Luo Ye Wusheng and others from the four martial arts masters, Wo Long and others from the four martial arts masters from Xiangjiang, after signing up, all stared at the computer screen, ready to see everyone's reaction.

After seeing everyone's excited comments and five-star expectations, they all showed faint smiles and thought: "It seems that everyone has not forgotten me, so let me use this work , come and thank you for always thinking of me.”

With the appearance of famous martial arts masters, the martial arts Grand Prix, which was already attracting great attention, has attracted heated discussions from the outside world.

Writers in other fields lamented.

"This Grand Prix really attracted all the martial arts masters. It was interesting."

"Hey! In my opinion, it wasn't the Grand Prix that attracted them at all, but they had already gotten wind of it and have been waiting for the opportunity to appear."

"This is indeed more likely to be the case. I remember someone had speculated like this before. However, no matter what the situation is, this Grand Prix will definitely be very lively and intense."

"I wonder if Gu Yong will feel very itchy when he sees this situation?"

"I don't think so. Judging from his update on Romance of the West Chamber this morning, it seems that he is very calm."


Writers in various fields mentioned Guyong again. It seems that every time when everyone is discussing, Guyong is inevitably mentioned.

This surprised all the writers themselves.

Why does everyone still mention Guyong when it is clear that Guyong will not participate in this Grand Prix?

The only answer is that Gu Yong has a very special status in the martial arts world. Even those who are not in the martial arts world cannot help but always mention Gu Yong.

So, for the martial arts world, Gu Yong is definitely a hurdle that cannot be overcome no matter what.

"Perhaps it is not so easy for the current martial arts writers to completely replace Gu Yong as the number one martial arts writer." Some authors lamented.

Upon hearing this, the other authors agreed and agreed.

However, in the martial arts world, some martial arts authors don't seem to think so. They are confident in replacing Gu Yong as the number one martial arts writer.

Circle of martial arts writers.

"Luo Ye Wu Sheng, Wo Long and others have indeed come back to the mountain again. It seems that our previous guess was correct."

"This is a good thing. Regardless of whether they come out or not, we cannot be the protagonists of this Grand Prix. Now that they come out, it will undoubtedly make the influence of this Grand Prix even greater."

"That's right. The greater the influence of this Grand Prix, the more beneficial it is for us. It's just a pity that Gu Yong did not participate. If he had participated, even if his works would not have a breakthrough compared with before, his The influence is unparalleled.”

"Indeed, Gu Yong is still the most influential person now, even though he has left the martial arts world for a long time. Let's see if anyone's influence can surpass Gu Yong after this grand prix is ​​over?"

"Why are you mentioning Guyong again? I find that every time we chat, Guyong seems to be mentioned."

"That seems to be the case, but there's nothing I can do about it. Who makes him more influential?"


Amid the heated discussion among everyone, time passed by minute by minute, and soon it was night.

Sansheng Village.

After dinner, Liang Sheng looked at the computer screen and said, "That kid hasn't signed up yet."

Zheng Jie on the side smiled and said: "Old Liang, I advise you to wait until tomorrow. That guy deliberately delayed signing up. I guess he will have to wait until a moment before 12 o'clock in the evening to sign up."

Liang said angrily: "I think that kid did it on purpose. I asked him what the name of the new book is? He kept it mysterious and didn't tell me. He asked me to go to the registration office on the official website to check it myself. Now he has been slow to sign up. It's simply... Not big or small.

Fortunately, that boy often said that Linlin's little girl is neither too big nor too small, and I think he himself is also not too big or too small. "

After hearing this, Zheng Jie laughed and said: "That boy is really hateful this time. I must deal with it when I find the opportunity in the future. By the way, Lao Liang, Wolong and Qingyun are the most popular martial arts authors in Xiangjiang now. You What do you think of them?”

Liang Sheng mused: "The strength of the four of them is on par with Luoye Wusheng and others from the mainland, but that was before. Now, they have all gone through such a long period of painstaking research, what is their current strength? But not It’s easy to say, but it shouldn’t disappoint.”

Zheng Jie nodded and said, "Indeed, they have all signed up now. As for their strength? The answer will be revealed soon."

Liang Sheng nodded and said: "Their works are still worth looking forward to, although the expectations are not as high as that boy's works. Alas! Why did you mention that boy again? Now that I mention him, I get angry."

After Zheng Jie heard this, she laughed again.

As Zheng Jie said, Li Fan's delay in signing up was really intentional.

He plans to give martial arts fans a sudden surprise at the last minute.

He is the number one martial artist, so he must appear in the finale, right?

Well, he actually just wanted to show off.

And the time slowly came to 11:55 in the evening, Li Fan felt that the best moment for him to show off had arrived.

As a result, Gu Yong and the title of his work quietly appeared in the registration area on the official website.

It was late at night, and many people had already fallen asleep, but there were also a lot of night owls, and there were also quite a few people who were still paying attention to the registration status of the Grand Prix at this time.

In a few minutes, the deadline for registration is coming. They are going to take a look at how many authors will participate when the deadline for registration comes?

The climax of the atmosphere has long passed, and now it is too late. Everyone is chatting on the communication platform, and the atmosphere is very dull.

"No one has signed up for almost an hour, and the deadline for registration is coming soon. It seems that no one will sign up anymore. There are now a total of 986 authors signing up, well, that's a lot."

"The authors must have all gone to bed. No one would have signed up at this time, which means we are still here."

"Oh! Now it's not past 12 o'clock and I can't sleep at all. I don't know why? Then just wait until the registration deadline."

"Oh! I can't sleep before 12 o'clock either. I know this habit is bad, but I just can't change it. It's really nerve-wracking. Huh? Is there another person who has signed up?"

"No, it's so late, who will sign up? Let's see, hey! There is really a person signed up, called Gu Yong. It seems that this author is like us, can't sleep...wait a minute! Gu Gu Gu Gu Yong? Hold the title! It turns out to be Gu Yong. Is this really fake? Am I not dazzled?"

"I can tell you responsibly that you are not dazzled, because I have wiped my eyes dozens of times, and it is still the word "Gu Yong", and it is the real "Gu Yong". It is not a word with the same sound but different words.

"Zhaocao! It turns out to be Gu Yong. This damn thing is definitely a blockbuster!"

"Let me take a look at his work first. Well, it's called The Legend of the Condor Heroes!"

"The Legend of the Condor Heroes, Gu Yong actually signed up. Should this be said to be a miracle? Or what?"


Everyone who was a little sleepy suddenly felt no sleepiness at all.

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