Remember in one second【】

First, Pangu created the sky, and then Nuwa created humans. There are humans everywhere in the world, and they are full of life.

However, with the development of human society, contradictions and conflicts are inevitable, until more serious wars.

Why fight? Fight for territory, for various life and survival resources, and for human ambition.

The next mythical product Li Fan plans to launch is the Yanhuang War that will excite countless Chinese people.

Before the Yan-Huang War, there are still some stories that need to be introduced.

Emperor Yan and Emperor Huang are the common ancestors of all Chinese people. The story between them must be something that countless people yearn for and can’t wait to know.

Li Fan carefully researched the world's records about the Yan and Huang Emperors, and found that the records passed down by the Yan and Huang Emperors were far more than those of other great gods, but there were still many important events that had not been passed down.

For example, Emperor Yan tasted herbs, Dukang brewed wine, Cangjie created characters, the Battle of Banquan between the Yan and Huang emperors, the Battle of Zhuolu between the Yan and Huang emperors and Chi You, etc.

Li Fan plans to write all of this this time, so that people in this world can understand the Yan and Huang Emperors in more detail and more thoroughly, and also provide more information for historians such as Cen Geng and Shen Cong to study the Yan and Huang Emperors.

The product that Li Fan is going to launch tomorrow is "The Emperor Yan Tasted a Hundred Herbs", or the more familiar "Shennong Tasted a Hundred Herbs".

And this will also be the beginning of the Yanhuang series of mythical works, I believe it will definitely make readers in this world hooked.

Time passes by countless readers, and the heated discussion about "Nuwa Creates Man" has passed. The sky has turned dark and bright, and it is already daytime on November 15th.

The afternoon passed by in a hurry, and soon it was the moment that countless readers were looking forward to.

The heaven and the earth opened, the world came into being, and so did humans. Next, which great god should appear?

There has already been a lot of discussion on the Internet.

"As for which great god will appear today? I think we can make a guess. Judging from the relevance of Mr. Li Fan's products, now that humans have existed, human society must develop, and if it develops to a certain level, it will definitely Conflicts, disputes, and even wars are inevitable. Therefore, we can make a bold guess that the great god who appears today is likely to be related to human disputes."


Lou's analysis is very reasonable, and when it comes to human disputes, before that, humans must form different tribes first, and then there will be disputes between different tribes. So, the great god appearing today is very likely to be the leader of a certain tribe. In the history of Chinese myths and legends, the most famous tribal leaders are Emperor Yan and Emperor Huang. Could it be that they were the two emperors of Yan and Huang? "

"Emperors Yan and Huang? Isn't it, burning like this? Don't deliberately arouse my appetite, Lou!"

"Speaking of the two emperors Yan and Huang, Gu Yong mentioned before in "The Legend of Yinglong" that Yinglong was a subordinate of the Yellow Emperor and killed Chi You in a great battle. Could it be that Mr. Li Fan wanted to write this scene A big fight? This is so exciting!”

"Are you sure that the great god appearing today is the Emperor Yan and Huang? This... this is just thinking about it, it's exciting!"

"Yes, the two emperors of Yan and Huang are the common ancestors of all Chinese people!"

"Ahem... Well, don't get excited. The Emperors of Yan and Huang are just my guesses, not necessarily true. However, you don't have to be disappointed. Even if the Emperors of Yan and Huang don't appear today, they will definitely appear in the future. I believe , Mr. Li Fan will never forget Emperors Yan and Huang."

"That's right. The Emperors of Yan and Huang will definitely appear. We can all look forward to it."


Speaking of Emperors Yan and Huang, all the friends became obviously excited and agitated.

There is no way, the two emperors of Yan and Huang are too great in everyone's mind.

Sansheng Village.

Li Fan looked at the comments among his friends and couldn't help but click his tongue, "Can you all, you actually guessed that the great gods who will appear today are the two emperors of Yan and Huang."

