Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 865 The event begins

Li Fan and his group continued to walk on campus. After the "shooting incident" just now, the atmosphere has changed slightly.

Li Fan added a touch of mystery to everyone's hearts.

Perhaps it was psychological factors at play, but when everyone looked at Li Fan now, they always felt that he was no longer ordinary.

Su Qing walked up to Li Fan and whispered in his ear: "It's another time to be in the limelight."

Li Fan chuckled and said in a low voice, "I can't help it. No matter how low-key I am, something will always come up for me and make me stand out."

Su Qing rolled her eyes at him, "Dese!"

"Where are we going now?" Chen Shuang asked.

Hearing this, Lu Yangming replied: "It's almost 2 o'clock now. How about we go directly to the event site. The final preparations should be done there now. If we go there, we might be able to help a little bit."

The shooting skills that Li Fan showed just now shocked Lu Yangming, and he was not in the mood to continue shopping now.

After everyone heard this, no one objected, and the group walked towards the event site.

The event site is located in an open auditorium of the school and is an open site.

This event can be considered an open-ended event, and the main invitees are senior students and students who have graduated in the past two years.

In addition, students of other ages can also participate or observe.

When Li Fan and his party arrived at the event site, there were many people on site making final preparations for the start of the event.

Li Fan noticed that this open auditorium was large enough to accommodate tens of thousands of people at the same time.

If you add in the outside of the auditorium, you don't know how many people can be accommodated.

Because there are no walls around the auditorium, standing outside the auditorium can still see what is happening on the auditorium stage.

The stage of the auditorium is also very large, with a length of about 20 meters and a width of about 10 meters.

Now, hundreds of round tables have been placed in the entire auditorium, rows and columns, very neatly, and they look quite impressive.

There were already people sitting at some of the round tables, laughing and chatting with each other, and the atmosphere was very good.

I just don’t know that those people are senior students? Or a student who has already graduated?

"It seems like we don't need our help anymore. Let's find a place to sit down." Ye Yun said.

Everyone nodded. For these graduated students, coming back to participate in activities is basically equivalent to coming back to watch the ceremony. They obviously don't need to worry about preparing for activities or programs.

A round table can seat about 10 to 12 people, so the group of them sat at the same table.

"I don't know if any other students in our class will come back? I just checked and I don't think I saw any." After sitting down, Chen Shuang said.

"There should be more, but we didn't see it." Ye Yun said.

"What kind of programs do you think there will be later?" Xia Shuang asked.

"I don't know, but it should be based on nostalgia. You will know just by looking at the dressing style on the stage." Ye Yun said.

Everyone looked up at the stage, and sure enough they felt a sense of nostalgia. However, the stage decoration has not been finalized at this time, and the feeling of nostalgia is not yet obvious.

Time passed little by little, and more and more people came to the event, including current students and students who had graduated.

Everyone either found a place to sit down, or stopped in small groups around the auditorium, chatting, or discussing the event. The scene became increasingly noisy.

At this time, a lot of food and water were already placed on all the round tables. It was quite comfortable for everyone to chat and wait while eating.

After all the round tables at the scene were filled with people, and some students were standing around to watch the excitement, the time had already reached 4 p.m.

At this time, all preparations have been completed and the stage decoration has been completed.

Looking at the stage now, a strong sense of nostalgia comes over me, making it easy to fall into deep memories.

A series of elements such as black and white TV sets, old-fashioned bicycles, red scarves, childhood textbooks, pencil boxes, toys, snacks, etc. were all presented on the stage.

It was a childhood memory shared by the vast majority of people present, giving people a sense of intimacy.

Many people fell into memories, and the previously noisy scene quickly became much quieter.

Li Fan was also recalling that even in a different world, many memories from his childhood were still clear.

At this time, the host on the scene began to interact with everyone.

Hearing the host's voice, many people broke free from their memories and looked up at the host.

The supporter should also be a student at school. However, he should already have enough hosting experience and not have stage fright.

After some interaction, everyone's energy was focused on the upcoming activities.

After seeing this situation, the host smiled slightly and began to enter the formal opening remarks.

The somewhat sensational and poetic opening remarks made everyone at the scene nod frequently, and a feeling of emotion began to brew in their hearts.

Then, the host began to introduce the leaders attending this event, the original intention and purpose of holding this event, etc.

With the previous emotions brewing, everyone increasingly recognized the original intention and purpose of this event.

Li Fan also recognized that the original intention and purpose of the organizer was similar to what he had known before. By recalling his childhood, he could wash away everyone's current impetuous mentality, feel the passage of time, and learn to cherish and enjoy the present time.

Now, the campaign has just begun, and it seems to be already seeing results.

As the activity progresses, the effect should become more and more obvious. I just hope that this effect can last longer after the activity is over.

Next, comes the official content of the event.

First, on the large LCD screen behind the stage, various elements belonging to the childhood of most people present began to play.

Some elements have been reflected on the stage, but more elements have not been reflected on the stage.

For example, the campus, classrooms, desks and benches that belong to that era, the playfulness that belongs to that era, the popular elements that belong to that era, the toys, games, songs, TV, etc. that belong to that era.

The pictures on the screen stayed one after another and turned over one after another. The students present were once again immersed in deep memories.

Scenes that have long been sealed in the depths of memory are becoming clearer and clearer.

They seemed to see the innocent smiling faces of their childhood playmates again, and heard all kinds of laughing and playing sounds...

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