Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 998 The director’s expectations

Sansheng Village.

Just the title of the book triggered the memories of many pure love fans. Li Fan was not too surprised by this.

In those years, the girls we chased together really gave people a trace of time, and it was easy to bring people's thoughts back to the green years, the green years that were already somewhat blurred in the memory.

Li Fan quit Weibo and started coding. There were still more than 20,000 words left in this work that he had not finished coding. This time he planned to code them all. From now on, he only needs to upload them on time every day.

Like the previous two pure love works, Li Fan also made some appropriate modifications when coding this work.

All the material backgrounds that appeared in the work that existed on earth in the previous life but did not exist in this world have been modified.

Romance Pavilion.

Gu Yong's Weibo post about the news about Pure Love's new book also spread in the Romance Pavilion immediately.

There are a large number of romance fans here who have become pure love fans and have a special liking for Gu Yong's pure love works.

Guyong's third pure love is about to be serialized, which makes them very excited and looking forward to it.

"Great, Gu Yong's new pure love work is finally going to be serialized. Well, why do I say finally? His last pure love work was just finished a few days ago!"

"I just wanted to say finally. This is probably because we are so looking forward to his new book. It is only a few days before the completion of the last work, but it feels like a long time has passed."

"It turns out that everyone feels the same way. I think we are completely obsessed with pure love."

"In those years, the title of the book about the girl we chased together finally became normal. By the way, why did this title suddenly remind me of the silly boy who chased me so hard in junior high school? Alas! Even his appearance is different now. I can’t remember clearly.”

"The first time I was chased by someone was also in junior high school. I thought I had forgotten what happened at that time, but who knew that as soon as I saw the title of this book, I suddenly remembered it. Alas! It was really that time As young as a flower."

"You were chased by someone when you were in junior high school? Why was it only after I entered college that someone chased me for the first time? Is it because I developed too late?"

"Isn't it just a book title? I don't know what's in it, but it reminds you of the boy who chased you? Well, actually, I remembered it too. But, I even forgot his name. .”

"I have never been chased by someone before. At this moment, my heart is sad."


The first intimate contact with the filming location of the movie.

Qin Yulin, who plays the heroine Qingwu Feifei, with her natural beauty and outstanding acting skills, easily became the focus of most people in the entire crew, including the actor who played the male lead ruffian Cai.

Everyone is always trying their best to find opportunities, and then get close to Qin Yulin intentionally or unintentionally.

They didn't expect anything else. As long as they could get close to Qin Yulin for a while, they would be satisfied.

But everyone has always had a question in their minds. Qin Yulin is so beautiful and has excellent acting skills. If he wants to become popular, it will definitely be a very simple thing.

Why is he still an unknown newcomer? This is my first time acting in Qing Wu Fei Yang, which is completely incomprehensible.

Everyone didn't understand, but the chief director Yan Yun knew the reason. He once asked Qin Yulin, after the filming of this movie, what are his future plans? Do you still want to continue filming other movies or TV series?

Qin Yulin told him that she has no plans to play other roles for the time being, and Qingwu Feiyang is the only role she wants to play at the moment.

This made Yan Yun feel very disappointed and regretful. He originally wanted to invite Qin Yulin to join his next film and still play the female lead.

For such a beautiful woman to play the leading female role, it simply has her own promotional attributes, and Qin Yulin's acting skills are also good and very spiritual.

more importantly,

Qin Yulin's acting talent is still very high. As long as he practices more, his acting skills will improve by leaps and bounds.

Such an actor has no intention of developing his acting career, which makes Yan Yun feel very regretful.

But he could only regret that he had planned to communicate with Qin Yulin to see if he could persuade her to develop her acting career.

But after getting to know her more, he discovered that Qin Yulin only regarded acting as a hobby, and would only play roles she liked, and would never play roles she didn't like.

Moreover, he also vaguely felt that Qin Yulin's identity and background were not simple, and there was no need to develop acting as a career.

He had no choice but to give up his plan of persuasion, and just hoped in his heart that there would be another chance to cooperate with Qin Yulin.

Qin Yulin didn't know what Yan Yun was thinking. He had just finished shooting a scene and it was time to rest.

She looked at Gu Yong's latest Weibo on her phone with some joy, "Is the new work about to be serialized? This is really great."

Now, pure love has become her favorite. The romance that she once liked the most has been ranked second.

Yan Yun looked at the happy look on Qin Yulin's face and couldn't help but feel curious. This was the first time he had seen Qin Yulin look so happy in such a long time.

Although Qin Yulin usually smiles frequently, the joy in it gives people a different feeling.

I couldn't help but ask: "Xiao Lin seems to be in a good mood now. Is there any happy event?"

Qin Yulin smiled sweetly and replied: "It can indeed be said to be a happy event. Gu Yong's third pure love work is about to be serialized."

"Is that the reason?" Yan Yun was suffocated, but quickly said: "That's right, I know this, it's called the girl we chased together in those years, right?"

"Oh?" Qin Yulin said slightly surprised: "Does Director Yan also like to watch Gu Yong's pure love?"

Yan Yun laughed and said: "It's not bad to say that I like it. However, I like his martial arts works more than pure love. It's just a pity that he doesn't seem to be planning to create martial arts works anymore."

Qin Yulin said: "Isn't this great? From now on, just concentrate on writing about pure love."

Yan Yun's heart moved and he said, "Xiao Lin seems to like pure love very much!"

Qin Yulin nodded and said, "Yes."

"So that's it." Yan Yun thought to himself, "The reason why she has a special liking for the character Qingwu Feiyang is related to the fact that the book "First Intimate Contact" is a work of pure love? If that is the case, next time If we make a pure love work, maybe we can collaborate again.”

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