Remember in one second【】

After confirming that it would not be a strange thing if a war broke out between the Yan and Huang emperors. ,: .

All readers can't help but become very interested in the war between the Yan and Huang emperors. This should be an unprecedented war.

In the end, who won? After reading today’s article, you will obviously know the answer.

Everyone couldn't wait to click on the product, but the battle between the Yan and Huang emperors did not start immediately.

First of all, it is still the story about Emperor Yan. Not only were everyone not disappointed, but their eyes were brightened.

Everyone has been discussing before, will Li Fan continue to introduce other contributions made by Emperor Yan to the development of mankind?

Now it seems that Li Fan is indeed ready to continue the introduction.

Sure enough, the first story is that Emperor Yan discovered that within the tribe he commanded, the things produced in each place were different. In some places, there was too much of a certain thing to eat, while in other places there was not that much. Plant something.

Therefore, Emperor Yan established the market and opened up the market for the first time. "The middle of the day is the market, so that the people of the world can gather the goods of the world, 'trade' and retreat, and everyone can get their own place."

Emperor Yan invented the barter system, which used Japan and China as the market, allowing people to take things they didn't need or have excess to trade with others for what they needed.

This barter market is the origin and cornerstone of currency and commercial development.

Opening up the market is another major contribution made by Emperor Yan to the development of mankind.

All the readers were very excited. The image of Emperor Yan in their minds became more and more full and great.

And their excitement continues.

Emperor Yan also invented making linen into cloth, allowing people to have clothes to wear.

In the past, people had no clothes and only used leaves and animal skins to cover their bodies. Emperor Yan taught people to make cloth from hemp mulberry.

People have clothes, which is undoubtedly a major step for mankind to move from an ignorant society to a civilized society.

Making linen into cloth was another great contribution of Emperor Yan.

And Emperor Yan's contribution is far from over.

In order to encourage people to live a regular life and cultivate crops according to the seasons, Emperor Yan also established a calendar, set up stars, divided day and night, fixed the sun and the moon, and the month was thirty days, and November was the winter solstice.

Emperor Yan also invented pottery. Before the invention of pottery, people could only use fire to process food.

With pottery, people can steam and process food, store items, make wine, and sterilize.

The use of pottery has improved human living conditions and had a profound impact on human food hygiene and the development of medicine.

Emperor Yan also invented the bow and arrow, cutting wood into a bow, and making it awe-inspiring to the world. It effectively prevents the attacks of wild beasts, effectively combats the invasion of foreign tribes, and protects people's life safety and labor results.

Emperor Yan also invented a musical instrument, the five-stringed qin, to entertain the people. He cut tung trees to make a qin and knotted silk to make strings. There were five strings in total, namely, Gong, Shang, Jiao, Zheng, and Yu. The sound produced by this kind of harp can tell the virtues of heaven and earth, express the harmony of Shen Nong, and entertain people.

Each of Emperor Yan's inventions has some very important significance to the development of human society.

All readers, seeing all the great inventions of Emperor Yan, are all excited and have infinite gratitude and respect for Emperor Yan!

Readers can clearly see in Emperor Yan his entrepreneurial spirit, dedication spirit, creative spirit that dares to be the first, and enterprising spirit of perseverance and self-improvement.

These spirits of Emperor Yan inspired countless descendants of China to constantly fight in the struggle against nature and society, get rid of ignorance and barbarism, and pursue advancement and civilization.

In addition, Emperor Yan was also very good at managing tribes and governing the world. He does not expect retribution, does not covet the world's wealth, and the world is rich. Wisdom is more valuable than others, and the world respects it. He is virtuous and righteous, he does not reward but the people are diligent, he does not punish but he is right, he does not resent and fight but he is wealthy, he does not impose orders but the people obey, he is powerful but does not kill, he is law-abiding but not annoying, and the people all respect him.

Because of this, the farming tribes led by Emperor Yan were highly civilized and became increasingly prosperous with continuous development.

After reading the story of Emperor Yan, all the readers were hooked. The more they understood Emperor Yan, the more they felt the greatness of Emperor Yan.

After Emperor Yan, another equally great figure, Emperor Huang, finally appeared.

Everyone was filled with new excitement and excitement, and the story of Emperor Yan made them marvel again and again.

So, what stories will Huangdi have? What contributions have you made to human development?

Everyone's hearts are full of expectations.

Huangdi, whose original surname was Gongsun, later changed his surname to Ji, so he was called Ji Xuanyuan.

He lived in the hills of Xuanyuan and was named Xuanyuan clan. His capital was built in Youxiong, also known as Youxiong clan. Because of his auspicious soil virtue, he was named "Huangdi".

It is said that Huangdi was able to speak not long after he was born. By the age of 15, he knew everything. At the age of 20, he inherited the throne of King Youxiong and became the leader of the Youxiong clan.

After that, the power of the Xiong clan developed rapidly and formed an independent Huangdi tribe.

Then in the process of developing from Jishui to the east, they inherited the agricultural production experience pioneered by Emperor Yan and developed primitive agriculture to a highly prosperous stage, allowing the tribe to develop rapidly.

Huangdi's tribe has also developed to a very strong level, and it seems to be continuing to expand.

All the readers were thinking about whether it was time to start. The two emperors of Yan and Huang

^0^ Remember in one second【】

A war between them?

Unexpectedly, Li Fan suddenly changed his writing style, and a few big characters popped out: "Cangjie Created Characters".

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and then they realized that there was a story within the story.

Of course, it can also be said that these stories originally belong to the "Yan-Huang War" and are the prelude to the "Yan-Huang War".

It seems that before the war between Emperors Yan and Huang begins, there will be a series of prelude stories.

Everyone became more excited. It was truly an unprecedented feast of myths and legends.

After being excited, everyone's attention immediately focused on "Cangjie's creation of characters".

Then I was inexplicably frightened, Cangjie made a character? Could it be that Cangjie created the characters we use now?

Historians have been studying the origin of writing, but its origin has always been a mystery.

Because the emergence of writing will never happen overnight. It must have evolved step by step through countless ancestors' exploration over a long period of time.

This has caused great difficulties for current historians to study the origin of writing. Various opinions have always been inconsistent and controversial.

Regarding the origin of writing, it is estimated that it will always remain a mystery.

Of course, it was the same in Li Fan's previous life. The origin of writing was also a mystery, and there were many theories.

But in Li Fan's previous life, there was a legend that "Cangjie created characters".

Now, Li Fan has brought it to this world in his work "The War between Yan and Huang".


Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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