Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 994 The Xiangbei team is in dire straits

The first half of the game between Shohoku Team and Sanno Industrial Team is over.

Both the process and the result of the competition surprised many book fans, and then they were filled with excitement.

"Haha! My Xiangbei is amazing. It led most of the first half of the game. This is really a surprise!"

"I think the most classic thing in the game should be Hanamichi Sakuragi shooting with his face and scoring a goal. After scoring the goal, I couldn't help but laugh when I saw the stunned expressions of everyone in the audience. It's so classic, and thanks to Li Anything you can think of.”

"Also Sakuragi Hanamichi and Miyagi Ryota said that after precise calculations, the opponent's number one ace player Sawabita Eiji looked like he couldn't let go. It could be seen that Sawabita Eiji was also very worried. How innocent, I actually believed what those two guys said.”

"Hanachi Sakuragi made a lot of progress in this game. He won a direct battle with the big guy. He was the absolute contributor to the Shohoku team's lead in the first half. He is getting more and more handsome."

"As Sakuragi Hanamichi continues to grow, his funny skills have never changed. He is still like a living treasure. In such important competitions, he often does some hilarious things. It is really cute. "

"Haha! I really like Sakuragi Hanamichi more and more. With him around, there will definitely be joy."


The Xiangbei team took the lead, and the book fans felt particularly relaxed, but they did not get carried away.

It was an absolute surprise that the Sanno Industrial team fell behind. Since it was an accident, it meant that the strength shown by Sanno Industrial in the first half was definitely not their true strength.

In the second half, the Sanno Industrial Team will definitely show their true strength.

For the Xiangbei team, the second half of the game will definitely be much more difficult than the first half.

Perhaps in the second half, the game really begins.

The opinions of book fans were confirmed in a short period of time.

At the beginning of the second half, the Sanno Industrial Team, led by their number one ace Eiji Sawabita, showed their true strength as the top team in high school, using their best tactics of pressing the whole court, attacking like crazy and scoring consecutively.

Just over two minutes into the second half, Sanno Industrial Team scored 12 points in a row, while Shohoku Team did not score a point. Sanno Industrial Team led Shohoku Team by 10 points with a score of 46 to 36.

The Xiangbei team's advantage in the first half collapsed instantly, and the players faced unprecedented pressure.

The head coach of the Sanno Industrial Team, Kishimoto, threatened to widen the point difference to 20 points within three minutes and end the game early.

The "surprise" for book fans at the beginning of the second half is no less than that at the beginning of the first half.

They expected that the Sanno Industrial Team would counterattack wildly in the second half, and they also knew that the Shohoku Team would be very difficult in the second half.

But they didn't expect that in just two minutes, such a situation would happen.

"Is this the true strength of the No. 1 high school team in the country? It is indeed terrifyingly strong. Is the Shohoku team going to lose like this?" a book fan said.

"No, the game is far from over. The first two minutes of the second half may indeed be the true strength of Sanno Industrial, but it is definitely not the true strength of the Shohoku team. They were just temporarily overwhelmed by the opponent's momentum. Wait for them to adjust If we come here, this extremely passive situation should be reversed." Some book fans also think so.

So, is the Xiangbei team in ruins? Or stand up again? The book fans continued to read below with a slightly uneasy heart.

The situation is not as optimistic as some fans thought. Sanno Industries' crazy offensive continues, and the Shohoku team has no way to do it.

The score continued to widen, and the point difference widened to a desperate 20 points, 36 to 56.

Five minutes passed in the second half, and the Shohoku team had not scored a point, while the Sanno Industrial team had scored 22 points in a row.

A 20-point difference is enough to make people desperate. Everyone watching the game at the scene, ordinary spectators, coaches and players of many other basketball teams,

Media reporters and others all believed that Xiangbei was destined to lose this game and that this game would not cause any more waves.

The book fans are also a little disappointed, but more importantly, they are sad. They previously thought that even if the Shohoku team lost to the Sanno Industrial team in this game, they would be able to accept it calmly.

But now, they find that they cannot accept it calmly. Perhaps after this game is completely over, they can still accept it calmly.

But now, seeing the Shohoku players on the field trying their best but still unable to stop Sanno Industries' attack, and seeing the unwillingness and helplessness in their eyes, the book fans just felt distressed.

Is this really the end of this game? Why use such a cruel method?

"Sakura Hanamichi, Rukawa Kaede, Akagi Takenori, Mitsui Hisashi, Miyagi Ryota, come on! The game is not over yet, we still have a chance!" Every book fan is cheering for the Shohoku team in their hearts. At this moment, they only I hope the Shohoku team can stand up again.

However, the game was cruel. As the game progressed, the Xiangbei team still failed to save the situation.

Takenori Akagi, the spiritual pillar of the Shohoku team, has been at a disadvantage time and again in the competition with the opponent's center Masashi Kawada. He has lost himself.

This makes people feel even more desperate.

When the score became 36 to 58, coach Anzai took Hanamichi Sakuragi off the court and asked Hanamichi Sakuragi to sit next to him and watch the game carefully.

Coach Anzai's move made everyone think that he had given up on the game. Even Sakuragi Hanamichi himself thought that Coach Anzai had given up completely when he replaced him.

But coach Anxi said: "Am I the only one who still thinks that we can win? If we despair now, the game will be over by now."

"Will we still win?" Book fans saw these words of Coach Anxi and suddenly felt that all the cells in their bodies were on fire.

Coach Anzai did not give up. He took Sakuragi Hanamichi off the field in order to let Sakuragi Hanamichi see clearly the form on the field.

That is, when the Xiangbei team is attacking, the ball is not made, but the rebounds are always taken away by the opponent.

This not only ended his own attack, but also gave the opponent a chance to attack and lost another 2 points.

If Sakuragi Hanamichi can grab a rebound at this time, not only will he not lose 2 points, he will also get a chance to add 2 points. This is equivalent to reducing the gap by 4 points.

The purpose of Coach Anzai replacing Sakuragi Hanamichi is to make Sakuragi Hanamichi understand this truth.

Because he knows that Sakuragi Hanamichi has a strong talent for rebounding, and he can control rebounds in any direction.

It's just that this guy, in previous games, wanted to shoot and score more to narrow the score gap, so that his talent for rebounding was not fully utilized.

Sakuragi Hanamichi, who understood Coach Anzai's intentions, returned to play.

At this time, there were 10 minutes left in the game and the score was 24 points apart.

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