Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1036 The call of the Times Literature Award

On September 5th, Longshan Township Central School officially opened. Su Qing returned to school, and the little girl also started a new semester of study.

On both sides of the gate of Longshan Township Central School, there is also a couplet written by Li Fan himself: "The road to the mountain of books is the path of diligence, and the sea of ​​learning is boundless and the boat is made of hard work."

Everything is a new beginning.

For the majority of pure love fans, they are also waiting for a new beginning, a new pure love.

Gu Yong's last film Pure Love, The Girl We Chased Together in Those Years has been completed for a week. According to previous practice, Gu Yong should almost announce the relevant information of the next work.

Therefore, in the past two days, pure love fans have often left messages on Gu Yong's Weibo to ask questions, but Gu Yong has not expressed his position for a long time, making all pure love fans itchy.

Before Pure Love fans could wait for Gu Yong's statement, a big piece of news came quietly and then exploded, sending smoke everywhere.

China's most authoritative literary award, the Times Literature Award, officially announced that martial arts has been temporarily awarded, and the qualifications for the Times Literature Award are available.

The Times Literature Award will officially hold a special martial arts grand prix, the "Hope Cup Martial Arts Grand Prix".

This Grand Prix has no rankings or prizes. It is just for martial arts authors across the country to prove that their martial arts are qualified to be selected for the Times Literature Award.

Any martial arts writer can sign up for this competition, and even writers in other fields can sign up, as long as you can write martial arts.

The registration period starts now and ends at 12:00 PM on September 10th.

When registering, each writer needs to submit both the author's name and the title of the work.

All registered writers will be uniformly displayed on the official website of the Times Literature Award, a competition page specially opened for this Grand Prix, and the author's name and the title of the work will be displayed at the same time.

Starting from September 11th, writers who have signed up for the competition can start publishing their works.

As for when the work will be published, how it will be published, what form it will be published in, etc., there are no official requirements.

What the official needs to see is just the content of the work.

The competition period is two months, starting on September 11th and ending on November 11th.

Participating writers only need to publish their works on the market within this time period.

Note that the published works can only be previously registered works.

Of course, if you give up and don’t want to publish your work, it doesn’t matter. There will be no penalty.

If among these works, there can be works that are highly literary and readable, they can be unanimously recognized by the Times Literature Award jury.

Then, Wuxia will officially be qualified for the Times Literature Award.

Otherwise, you will not be able to meet the corresponding qualifications.

Note: Works that have not been registered for competition before will not be evaluated by the official jury.

In other words, if a highly literary and readable work appears within these two months, but you have not signed up for the competition before, it will be in vain.

As for why this is required? I think it's because the Times Literature Award official has some special considerations of its own.

As soon as the news came out, all parties were shocked, and the first one was naturally the martial arts world.

After the martial arts writers learned the news, they were immediately shocked and had no reaction in their minds.

Of course, those who got the relevant news in advance still seemed relatively calm.

For example, Luo Ye Wusheng and others from the four martial arts masters, or Wo Long and others from the four martial arts masters from Xiangjiang.

They have already gotten the news and have been quietly preparing their works.

Although the compromise results officially announced this time are somewhat different from what they thought before, it doesn't matter, this result is the same.

It is even better than directly announcing that Wuxia has obtained the corresponding qualifications.

Just imagine if this time martial arts were able to successfully obtain the corresponding qualifications precisely because of their works.

So, their status in the martial arts world and the hearts of martial arts fans is definitely at an all-time high, and it is not impossible to surpass Gu Yong.

Therefore, although they are calm on the surface, they are actually very excited inside.

After all, there are very few people who can get the news in advance. The vast majority of martial arts authors are in a state of confusion at this time.

That was the most authoritative Times Literature Award. They had never dared to think that martial arts would one day be recognized by the Times Literature Award.

Although it has not been officially recognized yet, there is at least a trend. Even if it does not succeed this time, there will still be opportunities next time.

Of course, even martial arts this time really qualified for the Times Literature Award. Then, the vast majority of martial arts writers are destined to miss the Times Literature Award.

But it doesn't matter, because as long as martial arts can successfully obtain it, it will be qualified for the Times Literature Award.

Then, the status of martial arts in literature will be greatly improved.

The status of these martial arts authors will naturally rise as well.

And this is enough, this is already a dream that they once thought was out of reach.

The martial arts authors finally ended their dazed state, and then they were filled with uncontrollable ecstasy, excitement and excitement.

"Hold on! This news comes so suddenly and so pleasantly surprised. I never dared to think about the Times Literature Award before."

"Haha! I never dreamed that we martial arts would also have this day."

"I'm rather confused. Haven't they always looked down on our martial arts before? Why did they suddenly include martial arts as candidates for selection this time?"

"Hey! That's naturally because today's martial arts is no longer what it used to be. Since the emergence of Gu Yong's Yue Nu Sword, martial arts has entered a new era, and it has been developing at a rapid pace since then. It must be because of this This is how it attracted the attention of the Times Literature Award jury.”

"It seems that the status of martial arts today is, to a certain extent, thanks to Gu Yong. The person we should be most grateful to is Gu Yong."

"Indeed, it can be said that without Gu Yong, it is very likely that the current martial arts era would not have existed. How would it have been noticed by the Times Literature Award jury?"

"What a pity, Gu Yong has left the martial arts world. Alas! Why do I suddenly feel so sad?"

"It is indeed disappointing. Gu Yong brought martial arts into the great era of martial arts. Now, martial arts has been recognized by the Times Literature Award, but he himself has left the martial arts world."


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