Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1003 That is a mirror of youth

After reading the serialization on the second day, many book fans said "I'll wipe it" and stopped worrying about it.

Anyway, I can watch it tomorrow, so I don’t need to wait long.

In today's updated content, Ke Jingteng's "bad" combat policy has made book fans talk about it a lot.

While continuing to express feelings, there are also many voices about the "bad" policy.

"Ke Jingteng is a good boy. He is thoughtful and calm. I am optimistic that this young man will be able to win the beauty in the end."

"Ke Jingteng is really good and bad. He deliberately leaked information about Shen Jiayi to his love rivals and encouraged them to boldly pursue Shen Jiayi. And his love rivals will definitely be grateful to him, but they don't know that they have fallen into I fell into Ke Jingteng’s trap. It’s really bad! But I like it, haha!”

"It seems that at least for the three years of high school, these boys will have no chance. Let's wait and see who is lucky enough to go to college."

"It must be Ke Jingteng. Didn't you see Ke Jingteng's battle plan? Maybe before he went to college, his love rivals were killed one by one. Only Ke Jingteng is left, so the blessing will naturally belong to him."

"Didn't everyone say before that the male and female protagonists of this work will not be together in the end? Then everyone is saying this now"

"Alas! That was before. Now that I see Ke Jingteng working so hard, I hope he can successfully win the beauty back."

"Now I also hope that Ke Jingteng can embrace the beauty. However, hope is hope. From an objective point of view, I still think that they will not be together. Because this work feels very real to people, and the various events in it , are all like real events on campus, and the more real it is, the less likely they are to be together in the end.”

"Well, I also think this work is very real. They may try to be friends, but in the end it will be difficult for them to achieve positive results. So, it is better for us to prepare early. Of course, I still hope that they can achieve positive results."


Sansheng Village.

Su Qing refreshed the comments on the Internet with her mobile phone, and said while reading: "It seems to be getting more and more popular on the Internet. I saw that many people are asking, what kind of movie was the girl we chased together in those years?" These are not your fans, right? Otherwise, you wouldn’t ask this.”

Li Fan also browses everyone's comments on the Internet. As an author, it is very necessary to know more about readers' evaluations of his works.

Hearing this, he replied: "Well, I also saw it. They really shouldn't be fans of my books. However, they should also have come into contact with my works, but they don't pay attention to who the author is."

Su Qing said "Yeah". It was indeed the case. Many people liked a work very much, but in fact, they may never know who the author of that work was?

There are even more people who just have some contact and understanding of a certain work but don’t know who the author is.

On the Internet, in those years, the girls we chased together did tend to become more and more popular.

Some people who didn't know this book before accidentally saw the discussion among pure love fans about some contents in the book. Some of the things in it suddenly gave them a very familiar feeling, just like they used to. The same thing happened to them.

A certain memory that had been buried in the depths of their minds was instantly opened, and their thoughts instantly returned to that era that was already somewhat distant.

They were still very young at that time, very young...

When their thoughts returned from the distant era to the present, they felt an inexplicable throbbing in their hearts.

So, they began to inquire about what everyone was discussing. What was it about? Movies, TV, or books?

Then I found out that it turned out to be a book called The Girl We Chased Together in Those Years.

In this way, Those Years became the first book that many people read.

In those years, this work also continued to ferment on the Internet.

More and more people are clicking on Gu Yong’s Weibo...

Why do readers have a real feeling of déjà vu?

That's because in the previous life, in those years, the girl we chased together was originally the author's autobiography of Nine Knives.

All the characters in the book have prototypes, and Ke Jingteng’s prototype is naturally Nine Knives himself.

The real name of Nine Knives is Ke Jingteng. Similarly, Shen Jiayi and Ke Jingteng's love rivals also exist in reality.

The stories told in the book are all appropriately processed and polished based on real stories.

It’s no wonder that readers feel real and see themselves reflected in it.

In the next few days, at nine o'clock every morning, Li Fan will update on Weibo on time, the new chapter of the girl we chased together in those years.

There are more and more readers every day. They look at the stories of Shen Jiayi, Ke Jingteng, and Ke Jingteng's love rivals and classmates, as if they are looking at their own youth.

To use a sentence from the book, it is, "Youth is like a heavy rain. Even if you catch a cold, you still want to get wet again."

Everyone wants to go back to their youth again. Even in their current view, their youth is not perfect and will always leave regrets of one kind or another.

But if everything is perfect, will it still be youth?

Youth will always have regrets of this kind, and it is precisely because of these regrets that we today will never forget our youth and always keep it in our hearts.

Therefore, it should be said that imperfect youth is truly perfect youth and is called youth.

However, no matter how many people think about going back to their youth again, it is impossible to go back. Their youth has been ruthlessly driven away by the footsteps of time.

But they can still recall their youth. No matter how cruel and ruthless the years are, they can't stop their memories.

And in those years, the girls we chased together were the trains that carried their memories and thoughts, sometimes speeding fast, sometimes flowing slowly and gently.

Perhaps, it is precisely because of this that those years have become the first movies that many people have watched in their lives.

Well, maybe they don't regard those years as a movie, they just regard it as a mirror of youth. What they see is their own image and their own story.

Who knows.

Time passed like this day by day, and on August 29th, the girl we chased together in those years ushered in the finale.

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