Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 974 Revitalizing the drama market

It didn't take long for an intercepted version of The Peony Pavilion to be completed.

Li Fan checked it over and nodded with satisfaction.

Looking at the Peony Pavilion in front of him, Li Fan suddenly smiled slightly. He remembered an interesting anecdote about the creation of the Peony Pavilion.

According to legend, during the Wanli period of the previous Ming Dynasty, Tang Xianzu, a talented scholar from Linchuan, Jiangxi Province, offended the emperor and powerful officials because of Shangshu. He was reprimanded and demoted to Xuwen to serve as an annotator and annotator of classics.

Tang Xianzu had to travel a long distance to Xuwen to take up his post.

When he arrived at Binpu City in Xuwen, it was almost dusk. The county magistrate Xiong Min arranged for him to live in the Classics and History Department.

Because he had just arrived, Tang Xianzu was upset that night and was in unspeakable pain. It was difficult to fall asleep. In the middle of the night, his heart was restless and his throat was unbearably dry. He wanted to find some water and wine to drink away his sorrow, but the gourd had already bottomed out.

So, I put on my clothes and walked out of the courtyard, looking at the cold moon alone, sighing and sighing.

Suddenly, Tang Xianzu's eyes lit up and he found a well in the corner with a big stone covering it. He felt strange and hurriedly woke up his children and worked together to lift the cover.

I saw that the well spring was so clear, the spring surface was like a mirror, and the moon wheel fell into the well, creating a unique scene.

So, Tang Xianzu took a ladle of well water and drank it. The spring water was pure and sweet, flowing into the heart.

Tang Xianzu was so surprised that he opened his throat and drank heavily.

This spring was as mellow as wine. Tang Xianzu was so drunk that he returned to the house to rest, and immediately fell into the fragrance of dreams.

However, I had frequent dreams at night, mixed emotions, unheard stories in the dreams, and vivid legends about the characters in the dreams, and I actually slept until almost noon the next day.

When he woke up, Tang Xianzu meditated on his dream. He immediately brought in pen, ink and inkstone to write down the plot of the dream one by one and carefully collected it.

Six years later, Tang Xianzu resigned and returned to his hometown, Yumingtang. He dug out the inscriptions he had recorded at that time and after polishing and processing, it became a shocking work, The First Dream Peony Pavilion in Linchuan.

Such anecdotes and legends undoubtedly add a romantic color to the work of The Peony Pavilion.

Of course, did Tang Xianzu really have such a dream back then? It cannot be verified now.

However, we can tentatively believe that Tang Xianzu had such a dream back then.

After sending the Peony Pavilion document to Rao Qianqian's email, Li Fan turned off the computer, walked out of the room, went downstairs, walked out of the courtyard, and continued to wander around the village.

Well, no, I continue to care about the progress of the project.

August 12th.

The official website of the Southern Theater and the official Weibo also released a notice to the outside world: The Peony Pavilion, a drama of the same name adapted from Gu Yong's work The Peony Pavilion, will premiere at 10 a.m. on August 17 at the performing arts hall of the Southern Theater. Respectfully Please look forward to it!

As soon as this trailer from Southern Theater came out, it did not surprise everyone. Instead, they smiled slightly and said, "It's finally out."

Obviously, everyone has known for a long time that the Southern Theater will definitely launch a new play based on Gu Yong's work.

It's just that the preview time was slightly later than everyone expected.

Many netizens have been discussing before, saying that the Southern Theater Company will definitely go to Gu Yong to purchase a drama.

There is no way, as they are both the three major theaters, the Southern Theater will never allow it. Only the Oriental Theater and the Kyoto Theater will steal the show.

In this way, the status and face of southern theaters will be affected. Not only will it attract criticism from the outside world, but it will also make other small and medium-sized theaters secretly laugh and gloat.

Therefore, Southern Theater will definitely launch a new play as good as those two works in a short period of time.

To do this, seeking help from Guyong is obviously the most correct choice.

Netizens have already understood everything, and now looking at it, it is indeed the case. Today's trailer from Southern Theater confirmed netizens' previous guesses.

Therefore, although netizens were not surprised, they were in a great mood.

For one thing, they guessed right about the dynamics of Southern theater.

Secondly, they have a new drama to look forward to.

The Internet was in a state of jubilation.

"Haha! The new play of Southern Theater is finally out.

As expected, it is still the work of Mr. Guyong. "

"Gu Yong is preparing to play the drama to the end!"

"Yes, this is the third drama in a short period of time. Is this drama about the birth of martial arts? I see that he is creating dramas now, and they are all in a hurry."

"Hey! Not only is it a drama, but there is also a pure love work called "The Day I Live with a Stewardess", which is accurately serialized every day. You don't understand the world of a genius writer."

"Speaking of which, what kind of work is The Peony Pavilion this time? In the preview of the Southern Theater, they didn't even briefly introduce the plot content. Bad review!"

"I'm also very curious to know. However, it doesn't matter if I don't know now, as long as I know it is Gu Yong's work."

"You are right. As long as it is Gu Yong's work, it must be worth looking forward to. Let's all look forward to it together."

"That's true, but I still hope that The Peony Pavilion will no longer be a tragedy. I really don't like tragedies!"

"I guess no one likes tragedies. However, Gu Yong's tragedies are so charming. Everyone can't help but want to jump into them. "

"Anyway, I hope Uncle Gu Yong can show mercy this time and make a comedy out of it."

"Well, this is possible, so let's pray together."


Netizens are so enthusiastic about a drama that has not yet officially started. It must be said that the drama market during this period is very active.

The direct cause of this situation is naturally Gu Yong's three drama works.

But it was the entire drama industry that benefited.

During this period, theaters of all sizes across the country have successively launched many new plays, or are preparing to launch new plays.

Affected by the current boom in dramas, the results of new plays launched by various theaters are much better than before.

Although the quality of their new dramas is far inferior to The Injustice of Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai and Dou E.

But there were very few people who were lucky enough to get tickets and see those two plays. Most people have never had the chance to see those two plays.

What to do? In order to satisfy the addiction of watching dramas, people will naturally choose to go to other theaters and watch other dramas.

As a result, the attendance rate of new plays in other major theaters has naturally increased.

After everyone watched those new dramas, they found that some of them were pretty good. Although they were not as good as Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai and Dou E's Injustice, they were still worth watching.

After watching it and promoting it on the Internet, more and more people knew about it, and more and more people came to the theater.

Under this virtuous cycle, the market for new dramas launched by other major theaters has slowly picked up.

Tracing back to its origins, Guyong used three dramas, two to be exact, because the third Peony Pavilion had not yet been officially launched to revitalize the current drama market.

Countless theater practitioners are filled with emotion.

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