Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 979 Go to work on the farm

Sansheng Village.

Li Fan watched the discussions among book fans on the Internet for a while. He could feel the strong reluctance and loss among book fans.

But anyway, the days of living with a flight attendant are over. He should also prepare new works.

In Li Fan's plan, he will launch another series of pure love works. After that, there should be no more pure love works.

In other words, his next pure love work will be his last pure love work.

One is because there are many other classic works waiting to be released.

Secondly, other pure love works may not be as good as the three classics he released, so there is no need to continue to release them.

"Brother, brother. Are you here?" Li Fan was thinking about things in his mind when he suddenly heard the little girl's voice coming from the yard.

With a murmur, Li Fan stood up and walked out of the room, came to the balcony, and saw the little girl looking up at him with her head raised.

"What are you doing?" Li Fan asked.

The little girl said: "There is an uncle and a young lady looking for you. Come down quickly."

"Uncle? Young lady?" Li Fan's mind suddenly crossed. Could it be Li Chi from Zimei Village and his daughter Li Ying whom he met in the provincial capital last time?

"Where are they?" Li Fan asked.

"It's right behind me." The little girl said as she looked back, only to see that there was nothing behind her, no one.

"Huh?" The little girl exclaimed, ran to the door of the yard, looked around, and then said: "Uncle, little sister, come in, aren't you looking for my brother?"

Li Fan smiled slightly. He was almost certain that the people coming were Li Chi and Li Ying.

Turning around and walking downstairs, when I walked into the yard, I saw Li Chi and Li Ying, father and daughter, standing in the yard asking questions. They seemed a little embarrassed to enter the yard.

At this time, Li Chi no longer looked sick and coughing as he did last time, but looked like a working man in his prime.

Li Fan walked towards the door of the courtyard and said, "Uncle Li, Yingying, you are here."

Seeing Li Fan come out, Li Chi smiled honestly and said, "This Fanfan kid is bothering you."

He was still a little embarrassed to say the word "Fan Wazi".

Li Ying, however, was not as restrained as her father. She shouted cheerfully, "Big brother." Then she ran towards Li Fan.

He just stopped before running two steps. He seemed to suddenly feel a little embarrassed, and his little face turned slightly red.

The little girl looked at Li Ying with her big eyes open, as if she didn't understand why this young lady's face suddenly turned red.

Li Fan walked up to Li Ying, touched the little girl's head, and said with a smile: "Yingying is so good."

Then he said to Li Chi: "Uncle Li, you don't have to be polite. It's the same in our village as it is in your village."

Later, Li Fan invited Li Chi to sit down on a wicker chair in the yard. After chatting casually with Li Chi for a while, Li Chi finally became more relaxed and relaxed.

Li Ying and the little girl ran outside to play in the yard.

Li Fan could easily guess the purpose of Li Chi's visit this time. First of all, I want to thank you for helping him find 2,000 yuan with your clever memory last time when he was in the provincial capital.

Then the girl Yingying missed herself and wanted to take a look.

Then there is the matter of "part-time work".

When we parted ways in the provincial capital last time, Li Fan asked Li Chi to come to him after he recovered and arrange for him to work in the farm.

And this time, among the batch of small workers recruited by Li Fan, more than a dozen people came from Zimei Village.

It's just that during the recruitment period, Li Chi was still working on the construction site in the provincial capital and only returned to the village yesterday, so he missed the recruitment of small workers.

But it doesn't matter, Li Fan is going to arrange for Li Chi to work in the farm. Anyway, the farm is developing very fast now and needs to constantly recruit people. It is also a good thing for Li Fan that Li Chi goes to work in the farm.

Li Fan knows,

Li Chi was definitely embarrassed to mention work matters, so he took the initiative and said: "Uncle Li, my farm still needs manpower. If you don't mind, you can come to my farm to help."

When Li Chi heard what Li Fan said, he immediately became very excited. In addition to thanking Li Fan for his help last time, he came here to ask Li Fan about working on the farm. .

Although Li Fan said last time that he could be arranged to work on the farm, Li Chi was very worried after all. He didn't know if he would be able to make the trip in the end.

He had been wanting to ask Li Fan just now, but he still couldn't.

In fact, he is very satisfied as long as he doesn't have to work on the farm and can work part-time in the current engineering team.

But who would have expected that Li Fan actually took the initiative to talk about it and arranged for him to go to the farm to work. Li Chi was quite surprised and excited.

As for what Li Fan said, "If you don't mind."

Why would he mind? It's not too late for him to be excited.

You know, working on Li Fan's farm is definitely an enviable thing.

After the news about him working at Li Fan's farm spread in their Zimei Village, Li Chi was sure that it would definitely make the vast majority of the labor force in their village envious and jealous.

Usually when everyone is setting up the Longmen Formation together, they often say that it would be great if they could work on Fanwazi's farm in Sansheng Village.

Not only is the salary high, but bonuses are often given, and it's close to home.

Now, he, Li Chi, has become the first person to work on the farm in Zimei Village. He will definitely be the object of envy and envy.

The excited Li Chi smiled honestly and kept thanking Li Fan.

Li Fan waved his hand and told Li Chi not to be polite. His farm was already short of people, and Li Chi was willing to come to work, which made him happy.

After chatting for a while, Li Chi saw that it was almost noon and wanted to leave.

Li Fan naturally wanted to stay with the guests for lunch. Li Chi knew that Li Fan really wanted to stay with him for lunch, so he did not continue to say goodbye, but became a little more restrained.

At this time, his father and mother came back, and Li Fan introduced each other.

Dad is a few years older than Li Chi. Although the two have never met before, there are many dragon gate formations between them, and they quickly become familiar with each other.

Setting up the dragon gate formation, he laughed from time to time. It can be seen that Li Chi's formation with his father is much more natural than that with him.

Mom went to cook, while Li Fan ran outside the yard to watch the little girl playing with Li Ying.

The two girls were laughing and joking, already very familiar with each other.

At noon, after lunch, Li Chi and his father played in the Longmen Formation for a while, then said goodbye and left.

He will officially start working at the farm tomorrow.

Li Ying was very reluctant to leave, but after hearing that she could come over to play tomorrow, she happily left with her father.

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