Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1006 Contest for Encouragement Couplet Collection

Li Fan was thinking about the new book in his mind, when Su Qing's cell phone suddenly rang.

"It's grandpa who called." After Su Qing said that, she picked up the phone.

"What are you doing, Mr. Qin?" Li Fan muttered and continued to think about the new book.

Not long after, Su Qing hung up the phone and looked at Li Fan with a slight smile on her face.

"Why are you looking at me like that? Your grandpa, well, what did our grandpa say to you?" Li Fan was a little confused.

Su Qing smiled sweetly and said: "Grandpa said that there is an opportunity for you to shine now, so you must seize it."

"Really?" Li Fan also smiled and said: "I have always been in the limelight in front of his old man. He is probably used to it. I wonder what kind of opportunity this time is?"

Su Qing rolled her eyes at him and said, "Isn't it that in a few days, schools across the country will start to reopen? In order to encourage and encourage students from all over the country to study hard, the Ministry of Education launched a program today. The collection activity of couplets to encourage students to study is open to the whole country to collect outstanding couplets to encourage students. Once adopted, each couplet will receive a bonus of 100,000 yuan. Grandpa asked you to make one and submit it to the group, reluctantly and forcefully. , it would be nice to get first place.”

After saying that, Su Qing chuckled again, feeling very happy.

"Collection of couplets to encourage students to study?" Li Fan was slightly suffocated. He had just guessed what Mr. Qin meant, but he didn't expect it to be like this.

However, now that school is about to start, it is normal for the Ministry of Education to organize a collection of antithetical couplets to encourage students to study.

As for why Mr. Qin paid attention to this matter and asked Li Fan to reluctantly get the first place?

Nor is it surprising.

Couplets are one of Mr. Qin's biggest hobbies, and he knows Li Fanshan's couplets.

Last time, Li Fan's couplet, "Smoke locks the willows in the pond," made Mr. Qin unable to sleep well for several days.

Of course, Mr. Qin is far from the only one who can't sleep well because of this line in the first couplet.

Even now, "Smoke Locks Pond Willow" is still the most talked about first couplet among couplet lovers across the country.

Now, whenever we talk about couplets, "Smoke Locks Pond Willow" is absolutely indispensable.

This timeless couplet, with its exquisite artistic conception, is still admired and sighed by people over and over again, unable to extricate themselves.

Countless couplet lovers have been trying to figure out the second couplet, but they are doomed to be in vain.

They wrote hundreds or even thousands of second lines. However, these second lines, not to mention the poor metrical counterpoint, were vastly different in terms of artistic conception.

However, even so, even if they know that it is a truly eternal couplet, countless couplet lovers still enjoy it.

They enjoy it, which is the charm of "Smoke Lock Pond Willow".

Mr. Qin asked Li Fan to reluctantly fulfill the "requirement" of first place. Li Fan guessed that it was not a problem. Encourage him to learn couplets? Um.

After thinking about it, Li Fan said with a smile: "Since grandpa has an order, my grandson-in-law should fulfill it."

"Really?" Su Qing still smiled sweetly, but this time she didn't care about Li Fan claiming to be her grandson-in-law. "Since you are so confident, I will tell grandpa. What if your couplet doesn't surpass Qun Lian?" …”

Li Fan chuckled, waved his hand and said: "There is no such thing as just one word, confidence is the only word in our dictionary."

"Dese!" Su Qing rolled her eyes and said, "Let's go to the official website of the Ministry of Education to take a look at this collection activity."

This collection of couplets to encourage students to learn is closely related to Su Qing, or in other words, it is closely related to all schools and teachers across the country.

If there is a couplet to encourage students to study hard, even if it is just a little conscious effort, it will be enough to make the school and teachers happy.

Li Fan nodded and logged into the official website of the Ministry of Education on the computer.

As soon as I entered the official website, I saw the entrance to this collection event in the most eye-catching position.

Click in and take a look,

Similar to what Su Qing just said, the Ministry of Education is taking advantage of the upcoming school year to collect one or more couplets to encourage students across the country.

All selected couplets will be awarded 100,000 yuan for each pair.

The event announcement was released at 9 a.m. today, and the submission channel was also opened at the same time.

From now on, interested participants can submit articles. The deadline for submission is 12 o'clock in the evening on September 2.

All submissions that pass review will be displayed in the submission channel. Anyone who enters the submission channel can see it.

If you see a couplet you like, you can also vote for it as a recommendation. Each registered user is limited to two votes per day.

All submissions will be displayed in descending order according to the number of votes they receive.

However, the number of recommendation votes received from a submission has nothing to do with whether it can be officially selected.

In other words, the official review does not look at the number of recommendation votes received. At most, it is a simple reference.

Of course, even so, the number of recommendation votes is very important to the author who submits the article.

The large number of recommendation votes received not only allows his works to be displayed in the front, with good data and face, but also represents the recognition and love of readers. The Ministry of Education officials will have some advantages when making selections.

The entire event announcement is very simple and anyone can understand it at a glance.

And this is not the first time that the Ministry of Education has conducted such a collection activity.

The last collection of enlightenment books for children was similar. It was also at that time that the treasure of the past life, the Three-Character Sutra, officially appeared in this world.

Nowadays, the Three-Character Sutra has long been known to every household. Even those children who are learning to speak can still say, "In the beginning, human nature is inherently good..."

Well, I can’t say the rest of the sentence.

As for older children, there are not a few who can memorize the entire Three-Character Sutra.

Moreover, they not only memorize it, but they also take the initiative to ask parents and teachers what those sentences mean?

Even if they can just understand something vaguely, it will make them very excited.

The Three Character Classic has some very positive meanings for children's education.

A Three-Character Classic has become a treasure for parents and teachers across the country, and this collection of couplets to encourage learning has also attracted great attention from parents and teachers.

Both parents and teachers obviously hope that children can take the initiative to learn. Even if they are just a little proactive, that will be enough to make people happy.

"Old Li, do you know about this collection of antithetical couplets to encourage students to learn?"

"Of course I know. We as parents must pay attention to this kind of thing! The last collection of children's books for children produced a three-character classic. I hope this time, a classic couplet to encourage learning will also be produced."

"There are many couplet enthusiasts in our country. This time it is an activity directly initiated by the Ministry of Education. Like last time, it can be called the highest level solicitation activity. The enthusiasm of those couplet enthusiasts must be very high, and we can look forward to it .”

"Yes! You can look forward to it. It's a pity that we are not good at that stuff. Otherwise, we would submit to participate no matter what. To put it bluntly, this is making a contribution to the country."

Conversations like this between parents occur all over the country.

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