Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1043 The last day of registration

Now that everyone has arrived at Gu Yong's Weibo, everyone clicked on the first chapter of this work called Romance of the West Chamber.

"It is said that there is a temple to the east of Hezhong Prefecture in Shanxi, called Pujiu Temple. It was an incense courtyard built by Empress Zetian of the Tang Dynasty. It later fell into disuse and was rebuilt by Cui Xiangguo.

The Wuzuo Temple is grand in scale and no small matter. The tall mountain gate, solemn and solemn, the pavilions and halls, each occupying the terrain, are well-proportioned..."

Seeing this, everyone was surprised. This guy turned out to be from an ancient background. Where was the promised pure love?

Although they have basically never watched Gu Yong's first three pure love films, they still understand the general content. They are all modern settings. When did they become ancient settings?

This reminded them of another work by Guyong, The Peony Pavilion. Is this a work similar to The Peony Pavilion?

Everyone murmured in their hearts, if this was really the case, they would be interested in watching it.

They like The Peony Pavilion very much. They are tired of watching the romance dramas and TV series nowadays. It is absolutely refreshing to see ancient romance works like The Peony Pavilion.

Now, Romance of the West Chamber seems to have given them a refreshing feeling.

Compared with these people's surprise, the pure love fans seemed very calm. They had already guessed that The Romance of the West Chamber was a work similar to The Peony Pavilion. From this look, it was really like this.

Pure love in an ancient setting, pure love fans are excited.

Watched all the way.

The first three chapters mainly talk about Cui Xiangguo's death. Mrs. Cui and her daughter Cui Yingying, as well as Cui Yingying's maid Matchmaker and others, sent Cui Xiangguo's coffin back to Hebei for safe burial. However, they were blocked on the way for some reason and temporarily stayed in Hezhong Mansion for rescue. temple.

Then there is the series of situations after Cui Yingying and others moved into Pujiu Temple, as well as the engagement situation between Cui Yingying and Zheng Heng, etc.

Then there was Zhang Sheng, a scholar who came to Beijing to take the exam. In order to visit a close friend, he made a special detour to Hezhong Mansion...

Three chapters are just over 10,000 words, so it won’t take long to read.

After reading it, people from all walks of life were talking about it.

"Gu Yong was very good at writing stories set in ancient times. Judging from the first three chapters of The West Chamber, he is very familiar with the ancient routines!"

"This is normal. I remember when Guyong first debuted, someone suggested that Guyong should have a very in-depth study of history. This can be seen from his famous work Yue Nv Sword."

"Alas! Sometimes I really envy such authors. I also want to write works set in ancient times, but I can't always write the unique charm of ancient times. It feels a bit specious."

"You can't envy this thing unless you are willing to spend a lot of time and experience to study it. Guyong's Romance of the West Chamber is very interesting to read, and I am ready to continue chasing it. Don't tell me, watching the serial on Weibo, it seems It’s really convenient. No wonder readers praise this serialization method. ”

"Readers really like it very much. Sometimes I wonder, should I try to serialize the works on Weibo? In the end, I gave up. Serializing on Weibo means zero income. I dare not try."

"Indeed, although Gu Yong had zero income when serializing, other people's works can sell copyrights. Compared with copyright fees, the royalties during serialization are dispensable, and people don't care at all. But we can't, our works sell I don’t have copyright, so I rely on royalties to support my family. It would be great if I could serialize my works on Weibo and get royalties.”

"That is definitely impossible. The topic has gone too far. Let's go back to The West Chamber. I also find it quite interesting. I will continue to read it tomorrow."

"I'll go! There seem to be a lot of people who want to read it. Gu Yong is really amazing. At this juncture of registration for the Martial Arts Grand Prix, he successfully attracted everyone's attention with a non-martial arts work, Romance of the West Chamber. And So many people expressed that they want to continue studying, which is hard to believe! ”

"That's really the case. This is quite interesting. It seems that Gu Yong is still unwilling to be lonely.



A group of pure love fans expressed their desire to read The West Chamber after seeing such an "outsider". There were also many authors from other fields, and they seemed very excited.

Gu Yong is Gu Yong. During this Martial Arts Grand Prix, even if he does not publish any martial arts works, he is still one of the focuses of everyone's attention. We should really shout, "Gu Yong is so powerful!"

Li Fan was a little surprised that there were so many fans of "The West Chamber". He really has to thank this Grand Prix for this.

Otherwise, only pure love fans would still read it.

Of course, Romance of the West Chamber is a classic work. Even without this Grand Prix, its influence will become greater and greater, and it will still be noticed by those people.

Now, it's just that the time has been advanced, which is naturally a good thing for Li Fan.

After learning about people's discussions about The West Chamber on the Internet for a while, Li Fan stopped caring about The West Chamber.

Instead, he focused on the registration situation for the Martial Arts Grand Prix, which he was also very interested in.

He naturally noticed the author named "Gu Yong" and didn't have any big feelings about it. He just thought that the boy was interesting.

"It should be the vest of an old author, right?" Li Fan thought in his heart. There was no basis for it, it was just his feeling.

It is now past 11 noon on the 9th. As of now, the total number of registered authors is 364.

This number is similar to Li Fan's estimate. It is estimated that by the last day tomorrow, the number of people signing up will surge significantly.

Li Fan also finds it interesting to evaluate the expectations of works created by martial arts fans. This is obviously a way for martial arts fans to express their excitement.

Now, even the Times Literature Award officials have noticed it. Perhaps the officials also think that this expectation value assessment is interesting, so they have added a display area to the registration page.

What is displayed is the expected value of each work. According to the level of expected value, it is displayed from top to bottom. It looks neat, beautiful and clear at a glance.

This can be regarded as making this setting official.

Of course, the right to evaluate works is still in the hands of martial arts fans. The official is just more standardized and displays the expectations of each work to make it more convenient for everyone.

The works with the highest expectations now are four-star, and there are two in total. One of the authors is a veteran writer, and the other is a newly emerging writer.

At 10 a.m. on September 10th, Gu Yong’s Weibo was updated on time with Chapters 4 to 6 of The Romance of the West Chamber.

At this time, the people who are reading are no longer just pure love fans, but also a large number of people from all walks of life who are attracted by reading the first three chapters.

Just like yesterday, after reading today’s update, the Internet is abuzz with discussion.

After the heated discussion, everyone turned their attention back to the registration status of this martial arts grand prix.

The rest of the people from all walks of life were relatively calm, but the martial arts fans were getting more and more excited.

Because today is the last day to register, the most popular martial arts masters will definitely appear one after another.

Who among them will appear first? What are the names of the works? These are very exciting!

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