Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 985 Four girls came to the village entrance

Sansheng Village.

Li Fan looked at the questions raised by netizens on Gu Yong's Weibo and nodded secretly. It's not surprising that netizens would have such questions.

I think anyone who thinks about it after watching it will feel that the play is not over yet.

In fact, there is indeed a long story behind The Peony Pavilion, and the excerpt performed by the Southern Theater also omits some plot points compared to the original version of The Peony Pavilion.

This is mainly due to the length of time. If all the plots were to be performed completely, it would take a long time, and it would probably be divided into several paragraphs.

Moreover, the preparation of props, scene layout, and actor rehearsal in the early stage will take a long time.

As far as the situation faced by the Southern Theater was concerned, they were obviously not allowed to take a long time to prepare slowly.

That’s why I chose the excerpt, and there is no problem with performing this excerpt.

As some netizens said, the two themes it wants to express have been perfectly reflected.

However, Southern Theater is releasing an excerpt of The Peony Pavilion this time, and may continue to release the full version of The Peony Pavilion in the future.

This is because when Li Fan negotiated with Southern Theater Tang Qiuyun about the copyright of the Peony Pavilion excerpt, he stated that he would sell the full version of The Peony Pavilion as a physical book in the future. If Southern Theater wants to buy the full version of The Peony Pavilion, Li Fan will give priority to the drama adaptation copyright.

Of course, Rao Qianqian negotiated all this on her behalf.

After thinking about it, Li Fan updated a Weibo post to explain to netizens that the drama Peony Pavilion launched by Southern Theater this time is indeed just an excerpt of The Peony Pavilion. As for the full version of The Peony Pavilion, it will be released as a physical single book, and the release time will be about one month later.

Netizens were all very excited after seeing Gu Yong's Weibo. The story of the Peony Pavilion is indeed not over yet, and they are naturally looking forward to the rest of the story.

And this news is also spreading on the Internet at an extremely fast speed.

"Haha! I knew there would be a follow-up story later. It's impossible for Du Liniang's father to ignore her private marriage with Liu Mengmei. It's not that easy for Liu Mengmei, a scholar, to win a beautiful woman."

"Since there is a story behind it, it's too early to say for sure that The Peony Pavilion is a comedy. I'm going to make sure it doesn't really turn into a tragedy."

"Don't worry, according to my intuition, the real finale of The Peony Pavilion will still be a comedy. Let's all look forward to it with confidence."

"Whether it's a comedy or a tragedy, I'm really looking forward to it."


Southern Theatre, Office of the Director of Creative Arts.

Tang Qiuyun is calling his son Tang Yipan.

Tang Qiuyun said: "Xiao Pan, you should also know about the story of the Peony Pavilion, right? Now you know why Gu Yong's drama works have such a big impact, right?"

On the phone, Tang Yipan was silent for a moment and said: "I know, dad, there is indeed a big gap between the works I gave you before and the Peony Pavilion. However, I will create more His better drama work.”


After hanging up the phone, Tang Qiuyun sighed, not only was there a relatively large gap, it was simply a huge gap.

He just wanted to remind his son that he should just concentrate on writing martial arts from now on. Not any author can cause a sensation in multiple fields like Guyong.

Just hearing his son's words of unwillingness and unwillingness to admit defeat, he couldn't bear to hit his son.

I also thought that it was not a bad thing for my son to try to create drama works. He did not seek to create better works than Gu Yong, as long as he could come close, that would be enough to make people proud.

After all, what my son is best at is martial arts.

As for authors like Gu Yong, who are very good in multiple fields, they are very few after all.

Sansheng Village.

The second phase of the farm project is proceeding in an orderly manner.

At the entrance of the village, various engineering equipment is in operation and various building materials are piled up. This actually causes great inconvenience to tourists.

But tourists don't seem to care about this. Not only that, some tourists will stop at the entrance of the village for a while and watch the workers busy with interest, even though the noise caused by the operation of various engineering equipment is not too small.

A taxi slowly stopped at the entrance of the village, and four young and beautiful girls got out of the car. Although they were slightly different in height, short, fat and thin, their uniform white denim hot pants were very eye-catching.

Because of her long, white and tender legs, they look very eye-catching in the sun.

The tourists passing by always glanced in the direction of the four girls intentionally or unintentionally.

One of them, a girl with thin breasts but not too small, said: "Is this the Sansheng Village? Why does it feel like a construction site?"

Another girl with short hair said: "They must be building something, we just happened to catch up."

Another girl with big eyes looked around, and then said: "I didn't expect there to be so many people here on a hot day. Well, maybe it has something to do with it not being very hot today." At this point, the girl with big eyes pointed in a direction with her hand. , continued, "This should be the entrance to the village. Should we enter from there? By the way, Luoxue, have you been here before?"

The last girl, who was the tallest and most beautiful, shook her head and said, "No, Sansheng Village suddenly developed only last year. Today is my first time here."

It turned out that these girls were Lin Luoxue and her three roommates and sisters, who were students at Capital University.

Lin Luoxue's hometown is in the capital of Funan Province. It's summer vacation. She invited her three roommates and sisters to play at her home, and then they went to Sansheng Village together.

This was agreed upon before their summer vacation. The three roommates and sisters are all from other provinces and have longed for Sansheng Village.

There are beautiful scenery, delicious food, and the legendary beasts that protect the village. Of course, more importantly, this is where Li Fan lives.

All of this combined is enough to make anyone yearn for this place.

Therefore, they just got together at Lin Luoxue's house yesterday, and they couldn't wait to get here early this morning.

Lin Luoxue continued: "Well, obviously that's where we should go in, let's go in too. I heard that the village is very cool and very comfortable."

After hearing this, the three girls naturally had no objections.

So, the four girls walked into the village under the conscious and unconscious gazes of nearby tourists.

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