Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 983 Die for love, live for love

What seemed like a good comedy turned into a tragedy.

Just when the audience was thinking, will this play end like this? The curtain rose again on the stage, and it seemed that it was not over yet.

"Huh? It's not over yet. The heroine is dead. What else can we play?"

Questions and curiosity appeared in the minds of every audience member, looking at the stage with wide eyes.

After Du Liniang's death, she was buried under the plum tree in the back garden. His father, Du Bao, built a plum blossom nunnery for Du Liniang.

Later, Du Bao changed his position and took up his post elsewhere. Du's mother and maid Chunxiang also went with Du Bao, leaving only Chen Zuiliang alone in Meihua Temple to guard Du Liniang's tomb.

In the next scene, three years later, scholar Liu Mengmei stared at the stage again.

What made the audience at the scene quite strange was that only about a minute had passed during the scene, so why did everyone feel like three years had passed?

Three years later, the male protagonist Liu Mengmei appeared again, which also made the audience wonder. The heroine has been dead for three years, what is this guy doing here at this time?

Could it be that he was going to pay homage to Du Liniang’s grave?

Of course, Liu Mengmei also appeared in Du Liniang's dream, but that was different from her current appearance. Now is the real debut.

After some talking, it turned out that Liu Mengmei was going to Lin'an to take the exam.

When he was passing through Nan'an, he discovered a Meihua Nunnery and decided to stay one night there.

And this Plum Blossom Nunnery is the same Plum Blossom Nunnery where Du Liniang is buried.

"Let me tell you, this Liu Mengmei is not really going to burn incense and pay homage to Du Liniang's grave, is she?" Many viewers were thinking like this.

Now that Liu Mengmei has discovered Meihua An and stayed in Mei Hua An.

So, what kind of stories should happen?

After all, it is a drama. If the story did not happen, the play would not be performed like this.

The story that the audience can imagine is that Liu Mengmei went to Du Liniang's grave to offer incense and worship.

on the stage.

Liu Mengmei was walking in the back garden and accidentally discovered Du Liniang's self-portrait hidden under the rockery by her maid Chunxiang.

Unfolding the portrait, Liu Mengmei couldn't help but be shocked. The woman in the painting was the same woman who had appeared in his dream three years ago and was said to be married to him.

So, Liu Mengmei took the portrait back to her temporary room and hung it on the wall, thinking deeply about it.

That night, in his sleep, Liu Mengmei once again dreamed of the woman in the painting, the same woman who had appeared in his dream three years ago.

The woman told Liu Mengmei that her name was Du Liniang and she was the daughter of Du Bao, the former governor of Nan'an.

Three years ago, she had dreamed of Liu Mengmei and had a romantic relationship with him. But after that time, I never dreamed of him again.

She also fell ill because she missed Liu Mengmei in her dream, and finally passed away to the underworld.

This Plum Blossom Nunnery was built for her by her father Du Bao after her death three years ago.

Three years ago, after she died, her soul went to the underworld, but the judge of the underworld found that her life had not expired and she should be returned to the world.

The time to return to the sun was when Liu Mengmei moved into Meihua Nunnery.

Now, Liu Mengmei lives in Meihua An, and her soul specially comes to meet Liu Mengmei in her dream and tells him the relevant information.

Finally, Du Liniang told Liu Mengmei to dig up her own grave tomorrow and pour a bowl of resurrecting soup into her body, so that she could be resurrected.

The next morning, Liu Mengmei woke up and couldn't help but feel a little weird when she thought about the dream she had last night.

However, he really followed Du Liniang's words, found a bowl of resurrecting soup, dug up Du Liniang's grave, and lifted the lid of the coffin.

The woman in the coffin was found to be intact, as if she had just fallen asleep. And this woman was exactly the woman in the portrait, the woman who called herself Du Liniang in his dream last night.

Liu Mengmei poured a bowl of resurrecting soup into Du Liniang's mouth.

After a while, Du Liniang woke up quietly.

The two looked at each other with surprise. They had both appeared in each other's dreams.

Now, we finally meet in reality.

After that, the two got married and went to Lin'an to take the exam together.

At this point, the curtain slowly fell and stopped rising.

This romantic Peony Pavilion has officially ended.

However, the audience at the scene was stunned for a moment. This was a big twist and they needed time to digest it.

After reacting, all kinds of discussions started on the scene.

"I'll go! Is this still possible? Du Liniang actually came back to life. I was just stunned when I watched this kind of plot."

"I just want to say that the Peony Pavilion is amazing. Liu Mengmei and Du Liniang are absolutely unique."

"At first, I was worried that it was a tragedy, but then I was relieved and thought it was a comedy. After a magical twist, everyone desperately discovered that there was still a tragedy. But who knew that there would be an even more magical twist in the end? It was really a comedy. And it was also a comedy. It’s a very romantic comedy. The twists and turns made me tired.”

"The Peony Pavilion is great! It's great. I really like Gu Yong more and more."

"Who says it's not the case? The Peony Pavilion is simply imaginative, and the extraordinary romance between the male and female protagonists is simply amazing!"

"Who said that Gu Yong can only write tragedies? Look at the Peony Pavilion, and look at the comedies he wrote. It's just a matter of not being able to write it. Once he does it, it will definitely blind your eyes."

"It turns out that Gu Yong's comedy work is so romantic! He died for love and lived for love. I really like this work."


The dark clouds that had previously shrouded the scene completely disappeared with Du Liniang's rebirth on the stage.

Where is the tragedy in this? This is clearly a romantic comedy.

Du Liniang's death for love was indeed a tragedy.

However, combined with the final rebirth of love, the tragedy instantly turns into a romantic comedy.

The audience was in an extremely happy mood, chatting loudly or quietly about the Peony Pavilion that had just ended, expressing their own views and opinions. No one got up and left for a while.

At this time on the Internet, countless netizens are still eagerly waiting for them to go back and share the plot of The Peony Pavilion.

"The Peony Pavilion's premiere should be almost over, right? Why don't those guys show up yet?"

"Yes, everyone promised yesterday that they would come and share with us as soon as it is over."

"Don't worry about anything else. What I want to know most right now is, is The Peony Pavilion a tragedy or a comedy? I made a bet with someone yesterday."

"They should show up soon, please be patient."


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