Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 976 Book fans are worried about another tragic ending

The days of living with the stewardess will end tomorrow, and all the book fans who reacted suddenly became unhappy.

They have become accustomed to watching the new story of Lu Fei and Ran Jing every day. It is simple and heartwarming. How can it end?

It's over, won't they never see the new story of Lu Fei and Ran Jing again?

This will make them very uncomfortable.

They had only hoped that Gu Yong would not stop updating, but they did not expect that this work would one day be completed. Or maybe they subconsciously don’t think that way.

Now this sudden ending notice suddenly woke them up.

For a moment, a strong feeling of reluctance emerged in my heart. They don't want to see the ending, they hope Guyong can continue writing.

Even if you have to have an ending, you should try to make it as long as possible, and then make it longer.

The book fans were so reluctant to leave, and Gu Yong's Weibo message area was filled with howls from book fans.

"No, it will end tomorrow. Don't! I don't want it to end so soon."

"Yeah, it ended too suddenly. I feel like there are still many, many things that can be written. Why does it end so suddenly?"

"Lu Fei and Ran Jing don't have their own nest yet, so why is it about to end?"

"That's right, Lu Fei is still working hard in his hometown alone at this time. He hasn't seen much of Ran Jing during this period. How did it end?"

"Master Gu Yong, please don't end it, keep writing. If I don't see updates in the future, I will be out of energy all day long."

"Don't finish it! Don't finish it! Don't finish it..."

"Don't let it end!"


The fans of the book were wailing, all because they wanted Gu Yong not to finish.

Sansheng Village.

Li Fan looked at the wailing of the book fans and was quite touched. Everyone was so reluctant to leave, which only proved that they really liked this work very much. It’s not in vain that he brought this work to this world.

However, when a work is finally completed, new works will appear only after the old works are completed.

The reason why Li Fan made a conclusion trailer after today's updated chapter is to allow book fans to be mentally prepared.

Otherwise, it will be even more difficult for book fans to accept the sudden ending tomorrow, and they will feel even more disappointed.

And today, letting everyone know that the finale will be tomorrow can effectively alleviate the sense of loss in the hearts of book fans.

Because, everyone at least has tomorrow's serialization and the finale to look forward to.

In fact, Living with the Stewardess has been serialized for half a month, and Li Fan is a little reluctant to end it so soon.

But this work has been serialized, and it must have a finale.

Moreover, after the finale of this work, Li Fan can continue to launch new works.

In his previous life, there were countless classic works waiting for him to bring them to this world.

The news that living with a stewardess will end tomorrow soon spread on the Internet.

Some book fans who haven't had time to read today's update said, "Oh no! Is it real or fake? It's impossible. How could it end so suddenly?"

They once had some doubts about the authenticity of the news, but more and more people are saying that the news is indeed true, and it was said by Gu Yong himself in today's updated chapter.

They finally confirmed that the content of the message was true and accurate. They also felt a sense of extreme loss and reluctance, which instantly surged into their hearts, making them suddenly afraid to read today's update.

First, after reading today’s updates, only the last three updates for tomorrow are left.

Secondly, they don't want to see Gu Yong's words about it ending tomorrow.

On the Internet at this time, the issue that book fans are most concerned about is naturally tomorrow's finale.

"Oh! I didn't expect it to end so soon. I wonder what the finale will be like tomorrow?"

“I hope it won’t have a tragic ending again. During this period, I was frightened by ancient tragedies.


"I'm really worried about the tragic ending. Now that Lu Fei is developing alone in his hometown, he meets Ran Jing less and less. If the story behind is still long, then I believe that Lu Fei and Ran Jing will eventually meet. Together. But now Guyong is suddenly coming to an end, and maybe it will end with the two of them finally breaking up."

"I'm sorry! Don't scare me upstairs. How could it end with the two of you breaking up?"

"Oh no! When the person upstairs said it, I suddenly had a bad feeling that the two of them might break up."

"I'll go. Could it be that Gu Yong didn't want to write anymore, so the two of them broke up so that they could finish the book in a hurry?"

"Stop! Stop talking about this, as if this work will really end in tragedy. Don't scare everyone with this kind of speculation."

"I don't care. If Gu Yong dares to let Lu Fei and Ran Jing break up, I won't read his works in the future. Keeping these tragic endings is obviously abusing people."

"Okay, okay, don't discuss the ending. You will know after watching it tomorrow."


Although everyone subconsciously stopped discussing the ending, a faint bad premonition still hit everyone's mind.

Because, the latest plot so far is that Lu Fei returned to his hometown to work alone due to work reasons, and the number of times he met Ran Jing became less and less.

Ran Jing called Lu Fei many times and wanted Lu Fei to go home. Lu Fei promised that he would try his best to spare time and then go home.

However, time and time again, Lu Fei was too busy with work and did not take time to go home.

Later, Ran Jing called Lu Fei again and asked Lu Fei to go home before February 10th.

And, in the following days, she will not call Lu Fei again.

The latest plot ends here.

Under such a plot, Gu Yong suddenly said that this work was coming to an end.

In addition, during this period, the endings of Gu Yong's works all ended in tragedy. The first intimate contact was between Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai, and the injustice of Dou E.

People have to worry that Guyong's life of living with the stewardess will also end in tragedy.

Either the two of them broke up, or Ran Jing had an accident. By the time Lu Fei rushed home, Ran Jing would no longer be seen.

Book fans are really scared.

Previously, everyone was looking forward to the next day arriving quickly so that they could see updates on the days of living with the stewardess.

But today, they were looking forward to time passing more slowly. They didn't want to see the finale so soon.

But the speed of time is obviously not theirs to decide.

The next day, August 15, arrived as usual.

The finale of Living with a Stewardess is about to be revealed, and book fans are very nervous.

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