Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 858 Different moods

Therefore, the book Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone has also become the focus of discussion on the Internet in Danguo, Baiguo and other countries.

"This is really surprising news. Lan Guojim's Dream Kingdom did not win the first place. Now I am very curious about what kind of book Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone is. Book?"

"Who said before that China's fantasy literature has not developed? Without development, it can win the first place this time? Some news is still unbelievable."

"Several of the fantasy literature works in this competition are published in our country. Why is there no Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone?"

"Who knows? This is the first time I've heard of this book, but I'm already interested in it."

"Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone can win the first place in the fantasy literature category, so there should be a huge market for it. Why don't these publishing houses in our country buy the publishing rights?"


The mentality of netizens in these countries is naturally different from the mentality of netizens in Lanzhou.

They don't care who wins first place in the fantasy literature category for Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone and The Realm of Dreams, since neither of them is an author from their country.

But they were very surprised. How could a work that had not been released in their country and that they had never heard of before win the first place in fantasy literature?

They were all very curious to know the answer.

Many publishing houses in various countries were also very surprised to see Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone taking first place in the fantasy literature category.

But what surprised them was not why no publishing house published this book, but why the publishing house representatives who attended the exchange summit last time did not publish this book?

They have published the second to fifth-placed works, but they have not published the first-placed work. Could it be that they were not optimistic about the book Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone in the first place?

Well, I guess this is the only explanation.

Doesn’t that mean that any publisher now has the opportunity to publish this book?

Thinking of this, the powerful big publishing houses in various countries couldn't help but get excited. As long as they can reach a cooperation agreement with Li Fan of China first, they will definitely make a lot of money.

The powerful large publishing houses have taken action one after another.

Of course, there are two exceptions for publishing houses in two countries, namely Danguo and Baiguo.

Dehezi Publishing House in Baiguo and Yico Publishing House in Danguo also announced to the outside world that they had reached a cooperation agreement with Li Fan.

This made other publishing houses in the two countries regretful.

The news that Languosande Publishing House, Baiguo Dehuz Publishing House, and Danguo Iko Publishing House had reached a cooperation agreement with Li Fan also spread to several other countries. They were also representatives of the exchange summit publishing houses at that time. In the ears of several publishing houses.

This made several publishing houses almost want to vomit blood. We were all representatives of publishing houses at the exchange summit, so we all knew each other.

Now, you three publishers have discovered the market for the book Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone in advance.

Why can't you inform us? We don't have a competitive relationship.

Now that you have reached a cooperation agreement with Li Fan, you will make a lot of money.

And because we lost the opportunity, we now have to compete with other powerful large publishing houses in China. Can we successfully obtain the publishing copyright? But it’s hard to say.

Even if you successfully obtain the copyright in the end, the price you pay will probably be higher than yours.

You are so unkind this time!

Several publishing houses are almost vomiting blood, but it is useless to complain now. It is better to seize the time and take action to successfully obtain the publishing copyright.

Dan Kingdom.

Andlin won the first place in the short fairy tale category of this competition, and he also defeated his old rival Gessen from Baiguo and won the first place, which made him feel very good.

He smiled and said to Tang Pu: "Baiguo has always wanted to beat us in fairy tales.

What else can I say about Nagesen this time? Our country, Dan, is the number one fairy tale country in the world. It's just a pity that Li Fan really won the first place in the fantasy literature category. Lan Guojim was just unreliable, because he looked so confident before. "

Tom Pu said: "This is indeed very regrettable. In the past, he was only famous in European countries for his short fairy tales. I am afraid that he will also add fantasy literature in the future."

Andlin sighed. Although he didn't want to admit it, this seemed to be the truth.

Compared with Andelin's good mood, Gessen from Baiguo was obviously not so lucky.

The short fairy tale, which he was best at, unfortunately lost to his old rival Andelin.

This was a difficult thing for him to accept.

However, the netizens of Baiguo also complained about this, thinking that even if he lost to others, he could not lose to Andelin, lest the netizens of Danguo would be arrogant and unruly!

But the matter has come to this, and the result cannot be changed. Netizens in Baiguo can only release their emotions through the Internet, and Gessen has to lie down and grab it in many cases.

This made Gessen's mood even worse. In addition, Li Fan won first place in the fantasy literature category, which was also very bad news for Gessen.

It's strange that Gessen was in a good mood.

In addition, at this time, some writers from another country were also in a very bad mood.

They are the representatives of children's literature writers from the island country at the last exchange summit.

At the last exchange summit, writer representatives such as Kamikawa Jinxiu thought that Li Fan was doomed this time when they saw that Li Fan had no choice but to choose fantasy literature to compete.

For this reason, after they returned to the country, they vigorously "publicized" it so that other writers and netizens in the island country could be prepared to see Li Fan stumble.

However, everyone was well prepared, but what they saw was not a stumble, but another glorious scene.

This has caused some other writers in the island country and some netizens to criticize them.

It's okay if you don't let everyone prepare. Now that they are ready, but they don't see what they want to see, aren't they causing trouble for themselves?

“Asshole!” All the writer representatives who participated in the last exchange summit cursed in their hearts.

I don’t know if they are criticizing Li Fan or other writers and netizens who have criticized them!

The announcement of the final results of the competition has made the Internet in various countries quite uneasy. Whether it is the author or ordinary netizens, everyone has their own different moods.

But Li Fan has no time to surf the Internet now. He is sitting on the bus bound for the provincial capital. He wants to accompany Su Qing to attend an event that Su Qing's former university will hold this afternoon.

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