Although only Emperor Yan appeared, he guessed it correctly.

The fans were so excited about the appearance of the Emperors Yan and Huang, which also made Li Fan quite excited.

Everyone really likes Emperors Yan and Huang very much. And this is despite the fact that many of the deeds of Emperors Yan and Huang have been lost.

After everyone has finished reading the series of Emperors of Yan and Huang launched by Li Fan, their understanding of the two emperors of Yan and Huang will be more comprehensive and profound.

Presumably, I will like the Yan and Huang Emperors even more, and I will feel the greatness of the Yan and Huang Emperors even more.

It was exactly two o'clock in the afternoon, and Li Fan passed on the message on time, today's tasting "Shen Nong Tasted Hundreds of Herbs".

The next moment after Li Fan passed on the product, countless readers in front of the computer had already seen today's updated product.

""Shen Nong Tasted Hundreds of Herbs"?" Some people were slightly stunned, as if they couldn't remember this "Shen Nong" for a while. Which great god was he?

In Chinese mythology, is there such a great god as "Shennong"?

However, more people suddenly became very excited and excited, because they knew that Shennong was Emperor Yan.

Emperor Yan, who is really the two emperors of Yan and Huang, appears on the stage. You can imagine the excitement and excitement of countless people.

As for "Tasting Hundreds of Herbs", everyone doesn't know what it is all about?

However, it is not difficult to understand literally, Emperor Yan has tasted all kinds of herbs.

So, why did Emperor Yan want to taste Baicao? Everyone is unclear again.

However, it doesn't matter, as long as it is something Emperor Yan does, nothing is trivial.

^0^ Remember in one second【】

Countless people are excited and looking forward to it.

And those who just didn't know who "Shen Nong" was, had already left. Readers' excited and excited voices knew that Shen Nong was Emperor Yan.

And after knowing it, I blamed myself again and again. It was a shame that I was still looking forward to the story of the Yan and Huang Emperors, and I didn't know that Shennong was the Yan Emperor. It was really wrong.

Of course, it's not too late to know now, so hurry up and click on this book called "Shen Nong Tasted Hundreds of Herbs".

At the beginning of the tasting, they gave a brief introduction to Emperor Yan. After reading it, they finally knew why Emperor Yan was Shennong again.

"A long time ago, in a cave in Mount Lie, a child was born.

When the child was born, nine wells naturally appeared around the cave. The water in these nine wells were connected to each other. If water from one of the wells was taken, all the other eight wells would fluctuate.

This child was born with a different appearance, his body is transparent, his internal organs are clearly visible, his head has two horns, and he has the head of a bull and the body of a human body.

People who saw it said that it was a god descending to earth, and it was he who brought the Nine-Eyed Well.

So, when he grew up, everyone elected him as the leader of the tribe. Because they lived in the hot south, they called themselves the Yan tribe and called him Emperor Yan.

There is another theory about the origin of the title "Emperor Yan". Emperor Yan was surnamed Jiang. He invented agricultural tools and used wooden tillage. He taught people how to raise crops, make pottery, weave and use fire. He was distinguished by his achievements and named his family by virtue of fire. For Emperor Yan.

Once, Emperor Yan saw a red bird holding a bunch of seed-like things in its mouth. The bird spat out the seed-like things. Emperor Yan picked it up, and the birds flew around him three times, chirping again. It chirped for a while and flew away.

Emperor Yan thought that these were food seeds sent by the red bird sent by the Emperor of Heaven, so he buried the seeds in the soil. He also made grass grass out of wood, taught people to loosen the soil, and dug wells to irrigate the seedlings.

Emperor Yan thus invented grain agriculture. In gratitude for Emperor Yan's merits, everyone called Emperor Yan Shennong.

In this way, the surrounding tribes also called the Yandi tribe the Shennong tribe, and called him the Shennong clan, the leader of the agricultural tribe.


Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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