Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1067 9 Yin White Bone Claws

The Seven Monsters of Jiangnan reappeared, martial arts fans were very excited, and the official communication platform became much livelier in an instant.

"Haha! The Seven Monsters of Jiangnan finally found Guo Jing. In this way, the appointment with Zuixian Tower after eighteen years can still be bullied!"

"Guo Jing seems to be a dull boy. He is not a good material for martial arts training. He is probably no match for Yang Kang."

"That's not necessarily true. Guo Jing is the protagonist after all. Besides, Yang Kang might be a girl."

"So, the Seven Monsters of Jiangnan are Guo Jing's master. I wonder if little Guo Jing dares to go to the barren mountain to look for the Seven Monsters in the middle of the night?"

"Then you must dare to go. Although little Guo Jing is dull, his courage is extraordinary."

"What I'm most excited about is that now that the Seven Monsters of Jiangnan have appeared again, martial arts elements will definitely be indispensable. Hehe! Those who have ulterior motives will probably be disappointed."

"Everyone, hurry up and look down. I'm going to go. I feel like something big is going to happen."

"Witch! What happened? Good or bad? Forget it, I'll see for myself."


Hearing that something big was going to happen, all the martial arts fans stopped talking and turned their attention back to the magazine.

After a short while of watching, everyone was startled, "Wouchao! Something big is going to happen."

In the middle of the night, the Jiangnan Seven Monsters were waiting for little Guo Jing on the barren mountain. However, before little Guo Jing came, the Jiangnan Seven Monsters discovered something very terrifying.

On this barren mountain, there are piles of skulls arranged very neatly.

There are nine skulls in each pile, divided into three layers: five in the lower layer, three in the middle layer, and one in the upper layer.

What's even more terrifying is that on the top of each skull, there are holes that can barely accommodate five fingers, as if they were inserted with fingers.

A person's fingers can actually penetrate a person's skull, and many martial arts fans are horrified.

Fortunately, this is martial arts, not ghosts. Otherwise, martial arts fans will definitely think that this is the work of ghosts.

Of course, even if it wasn't a ghost, it would be spooky enough.

The sight of fingers being inserted into the skull makes people shudder just thinking about it.

But, is there really someone with such strong martial arts skills and such cruel behavior?

Martial arts fans couldn’t believe it, and neither could six of the Seven Jiangnan Monsters in the book.

However, the boss Ke Zhen'e told them that there were such people in the world, and there were two of them. They were a couple known as the "Double Black Wind", the male corpse Chen Xuanfeng and the female corpse Mei Chaofeng.

The martial art they practice, which involves inserting fingers into the skull, is called "Nine Yin White Bone Claws".

In addition, the two also have a martial arts called "Heart-Destroying Palm", which is also very cruel.

The two were originally apprentices to the owner of Peach Blossom Island in the East China Sea, but for unknown reasons, they were expelled from Peach Blossom Island.

The two men were highly skilled in martial arts and cruel in nature, causing a bloody storm in the world. Everyone talked about it and called them the "double evil spirits".

Later, the Black Wind and the Twin Evils finally aroused public indignation in the world and were collectively besieged and killed by many people in the world.

Ke Zhen'e's brother Ke Bixie also participated in that siege, but unfortunately died at the hands of the Black Wind.

After that time, the Black Wind Twin Demons never appeared again in the world, and everyone thought they were dead.

But they never thought that they were not dead, but were hiding in this extremely desolate desert place and continuing to practice martial arts. They were accidentally discovered by the Jiangnan Seven Monsters tonight.

After Ke Zhen'e introduced the origins of the two of them, the other six monsters were shocked.

The martial arts fans were stunned for a moment. There was too much information and they needed to digest it.

Jiujiuyin White Bone Claw? Heart-destroying palm?

Is this martial arts? As soon as you look at the name of this martial art, you will know that it is very vicious, but the name of this martial art is very domineering, right?

Especially the Nine Yin White Bone Claw. When martial arts fans saw this name, although they knew it was an extremely cruel martial art, they still couldn't help but feel excited and excited.

This name is really domineering.

They have watched martial arts for so many years, and the name "Nine Yin White Bone Claws" simply kills all martial arts in an instant, including those in Gu Yong's previous works.

"Wucao! When I saw the Nine Yin White Bone Claws, I immediately knelt down. I really admire Gu Yong's naming skills."

