Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1053 The familiar feeling of surprise

Yesterday, everyone was most looking forward to the works of Jian Yishen and Luoye Silent. Today, there are far more works by famous artists worth looking forward to than yesterday.

The works of Gu Yong, Dali Bisha, Crescent Moon, Qinsheng, Shang Buer, Xiao Liang, and Yun Huasheng will all be serialized starting today.

There are also some works by famous artists that are expected to have four stars, and they will also be serialized today.

If yesterday was the prologue, then today is the Gao Dynasty.

Early in the morning, in front of a newsstand.

More than a dozen people were standing, sitting, or squatting in front of the newsstand, chatting casually while waiting for the newsstand to open.

“Whose work are you most looking forward to today?”

"It must be Gu Yong's The Legend of the Condor Heroes. Although many people think that The Legend of the Condor Heroes is not as good as the works of Crescent Moon and Qinsheng, I am still looking forward to it the most."

"Yesterday they said Silent Falling Leaves was the return of the king. I think Gu Yong should also be the return of the king today."

"Objectively speaking, The Legend of the Condor Heroes may not be as good as the works of Crescent Moon and Qinsheng, but I am still looking forward to The Legend of the Condor Heroes more."


Just as he was talking, the newsstand owner came to open the door.

There are four magazines that everyone mainly buys today, Xiaojianghu, Wuxiazhi, Hu, and Master.

"I will buy these four books today, and then I will buy others after reading the official rating list later."

"I bought five books first, and I will buy the rest after reading the rating list."

"Haha! I got the magazine and went home to enjoy it. After everyone has read it, please go to the communication platform on the official website to communicate."

“It’s natural, it happens every day.”


Everyone who bought the magazine said goodbye one after another. Some went home, while others had to go to the company and still have to go to work.

Wang Shengchao could only go to the company, "Those guys who go home don't have to go to work?"

I muttered this in my heart, feeling a little envious of those guys who can go home and read in the most comfortable posture.

After that, Wang Shengchao went to a nearby bus stop and took a bus to the company.

On the bus, Wang Shengchao really wanted to take out a magazine and read it, but he felt dizzy when reading on the bus and when using his mobile phone. He could only sit quietly and look at the people outside the window. Cars coming and going.

He was very envious of the guy sitting next to him who was reading a book. He just took a glance and found that the guy seemed to be looking at Xiaojianghu, which made him even more itchy.

He also has Laughing Rivers and Lakes, but he can't watch it. You see, this is a big deal.

After a while, Wang Shengchao turned around and saw that the guy next to him was still reading and very focused.

I couldn't help but ask, "Brother, which work are you watching?"

Um? There was no response, "Did you not hear it, or are you unwilling to answer?" Wang Shengchao muttered in his heart and did not ask a second time.

What if someone doesn’t want to answer? Wouldn't it be annoying to ask again?

However, Wang Shengchao glanced at the content on the page and happened to see this paragraph.

"Qu Sandao: Those with ordinary qualifications, of course, are like this, but there are people in the world who are extremely smart. They are talented in literature and martial arts, playing music, chess, calligraphy and painting, arithmetic, strategy, and even medicine, divination, astrology, and the five elements. They are all proficient in all of them! It's just that you can't see it. After speaking, he raised his head, looked at the waning moon in the sky, and sighed.

Under the moonlight, Guo and Yang saw a few tears suddenly leaking out of the corners of his eyes. "

Seeing this passage, Wang Shengchao felt very contemptuous. Whose work is this? He also has literary talents, martial arts, piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, arithmetic and strategy, medicine and horoscopes, and the five elements of the Qi family. This awesome bragging is not reliable at all.

"It must be the work of a new author." Wang Shengchao affirmed in his heart.

After nearly an hour, they finally arrived. Wang Shengchao got off the bus, bought a breakfast on the roadside, then came to the company and sat down in his seat.

There was still a while before work time. Wang Shengchao was eating breakfast.

While he couldn't wait to open the laughing world.

The work he is most looking forward to is Gu Yong's The Legend of the Condor Heroes, so the first thing he plans to watch is The Legend of the Condor Heroes.

Through catalog search, he easily turned to the page of the serialized Legend of the Condor Heroes.

Chapter One: A sudden change in the wind and snow.

Wang Shengchao was very excited and excited. Gu Yong's first work returning to the martial arts world finally appeared in front of him.

"The vast Qiantang River flows endlessly day and night, bypassing Niujia Village, Lin'an Prefecture, Liangzhe West Road, and flowing eastward into the sea.

There are dozens of cypress trees in a row along the river, their leaves are as red as fire. It is August.

The weeds in front of and behind the village have just begun to turn yellow, and under the setting sun, they are even more desolate.

Under two large pine trees, there were a group of villagers, men, women, and a dozen children, listening attentively to a thin old man talking.


This is the first paragraph of the full text. The words are flowing and flowing, as if they are slowly unfolding, creating a slightly desolate picture.

Wang Shengchao clenched his fist tightly. Through this paragraph of text, he felt that Gu Yong's writing power seemed to be stronger than before.

He became more and more excited and continued to look down. However, not long after looking, he felt a sense of sadness and anger again.

Naturally, what made him sad and angry was not the book Legend of the Condor Heroes, but the content described in the book.

The thin old man was a storyteller. He was telling a story about the many crimes committed by the Jin people after they invaded the Song Dynasty.

Wang Shengchao, who has a fairly good understanding of history, can probably infer from the old storyteller's words that the background of the book at this time should be during the period of Emperor Ningzong of the Southern Song Dynasty.

It seems that this Legend of the Condor Heroes should be a work that is integrated with real history, just like Yue Nv Sword.

This is a method that Gu Yong is very good at. After the grief and anger, Wang Shengchao became even more excited. He seemed to have the same amazing feeling when he saw the Yue Nv Sword for the first time.

Wang Shengchao is far from the only one who feels this way. Everyone who is watching The Legend of the Condor Heroes at this time has a vague feeling.

This feeling made them excited and excited. Legend of the Condor Heroes was indeed the work they were most looking forward to. As soon as it started, they got their first surprise.

Although they can't say how good this work is yet, they already have a vague feeling that this work will be better than they had expected before.

"I think everyone can set their expectations a little higher. If the highest expectation is five stars, then if we set it around ten stars, it's probably about the same."

This is what Guyong said in the last interview. At that time, everyone thought it was Guyong's way of joking.

But now, everyone suddenly feels that what Guyong said at that time may not be a complete joke.

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