Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 866 Stop, right here

On the screen, a picture full of the atmosphere of the times continues to play.

Turning over the past pictures is like turning over the past memories and the past time.

Memories can be preserved and recalled, but time is gone forever.

Many people were thoughtful.

After a long enough time, the memory scene finally ended.

Everyone gradually broke free from their memories, some sighed, some sighed, and some let out a sigh of relief.

But no matter how different everyone's thoughts are, the atmosphere at the scene has been ignited.

The students began to whisper among themselves, discussing in low voices the pictures they had just seen.

After this discussion, everyone discovered that they actually had many similarities in their childhoods. Their interest couldn't help but get higher and their voices became louder and louder. There was even laughter coming from some corners. Thinking about it, it was Talk about something interesting.

The organizers looked at the enthusiastic students in the venue with a smile. It was obvious that this was exactly the effect they wanted to achieve.

Soothing and nostalgic music was played softly, and the host did not start the next program immediately, but deliberately left some time for everyone to discuss and reminisce together.

When the time is almost up, move on to the next activity.

This is a live recreation of a series of childhood games.

During the picture playback just now, a series of game scenes appeared that were deeply missed by the students present.

Now, it’s time to bring those game scenes to life.

Games include: eagle catching chicken, kidnapping, sandbag throwing, rope skipping, handkerchief throwing, etc.

Each game will be played separately, and students on site will voluntarily sign up to participate.

After the host finished the relevant introduction, bursts of applause erupted from the scene. There were many responders and many people were eager to try it.

The rise they were just talking about, were they originally thinking of having a live competition?

Now that the organizer has actually arranged such an event, it is exactly what they wanted, and everyone naturally responds.

Especially those who think they are masters are even more excited and can't wait to show off their superb skills in front of so many classmates.

Li Fan's table.

Zhou Haiming was a little eager to try it, and said with great interest: "This activity organized by your school is very interesting!"

Li Fan smiled and said: "Yes, it is indeed very interesting."

Su Qing said: "Then, do you want to go up and try?"

Li Fan chuckled and said, "I won't go. Where will I have opponents when I go? It's not fair to others."

When Lu Yangming and Han Wei heard what Li Fan said, they were about to taunt, "In terms of bragging ability, you really have no rival."

But he immediately thought of that terrifying long-distance shot, and swallowed back what he wanted to say, instead letting out a soft hum to express his disdain.

Li Fan really has no intention of going on stage to participate, so it's good to just watch it like this.

Zhou Haiming hesitated for a moment, but did not go up. He chuckled and said, "I don't want to go up to make the limelight anymore. It's better to keep a low profile."

It made several girls around him roll their eyes.

Li Fan and others didn't go up, but there were many people who wanted to go up.

Naturally, it is impossible for so many people to participate in a game at the same time. In the end, the host only selects the appropriate number of people to participate on stage through random drawing.

Those who were not selected were very regretful, while those who were selected were very excited and full of confidence.

They had never thought before that one day they would participate in those childhood games again in such a way that they would never forget in their memories.

One game after another was played one after another, and batch after batch of selected students came on stage one after another.

They have basically not played these games for more than ten years, but when they play them now, they don't feel any strangeness, as if they have been exposed to these games at any time.


This is a childhood game.

On the stage, some people are strong and some are relatively clumsy.

At the scene, there were cheers, cheers, cheers, and laughter. It was obvious that everyone, whether it was the game participants on the stage or the audience below the stage, was in a very high interest.

It was undoubtedly a successful event.

Lounge next to the site.

Duan Honghui, who was responsible for part of the planning of this event, said excitedly: "Dean Yang, our event this time is considered a great success."

Yang Lin also showed a satisfied smile on his face and said: "Very good, this event was indeed a success. In addition, the photography team must take good photos of the scene, which will be used in future publicity by the school."

Duan Honghui nodded and said: "Dean Yang, don't worry, our on-site equipment and camera crew are all professional this time, and the quality of the pictures will reach movie level."

Yang Lin nodded, very satisfied.

"Dean Yang, look, this is the picture returned by one of the cameras on the scene." A staff member of the photography team pointed to an LCD monitor and said, "The main task of this group of cameras is to capture the students on the scene. Their wonderful expressions.”

Hearing this, Yang Lin turned sideways and stared at the monitor pointed by the staff for a while, and said with satisfaction: "Well, not bad, it is indeed a professional-level processing."

After saying that, Yang Lin was about to look away, but his eyes suddenly froze. He seemed to see a somewhat familiar face in the picture that just appeared on the monitor.

"Let the camera return to the previous position, and let me take another look at the picture that just appeared in the lens." Yang Lin said immediately.

"The picture that just appeared on the camera?" The staff was a little confused. They didn't know what Dean Yang wanted to see, but they still followed the instructions and used the intercom to notify the person controlling the camera outside to let the camera return along the trajectory it had just moved.

"Stop! It's right here." When a certain picture appeared on the monitor, Yang Lin quickly shouted.

Immediately, the scene froze.

The rest of the people didn't know Yang Lin's intention, and they all stared at the frozen picture on the monitor.

Soon, everyone's eyes flashed with extreme surprise.

Immediately, his expression became a little strange again,

Because, they saw the figure of a stunning woman. They had never seen such a beautiful woman.

Could it be that the reason Dean Yang called for a stop was because of this stunning woman?

This... everyone secretly took a look at Dean Yang, wondering if Dean Yang would like this? I can't usually see it.

But if it weren't for this stunning woman, everyone wouldn't be able to see anything else worth noting in this picture.

However, Yang Lin didn't know what everyone was thinking at this time, but said to himself: "It looks very similar indeed. Is it really him? How could he appear here?"

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