"The two evil spirits of black wind make the Seven Jiangnan Monsters so fearful. Their martial arts skills are probably even better than that of Qiu Chuji."

"That must be higher than Qiu Chuji. In addition, have you noticed that the article mentioned that the Black Wind Shuangsha was originally the disciple of the owner of Peach Blossom Island in the East China Sea, but he was expelled from Peach Blossom for some unknown reason. island?"

"I've noticed that, in this case, these black wind demons should be regarded as the abandoned disciples of Peach Blossom Island. Even the abandoned disciples are so powerful, so how powerful must their master, the owner of Peach Blossom Island, be?"

"It must be at least more powerful than the Black Wind Twin Evils. Also, the name Peach Blossom Island is very poetic, and makes people yearn for it as soon as they hear it."

"Indeed, I wonder what kind of character the owner of Peach Blossom Island is? Gu Yong just mentioned this here without introducing more, which makes people feel itchy!"

"That's right, Guyong is so disgusting, it would be nice to introduce him a few more words."


The owner of Peach Blossom Island in the East China Sea is only mentioned once in this chapter. He is the master of the Black Wind Shuangsha. Nothing else is introduced, not even his name.

However, the character of the owner of Peach Blossom Island in the East China Sea has been deeply imprinted in the minds of every martial arts fan.

After being excited for a while, the martial arts fans continued to look behind.

The Black Wind and the Two Evils had a grudge against Ke Zhen'e for killing his brother, so although the Jiangnan Seven Monsters were very afraid of him, they did not choose to leave immediately. Instead, they waited here to have a life-or-death showdown with the Black Wind and the Two Evils.

This decision of the Jiangnan Seven Monsters immediately made all the martial arts fans nervous, "My Jiangnan Seventh Master, since you are not sure, then withdraw and find opportunities for revenge in the future. If you die here, Then who will teach little Guo Jing martial arts in the future? Well, no, Wocao! The Jiangnan Seven Monsters asked little Guo Jing to come here to find them in the middle of the night today. Damn, this is the place where the Black Wind and the Twin Evils are haunted. What if little Guo Jing comes? , I just happened to encounter the Black Wind Shuangsha practicing here, how fucked up must he be?"

Thinking of this, the martial arts fans became even more nervous. Feeling uneasy and cautiously looking down.

Not long after, Tie Shimei Chaofeng came and captured someone as a target for her practice.

Using living people as targets for practicing martial arts, Mei Chaofeng was indeed extremely cruel, and all martial arts fans shuddered.

In my heart, I just hope that the Seven Monsters of Jiangnan can kill Mei Chaofeng, so that they can not only avenge Ke Zhen E's brother, but also eliminate evil in the world.

Otherwise, I don’t know how many innocent people will be tortured to death.

"Now that only Mei Chaofeng is here, and there are seven Jiangnan Monsters fighting one, there should be some chance of winning." A group of martial arts fans thought in their hearts.

The whole battle was dark and dark, which made all the martial arts fans dazzled and nervous.

In the end, due to the trick of the Jiangnan Seven Monsters, Mei Chaofeng's eyes were injured by Ke Zhen'e's poisonous water chestnut, causing him to become blind.

Before the martial arts fans could breathe a sigh of relief, the bronze corpse Chen Xuanfeng arrived.

What's even more terrible is that little Guo Jing also came here at this time, and was caught and held in Chen Xuanfeng's hand.

The martial arts fans' hearts were in their throats, and they were much more nervous than before.

Now, it is much more dangerous than before. Many of the Jiangnan Seven Monsters have been injured, and the fifth among them, Zhang Asheng, has been seriously injured.

Seeing that the Seven Monsters of Jiangnan were about to be defeated, this battle came to an abrupt end.

It turned out that Chen Xuanfeng once again had little Guo Jing in his hands, and he was completely defenseless. Little Guo Jing was frightened and stabbed Chen Xuanfeng in the abdomen with the dagger he carried.

Unexpected, yet reasonable.

In the end, Chen Xuanfeng died, and Mei Chaofeng, who was blind, escaped with Chen Xuanfeng's body.

As for the Jiangnan Seven Monsters, Zhang Asheng, the fifth child, also died due to serious injuries.

From then on, only the Six Jiangnan Monsters remained.

The death of Lao Wu made many martial arts fans regretful, sad and lamented.

This thrilling fight and the appearance of the Black Wind duo made martial arts fans excited.

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