Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 830 Children’s Literature Creation Competition

On May 7th, the Children’s Literature Exchange Summit will continue.

Today we mainly discuss children’s prose and the future development direction of children’s literature.

Controversies and discussions on the Internet are still continuing, and netizens are paying more and more attention to the ongoing exchange summit.

Therefore, the sales volume of the youth newspaper today was much higher than yesterday, and all newspapers at all sales points were sold out.

The number of visits to the official website of China Youth Newspaper also increased dramatically. Those who have not purchased the physical newspaper, as well as netizens from other places, can only choose to go to the official website to read the electronic version.

In today's relevant reports, in addition to content related to the exchange summit, there is another incident that has also triggered heated discussions among netizens.

That is, author representatives from three countries, Languo, Danguo, and Baiguo, have reached a cooperative relationship with a publishing house in China called "Huafeng International".

Physical books of representative works of children's fantasy literature from the three countries are expected to be officially put on sale in China in about ten days at the earliest.

In other words, physical books of children's fantasy literature from the three countries will officially enter the Chinese market in about ten days at the earliest.

Is this good or bad? It caused a lot of heated discussion on the Internet.

And those who have been slandering Li Fan seem to have found a new entry point.

It is said that for a long time to come, all Chinese children's fantasy literature will come from foreign countries.

Local children's writers in China, headed by Li Fan, are simply unable to create children's fantasy literature.

This will not only allow those foreign authors to earn enough money, but also make them ridicule China in their hearts, "So what if China is so good in other fields? The market for children's fantasy literature is still there. It’s not just us.”

The most important thing is that if this matter reaches the ears of neighboring countries, it will definitely arouse their ridicule, saying that although the great China is a country, it does not even have a fantasy literary work, and no one can create fantasy literary works. In the end, the author can only introduce fantasy literary works from other countries.

The culprit who caused Hua Guo such embarrassment was Li Fan.

Although this is the same strong argument as yesterday, but those people just want to use strong arguments, as long as they can influence some people and have opinions on Li Fan in their hearts.

In fact, they really influenced some people.

Because, so far, it is a fact that China cannot produce children's fantasy literature. In the next period of time, China's children's fantasy literature market will be completely dominated by foreign works. This is also a fact.

Why does this happen? Many people will unconsciously think about the reasons. As the first person in Chinese children's literature, Li Fan is easily targeted by others, and there will be no shortage of gossip.

All right and wrong are intensifying on the Internet, and everyone understands that they want to end the current controversial situation and make those who try every means to slander Li Fan speechless.

In fact, it is simple. If Li Fan or any other children's literature writer can create an excellent children's fantasy literature in a short period of time, then all problems will be solved.

But the key is is this possible? If these children's literature writers in China could really create excellent children's fantasy literature, the current situation would not exist.

Therefore, there is probably no way to solve the current situation.

The only way is to wait for a little longer time and then let it go.

Most netizens think so.

However, the next day, after the new issue of the Youth Daily was released, the situation seemed to be about to change, and there was no way to delay it.

May 8th is the last day of the Children’s Literature Exchange Summit.

The Youth Daily, issued today, reported on the summit held yesterday.

Among them, one piece of content has once again caused a large-scale heated discussion on the Internet.

Netizens had different reactions to it. Some were very interested, some were worried, and some were gloating and excited.

What is it?

That is, after this summit, all countries will jointly hold a "Hope Cup International Children's Literature Creation Competition."

Children's fantasy literature is one of the important genres.

No one expected that such a competition would be held soon.

Everyone couldn't help but feel relieved when they saw that this competition was mainly for the upcoming International Children's Day.

The rest is the different thoughts of different people.

Many people are very interested and full of expectations.

In their view, this competition, if grasped well, is a great opportunity to break the current situation.

What does it mean to be sure? Naturally, Li Fan, or any other writer, can create an excellent children's fantasy literature and submit it to the competition.

Of course, they also know that this is a bit too difficult for these children's literature writers in China.

But this is indeed an opportunity, so you have to try it with all your strength.

They are full of expectations.

However, it is precisely because of the expectations of countless people that Li Fan's fans, as well as those who fought for Li Fan in this controversy, seem a little worried.

Because, rather than placing our hopes on all children's literature writers, it is better to say that we place our hopes on Li Fan alone.

In this way, Li Fan will be put under great pressure, and Li Fan will eventually have to choose "children's fantasy literature" as the genre to create works for the competition.

Among all children's literature genres, the genre that Li Fan is least good at is undoubtedly "children's fantasy literature".

In this way, the final result may be that the works created by Li Fan are not satisfactory, allowing those who slander him to seize the opportunity to make a big fuss.

Originally, without this competition, the current situation would have passed if it dragged on.

Or maybe with this competition, there are not so many people's "expectations", and Li Fan can completely choose to participate in the genre creation works that he is best at.

However, there is no such "if" now.

Therefore, Li Fan's fans, as well as those who fought for Li Fan in this controversy, are worried.

However, those who tried every means to slander Li Fan seemed to be gloating and excited at this time.

This children's literature creation competition, as well as the "anticipation" in the hearts of countless people, is simply a huge surprise for them.

Because, they believe that under heavy pressure, Li Fan finally had no choice but to create in the genre of "children's fantasy literature".

The final work created will definitely not be very good, and it may even make people laugh.

By then, they will have thousands of ways to slander and ridicule Li Fan and Li Fan's works, and maybe even knock Li Fan off the altar.

Thinking of this, they were very excited.

What they need to do now is to continue to add fuel to the flames on the Internet, striving to put more pressure on Li Fan to avoid any accidents in the end.

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