Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1022 Tit for tat

Everyone turned around and was slightly startled when they saw twenty or thirty people coming over at the same time.

It's not because there are many people, but these twenty or thirty people seem to be some kind of group. There are boys and girls, with more boys. They are almost all young people in their twenties or thirties.

The person who just spoke must be the man walking in the front, because he continued to say, "There are so many people here, but it's a pity that the poems they produced are really not flattering."

These words made the people at the scene frown even more, Li Fan also frowned, and Su Qing hummed softly: "Who is that?"

The man who just wrote the poem had a red face and stared straight at the man who was speaking, but he didn't know how to answer the question?

Next to him was a middle-aged man of about forty years old. He frowned and said, "Young man, are we writing poetry here? Is it good or bad? What does it have to do with you?"

The man opposite didn't seem to know that what he just said had aroused everyone's dissatisfaction, and he added nonchalantly: "Of course your poetry has nothing to do with me, but since I heard it, how I want to comment is also my business, isn't it? .”

"You" the middle-aged man choked, and for a moment he didn't know how to respond.

"Brother Yan." At this time, an older man next to the man opposite shouted, and then said a little apologetically to everyone: "Everyone, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Brother Yan actually doesn't mean any harm, but he's just not very good at talking. If I have offended you in any way, please forgive me. I apologize to everyone here.”

These words made everyone's expressions soften, and the man called "Brother Yan" snorted lightly, but did not continue to say anything.

This is a small episode. The two parties have no grievances in the past or in the recent past, and no one will continue to be entangled over this matter.

It's just that the person who just recited the poem still felt a little uncomfortable.

Someone next to him saw this and said with a smile: "Brother, we don't need to be like that kind of person. The top of Mount Tai makes people feel relaxed and happy, but don't let your good mood be ruined."

After listening to the poem, the man who just recited the poem finally smiled and nodded and said, "Yes, appreciating the scenery is the business."

This is the best place to enjoy the scenery on the top of Mount Tai, so most tourists will gather here. The group of people just now also stopped here, just a little farther away from everyone.

"Brother Yan, what do you care about the poems they wrote? They are all ordinary tourists and they don't know how to write poems. Aren't you just making trouble for yourself?"

"That's right, Brother Yan, just let them entertain themselves there. We are members of the Yayun Poetry Club, so we have to be a little bit cool."

"Okay, okay, I just couldn't hold it back for a while. It's obviously such a bad poem, but there are a lot of people applauding it, it's true."

"Brother Yan, it's really a bad idea for you to directly say that other people's poems are bad. Not only will you make yourself unhappy, but you will also offend so many people, so why bother?"

"Oh? Listening to what Brother Tang means, is there any good idea?"

"Of course, since that poem is terrible, why doesn't Brother Yan compose a poem by himself and recite it directly in front of the public? Who is better between the two poems? Everyone will tell the difference. In this way, Brother Yan can tell without saying a word It will make the person who just recited the poem feel ashamed, and it will also impress everyone."

"Haha! When it comes to showing off, I agree with Brother Tang. Brother Yan, what you just did was indeed the last resort."

"Then this isn't easy? We Yayun Poetry Society are going to Mount Tai today, right? Isn't it just to recite poems on the top of Mount Tai? Which brother will write a poem first? It can also be seen by that group of people. What is true poetry?”

"With what happened just now, it's natural that Brother Yan came first."

"That's right, Brother Yan, you should come first. Since you feel unhappy now, we will give you the opportunity."

"In that case, I won't be polite."


"Yayun Poetry Club?" Li Fan nodded. Since he is from the poetry club, he can at least be considered a semi-professional poet.

No wonder everyone is so confident.

The others couldn't hear the conversation of the group, but Li Fan could hear it clearly.

There are many poetry lovers in China, and there are also many poetry societies in various places. It’s just that you can’t enter the poetry club casually.

You must be at least a semi-professional poet to be eligible to join a poetry club.

Therefore, anyone who joins a poetry club will have some pride in poetry.

"Who are they?" Su Qing asked.

Li Fan smiled slightly and said, "They are from Yayun Poetry Society. They seem to be starting to recite poetry. Let's listen to it too."

"Yayun Poetry Society? Reciting poems?" Su Qing suddenly became interested and said, "Okay, I want to see what kind of poems they can make?"

The person called "Brother Yan" was named Yan Yunqiu. At this time, he looked at the people on Li Fan's side and whispered, "Everyone, please cooperate."

"Brother Yan, don't worry, we understand this," said a man named Tang Wangsong.

Later, Tang Wangsong deliberately said loudly: "On the top of Mount Tai, it really makes people feel passionate. How can this scene be without poetry? Brother Yan, you are usually known for your quick thinking. I wonder if you are better at this time." sentence?"

As soon as these words came out, it really succeeded in attracting the attention of many people, including the person who recited the poem before.

Naturally, everyone has not forgotten that what "Brother Yan" said just now made everyone feel very uncomfortable.

Now listening to this meaning, it seems that "Brother Yan" is also going to recite a poem. They all pricked up their ears and thought in their hearts, "Very good, you just looked down on others, so now we will If you want to listen to it, what kind of poem can you recite?"

Yan Yunqiu looked at the situation of everyone with his peripheral vision. Seeing that everyone seemed to be attracted, he smiled proudly and said loudly and deliberately: "Brother Tang is so complimentary. I did feel something just now. Although I dare not say how good the poem is, at least It’s much better than what some people call poetry.”

Seeing Yan Yunqiu clearly stating what had just happened, Tang Wangsong felt a little helpless and thought to himself: "Brother Yan, why don't you understand that invisible pretense is the most deadly?"

However, the words had been spoken and he could not take them back, so he had to continue: "In that case, please ask Brother Yan to recite it and let me appreciate it."

Yan Yunqiu said: "Well, then I will recite it and let everyone give their opinions."

Afterwards, Yan Yunqiu recited with a very good feeling about himself:

"Looking at the high peak of Dongyue, its beauty reaches the sky.

Suddenly a peak falls, making it difficult for birds to return. "

"What a poem! What a poem! Brother Yan's poem is quite wonderful!" As soon as Yan Yun finished his words, the people of Yayun Poetry Society started to praise him loudly.

Yan Yunqiu glanced proudly in the direction of Li Fan and others, and then said: "No, no, it's just better than some poems."

Everyone on Li Fan's side snorted softly after hearing this. They naturally knew what some of the poems in Yan Yunqiu's mouth were.

It's just that although Yan Yunqiu is a bit arrogant, he also has some real ability. Objectively speaking, this poem is indeed good.

Because everyone originally wanted to make some sarcastic remarks, but now they have no choice but to give up. Apart from expressing their dissatisfaction with cold snorts, there is no other way.

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