Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 857 Foreign netizens are confused

Netizens in China are paying attention to the final results of this competition, and netizens from other countries are also paying attention. They are also very concerned about the final results.

Even some people who don't usually read children's literature are equally concerned about the final result of the competition.

Lan country.

In the perception of Languo netizens, Languo has always been among the top in the world in the field of children's literature.

Especially in terms of fantasy literature, it can be said to be the first country in the world.

Famous fantasy literature writers such as Jim and Chuter are not only well-known in the Netherlands, but also in various European countries and even in many countries around the world.

Of course, this is basically true.

As far as this competition is concerned, it may not be easy for participating writers from Lan Guo to win first place in several other genre categories.

For example, in the category of short fairy tales, Andelin from the Dan Kingdom and Gessen from the Bai Kingdom are so powerful that the short fairy tale writers from the Lan Kingdom may not be able to defeat them.

But in the category of fantasy literature, it is absolutely certain that the first place belongs to their country, Lan.

Moreover, it is definitely Jim’s dream country.

In addition, the possibility that the second and third places also belong to Lan Guo is also very high.

Netizens in Lan Guo have absolute confidence in fantasy literature.

However, when they confidently clicked on the Fantasy Literature category and checked the performance rankings, they were all suddenly dumbfounded.

The top-ranked work is undoubtedly something by Lan Guo Li Fan, Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone.

Jim’s dream country only ranked second.

Netizens in Lan Guo were stunned, feeling very incredible and incomprehensible.

They thought they were dazzled, but after rubbing their eyes vigorously, they still looked the same.

It was lively now.

"Oh shit! How can Jim's Dreamland be ranked second? What the hell is Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone?"

"Is Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone good to watch? Why hasn't it been released in Lan Guo? Isn't it said that the good works in this competition are all released simultaneously in various countries?"

"I have never heard of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, but I have heard of Li Fan from China. He is a famous short story fairy tale writer in China. His works such as The Tortoise and the Hare and Little Red Riding Hood have been spread in various European countries recently. It’s very broad.”

"Chinese Li Fan's short fairy tales are indeed very famous, but shouldn't he use short fairy tales to compete? Why did he enter the fantasy literature category? And he won first place."

"Don't they all say that fantasy literature in China has not developed at all? I don't know if Li Fan of China has written fantasy literature before, but even if he had written it, he was certainly not famous. Why did he suddenly It’s incredible that Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone won the first place.”


Li Fan's Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone won the first place in the fantasy literature category, and immediately became the focus of Languo Network.

No one questioned its authenticity, but it was precisely because of this that the netizens of Lan State could not understand it even more.

Jim can be regarded as the first person in fantasy literature. This time, many people have read the entry "Dream Kingdom", and it still maintains a high standard.

But why can’t it compare to Li Fan’s Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone?

Now everyone wants to take a look, what kind of work is Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone?

Why can it beat Jim's dream country?

However, this work was not published in Lan State.

This makes the netizens of Lan State even more strange. Since it was not published in Lan Guo, it means that the publishing representative of Lan Guo at that time was not optimistic about Li Fan's entry. How did he win the championship?

The netizens of Lan State shook their heads one after another. They couldn't understand. At the same time, they were also very depressed and aggrieved. It was originally a sure thing, but in the end it was a mess. The netizens couldn't accept it for a while, but they can understand it.

In addition, netizens in Languo are also looking forward to,

Is there any publishing house in Lan State that can publish Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone so that they can lose more clearly.

The publishing houses in Lan State were aware of the netizens' thoughts at once.

At first, all the publishing houses seemed very excited, thinking that the opportunity to make a lot of money was just around the corner, and they were all preparing to go to China to buy the publishing rights from Li Fan.

However, an announcement from Sander Publishing House made them suddenly stop and feel very regretful and regretful. At the same time, they also cursed Sander Publishing House in a low voice.

It turned out that Sander Publishing House officially announced that they had reached a cooperation agreement with Mr. Li Fan and obtained the exclusive copyright to publish Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone in Lan Guo.

The meaning is obvious, I just want to tell other publishing houses in Lan Guo that you don't have to waste your efforts anymore, the copyright has been taken over by our Sander Publishing House. We are kindly reminding you to prevent you from making a trip to China and wasting your fare money.

This move by Sander Publishing House may indeed be meant as a reminder, but more obviously it is meant to discourage.

No wonder it was quietly cursed by other publishing houses.

For the netizens of Lan State, this is barely good news.

Finally, a publisher is going to publish Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, and they can clear up their confusion.

Jim looked at the rankings and sighed softly. He had already guessed the result, and he didn't have much emotion at this time.

It's just that I feel a little unwilling in my heart.

Now think about it, in order to motivate Li Fan to choose fantasy literature to participate in the competition, he intentionally or unintentionally targeted Li Fan many times, and finally succeeded in getting Li Fan to choose fantasy literature as a genre.

Does this count as shooting oneself in the foot?

Or, as Li Fan himself said, he chose fantasy literature as a genre with a long-term plan, rather than a passive choice due to external pressure.

Looking at it now, this possibility does seem very high.

Then in Li Fan's eyes, those intentional and unintentional attacks he made at that time were like a clown performing?

"Oh, damn! What a hateful boy!" Jim's mood swings finally became louder.

Like netizens from Lan Kingdom, netizens from Dan Kingdom, Bai Kingdom and other countries also felt very incomprehensible that Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone won first place in the fantasy literature category.

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone was not published in their country, so they had no idea about the book. This was the first time they even saw the name.

How come you won first place?

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