Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1031 The Charm of Classic Couplets

In the entire submission channel, the number of submissions has exceeded 30,000, and Li Fan's submission, like other submissions, did not create any waves.

But that is destined to be only temporary. There are at least tens of millions of people "reviewing" in front of the computer at this time. Even Li Fan's submission is like a pebble sinking into the sea, but it will always be ignored by many people. Once seen, it will be impossible for it to sink again.

The first person to see the stone was an official from the Ministry of Education.

Since every submission account is authenticated by real name, the submissions that the Ministry of Education is most looking forward to are Li Fan’s works.

Therefore, there is a special reminder for Li Fan’s account settings. Once Li Fan submits an article, the Ministry of Education official will know it as soon as possible.

With the last Three Character Classic, the Ministry of Education officially believes that Li Fan will not disappoint this time.

Office of the Ministry of Education.

Vice Minister of Education Wang Xuejun personally reviewed the manuscripts. Of course, the number of manuscripts he reviewed was very small. They were carefully selected by other reviewers and passed to him.

Now, there are ten manuscripts in front of Wang Xuejun. Wang Xuejun has read them one by one and is still very satisfied.

These ten couplets can all be called fine works. The majestic country of China is rich in talents.

However, Wang Xuejun has not yet determined which couplet will be finally selected.

Because the submission time has not yet closed, and new submissions are still pouring into the submission channel. What if something better appears?

Of course, the main reason is that Li Fan's submission has not yet appeared. Before seeing Li Fan's couplet, Wang Xuejun will not make a decision, no matter how satisfied he is with other couplets.

"Minister, Mr. Li Fan's submission is out." Assistant Wen Xiao said after knocking on the door and coming in.

"Oh?" Wang Xuejun was overjoyed and said quickly, "Bring it to me quickly."

Wen Xiao smiled slightly, as if she had already known that the minister would say this. She handed a piece of paper in her hand to Wang Xuejun. She had already printed out Li Fan's couplet.

Wang Xuejun looked at the paper with great expectation. A couplet could only have a dozen or twenty words at most, and it only took one second to review it.

"The mountains of books are paved with hard work, and the sea of ​​learning is boundless with hard work." Wang Xuejun couldn't help but read out the couplets on the paper.

This was the first time since he reviewed the manuscript that he couldn't help but read out the content of the manuscript directly, and it might also be the last time.

For no reason, Wang Xuejun recited it so naturally, as if the couplet had magic power, making people unable to help but recite it aloud as soon as they saw it.

When Wen Xiao saw Wang Xuejun like this, he stuck out his tongue very covertly and thought to himself: "It turns out that the minister can read it out loud when he sees it for the first time."

After Wang Xuejun finished reciting, he was stunned. He didn't expect why he couldn't help but read out loud.

Then there was the uncontrollable surprise and excitement. He knew that Li Fan's couplets would not disappoint him, if the previous couplets were excellent.

Then, Li Fan's couplet is a classic, no, it should be a classic among classics.

A couplet that makes people cannot help but read out loud is not just because of its excellence.

Also because it exudes a certain charm all the time, and this charm is still effective for everyone.

This was something Li Fan had never experienced before in his "Smoke Locked Pond Willow".

"Smoke Locked Pond Willow" is of course also very attractive, but this charm is more aimed at couplet lovers or people who prefer literature. For the general public, it may not feel much.

But it is different from "The mountain of books has a road and diligence is the path, and the sea of ​​learning is boundless and the boat is made by hard work". Anyone who sees this couplet will have a special feeling, will be infected by it, and will feel an invisible power. .

Such a couplet is like an engine, providing people with a steady stream of power.

It is not only suitable for use on campus,

It works for people of any age.

Encouraging learning is not just about persuading students on campus to learn, everyone needs to learn.

The more Wang Xuejun looked at this couplet, the more excited he became. This couplet will undoubtedly be the biggest gain from this competition.

During this period of time, "Xuehai..." has begun to show its talents.

Someone found it in the sea of ​​couplets. As soon as he read it, he immediately felt the infinite charm of this couplet, and voted for it without hesitation.

Although all submissions will not be signed, anyone who sees this couplet can almost be sure that this couplet must be Li Fan's couplet, and it cannot be wrong.

As a result, the entire comment area became more lively.

"Wow haha! I saw Mr. Li Fan's couplet, but I won't tell you which one it is."

"Tch! The author's name does not appear in the submission. How do you know it must be Mr. Li Fan? Type out the couplet and I will help you determine whether it belongs to Mr. Li Fan."

"Hey! I also saw a couplet. I can guarantee that it must be Mr. Li Fan's. It can't be wrong."

"Oh no! So many people have seen it? Why didn't I see it? If I had seen it, I could also tell it."

"Don't worry, I estimate that couplet will soon reach the top of the rankings, and everyone will be able to see it by then."

"Okay, then I have to keep an eye on the rankings. So many people can tell that these couplets are Li Fan's works. What does it look like? I'm very curious now."


Just as netizens said, anyone who sees the link "Xuehai..." will not hesitate to vote for "Xuehai..." and the position ranking of "Xuehai..." is rising.

When it breaks into the top 100, almost everyone can discover it relatively easily.

After that, the number of votes directly soared, and the ranking quickly moved upward under the gaze of countless people. It didn't take long for him to sit firmly in the first position.

Moreover, the number of recommended votes is still rising, and the distance from the second place is getting wider and wider.

At this time, it was less than an hour before Li Fan's submission and upload started.

At this time, Li Fan and Su Qing had just boarded the bus from the provincial capital to Zixian County.

On the bus, Su Qing's face was full of surprise and she said, "I've reached the first place so quickly."

Li Fan chuckled and said, "That's natural. This is the charm of classic couplets."

Su Qing said "cut", but her face was full of joy.

In Li Fan's heart, he felt quite emotional. Even if time and space changed, the classics would still be classics and would not be buried.

This couplet comes from Han Yu, a famous writer in the Tang Dynasty in his previous life and the leader of the eight great writers of the Tang and Song Dynasties.

Now, with the help of Li Fan, Han Yu's classic couplet to encourage learning will bloom its charm in this time and space.

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