?

If you have to blame, then you should blame yourself and every Chinese. Why are there so many people but no children's fantasy literature writer?

Li Fan alone has covered all aspects of Chinese fairy tales, children's prose, and children's poetry.

It's just that you don't know how to be grateful, but now you want to jump out and accuse with confidence, "Why don't you include children's fantasy literature as well? Don't you know that this will embarrass our country?"

I really want to take a look at you and see what people who are blind online look like in real life?

This kind of rebuttal really made those who slandered suffocate, and some of them were speechless.

But soon, they became a little angry, "I just used strong words, what's wrong? I just wanted to accuse him, what's wrong?"

With this mentality, the slanderers began a new round of counterattack.

In their view, they only need to firmly grasp the fact that "Li Fan has lost the face of China because he has no children's fantasy literature", which will definitely get the support of many patriots.

Li Fan's life will not be easy in a short time, that's enough.

Unless Li Fan can use children's fantasy literature to help China save face, no matter how many explanations there are, it will be useless.

Can Li Fan do it? Of course not.

Therefore, they thought they were invincible, but after a period of embarrassment and anger, their mood became better again.

Controversies continue, and the influence is getting bigger and bigger. Some people who are unaware of it can't help but be surprised.

"I'll wipe it! Mr. Li Fan has a lot of negative fans!"

"It is estimated that there are indeed many. It has accumulated slowly from Mr. Li Fan's emergence to the present. They usually hide in the darkness, waiting to find opportunities to slander Mr. Li Fan. Now that they have finally appeared, they naturally will not Let it go.”

"The so-called children's fantasy literature should be the same as fairy tales. It is mainly for children. Those people don't know how to read it at all, and it makes them blush, which is quite interesting."

"That's not necessarily true. Fantasy literature sounds like it is more suitable for older people than fairy tales. Even fairy tales are liked by older people. There should still be many people who like to read fantasy literature."

"Fantasy literature? It sounds interesting, but I haven't read it, so it's hard to comment."

"It's not that the fantasy literary works of Lan Guo and other countries,

Do you want to enter our country’s market? Buy a copy when the time comes and take a look, and you'll find out. "


On the Internet, some people are arguing endlessly, and some people are focusing on fantasy literature itself.

But no matter what netizens think, the influence of this "children's fantasy literature incident" is still expanding.


The exchange summit on the second day ended in a relatively friendly atmosphere.

After dinner.

Yu Qiu, the president of the Writers Association, found Yang Jie and said with a wry smile: "Old Yang, have you seen all the discussions about this summit on the Internet?"

Yang Jie also smiled bitterly and said, "Looking at it, the situation seems to be more serious than we imagined."

Yu Qiu said: "Indeed, we underestimated Brother Li's influence before. This really fits the saying, the greater the fame, the more right and wrong."

Yang Jie said: "Indeed, almost all the controversies on the Internet revolve around Brother Li. However, those who slander him are obviously using this opportunity to mess around and try to influence more people's feelings towards Brother Li. dissatisfied."

Yu Qiu sighed: "Speaking of which, this should be the responsibility of our Writers' Association, but we are the ones who have caused trouble for Brother Li. I wonder if Brother Li has seen the relevant controversy? How would he feel in his heart? We have to find a way to support Brother Li."

Yang Jie smiled and said: "Support is indeed necessary, but President Yu doesn't seem to know Brother Li very well yet. Don't worry, this kind of thing will not have any impact on Brother Li."

Yu Qiu's eyes lit up and she said, "That's good. I was a little worried at first."

In the hotel room.

Li Fan was indeed not affected by the controversy on the Internet.

After watching it on the Internet for a while, he stopped paying attention.

The situation was a little more serious than he thought, but that's all, he didn't bother to care.

Later, Li Fan logged into Weibo and interacted with Fanlou's fans.

Now, the number of fans of Fan Lou is getting stronger and stronger, and they are also the main force fighting for Li Fan on the Internet today.

Li Fan has to thank his fans. Li Fan also expressed his gratitude to those in Feifanlou through Weibo.

The room where Jim rests.

At this time, all the representatives of Languo writers are here.

With the help of translators, they also understood the various hot discussions on the Chinese Internet today.

All the writers seemed very excited.

Clark said: "It's really perfect. Netizens in China are taking the initiative to put more pressure on Li Fan. Li Fan must be very anxious at this time. The more he wants to get rid of the current situation, the more he will be right. If we are advantageous, it will be easier to fall into our trap in the end. In addition, Chinese netizens are also looking forward to our fantasy literature, and everything is perfect.”

The other writers nodded frequently, and Jim also showed a faint smile.

At the same time, representatives of writers from Danguo and Baiguo also gathered together to discuss the same thing.

Moreover, he also came to the same conclusion as Lan Guo.

Therefore, the writer representatives from Danguo and Baiguo also seemed very excited at this time.

In their opinion, the first two days of this trip to China were perfect.

The next two days, they thought, would be just as perfect.

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