Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1142. Was there any war between the Yan and Huang emperors?

Remember in one second【】

Why is Emperor Yan also called Shennong? There are also some records in this world, so many people know that Emperor Yan is Shennong. .

Of course, there is also a saying that Emperor Yan and Shennong may be two people, but this theory is very unpopular. It is generally believed that Emperor Yan is Shennong.

But everyone doesn’t know the legend about Shen Nong’s taste of hundreds of herbs. And Li Fan’s article today, after briefly introducing Emperor Yan, obviously should be the theme of the article, Shen Nong’s taste of hundreds of herbs.

Everyone can’t wait to read on.

In ancient times, grains and weeds grew together, and medicines and flowers bloomed together. Which foods can be eaten? What herbs can cure diseases? No one can tell the difference.

The common people of Li relied on hunting to make a living. The birds in the sky were hunted less and less, and the animals underground were hunted less and less, so people had no choice but to go hungry.

And if anyone gets a sore or gets sick, there is no cure or 'medicine', so he can only endure it, and he will be fine if he can't survive it, or he will die if he can't survive it.

Shen Nong saw the suffering of the people and felt pain in his heart. He decided to find food to satisfy the people's hunger and medicine to treat their illnesses.

So, Shennong set out from his hometown, went through untold hardships, and went specifically to the mountains and rivers where exotic flowers and grasses grew. He saw red, green, white, yellow, and all kinds of flowers. There are all kinds of flowers in grass and dense clumps.

Shen Nong picked all the flowers and grass he saw one by one and put them in his mouth to taste.

He was often poisoned by tasting a kind of grass, and once encountered seventy kinds of poisons in one day. However, for the sake of the people of the world, Shennong never gave up. He miraculously resolved those poisons.

He was determined to taste all the flowers and plants in the world.

He recorded the flowers and herbs he tasted in detail one by one. Which herbs were bitter? Which ones are hot? Which ones are cooler? Which ones can satisfy your hunger? Which ones can detoxify and cure diseases?

He tasted mountains after mountains and found that wheat, rice, millet, sorghum and other plants could satisfy hunger, so he asked the people to plant them.

He tasted the cold, warm, flat and hot "medicinal" properties of the herbs, discerned the relationship between the herbs like a monarch, minister, assistant and envoy, and found herbs that could be used to treat the common people's diseases. 'medicine'.

After reading this article "Shen Nong Tasted Hundreds of Herbs", all readers felt excited.

It turns out that the whole grains we eat today and the various herbs used to treat diseases were all discovered by Shen Nong after he tasted all the flowers and herbs in the world.

Although this is just a myth and legend, readers are willing to believe that it is true and that Shennong was such a great person.

Hotly discussed on the Internet.

"Shennong tasted hundreds of herbs, and Shennong tasted more than just a hundred herbs. He is worthy of being the common ancestor of all Chinese people. Shennong is really great."

"This article "Shennong Tasted Hundreds of Herbs" is certainly a myth and legend, but everything is reasonable and reasonable. Shennong not only created cereals and agriculture, but also found herbs that can cure diseases and created medicine. So. , I think "Shennong Tasted Hundreds of Herbs" is a myth, but it is not entirely a myth. Shennong is the epitome of countless great people who worked hard to research and explore grains and herbs."

"I have known for a long time that Emperor Yan was very great, but after watching "Shennong Tasted a Hundred Herbs", I felt that Emperor Yan was even greater. I was thinking that Emperor Yan's contributions to mankind must not only pioneer grain agriculture and medicine. I don't know. Will Mr. Li Fan write down the other contributions of Emperor Yan one by one?"

"I feel it will. I feel that Mr. Li Fan's "Shennong Tasted a Hundred Herbs" is just the beginning. There will be other stories about Emperor Yan. Of course, there is also the story about the equally great Yellow Emperor."

"If this is the case, then we will definitely be able to understand the Yan and Huang Emperors in more detail. It is really exciting."


After the article "Shen Nong Tasted Hundreds of Herbs", readers already know that Emperor Yan made two important contributions to human development.

The first is to make grass and produce grains, laying the foundation for agriculture.

The use of grass and planting grains solved the major issue of people's livelihood, promoted the development of agricultural production, allowed the Chinese nation to switch from fishing and hunting to farming, and created Chinese agricultural culture.

The second is to discover and prepare herbal medicines and create a medical industry so that people can have medicines to treat them when they are sick.

So, are Emperor Yan's contributions to human discovery just these two points?

The answer is naturally no. Emperor Yan's contributions go far beyond these two points. Li Fan's next article will mention other contributions that Emperor Yan has made to the development of mankind.

After reading "Shennong Tasted Hundreds of Herbs", all readers are looking forward to the next chapter. The story of Emperor Yan Shennong is obviously not over yet.

I don’t know what the next article will be, but it seems that it will still be about the story of Emperor Yan? If so, what kind of story would it be? In addition to agriculture and medicine, what other contributions did Emperor Yan make to the development of mankind?

All these questions, everyone can’t wait to know the answers.

And the time has finally arrived. At 2pm on November 16th, it’s time to update a new mythical and legendary item.

Countless readers logged into the official website of the Ministry of Culture with excitement, excitement, and anticipation. The exclusive page opened specifically for Li Fan's fourth myth and legend has been updated.

""The War between Yan and Huang"!"

However, after seeing the names of the products updated today, everyone was stunned, and some did not react.


^0^ Remember in one second【】

The war between Yan and Huang? What does it mean? Could it be a war between Emperor Yan and Emperor Huang? There was a war between the two emperors of Yan and Huang, the two common ancestors of the Chinese people? "

Everyone couldn't help but have this question in their minds. Before the product was even read, it was already a hot topic on the Internet.

"Mr. Li Fan, what do you mean? There was a war between the Yan and Huang emperors. This seems unlikely."

"I think it's impossible. The two emperors, Yan and Huang, are our common ancestors, and their status is equally great. The relationship between them should be good. How could there be a war?"

"I have been thinking before, will today's updated product continue to introduce the great contribution that Emperor Yan has made to the development of mankind? But I never thought that it would be the war between Emperor Yan and Emperor Huang."

"Mr. Li Fan will definitely not make it up at will without any basis. Since he wrote it like this, then maybe there really was a war between the Yan and Huang emperors."

"That's right, Mr. Li Fan will definitely not make it up at will. In fact, if you think about it carefully, it doesn't seem strange that there is a war between the Yan Emperor and the Yellow Emperor. Both the Yan Emperor and the Yellow Emperor are the leaders of their respective tribes. Both leaders are very great and extraordinary. Then, their tribes will definitely develop very well. In the long run, it is inevitable that some frictions and conflicts of interest will occur, until a war occurs, there is nothing surprising."

"Listening to what was said above, it seems like this is indeed the case. How could there be no friction between two different tribes? We all instinctively believed that the relationship between the Yan and Huang Emperors should be very good, and this should not happen. War. If you think about it carefully, this idea is indeed wrong. "


All readers think carefully, yes, the two emperors Yan and Huang commanded different tribes respectively, and they were in the same era, so there seems to be nothing strange about a war between them.

So, what is the result of this war? Who's winning?

All readers' hearts were shocked.


Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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