Remember in one second【】

Legend has it that during the Huangdi period, there was a minister named Du Kang who was responsible for the food management of the tribe. .: .

At that time, Huangdi governed well and the tribe could harvest a lot of food every year.

However, there were no warehouses at that time, and people did not know scientific storage methods. They just stored large amounts of grain in caves.

However, due to the humidity in the cave, the food rotted over time.

When Huangdi saw this, he asked Du Kang to find a way to preserve the grain.

When Du Kang saw how much food was wasted, he also felt very sorry and made up his mind to preserve the food well.

One day, Du Kang went for a walk in the woods and found several dead trees, leaving only thick and empty trunks.

Du Kang had an idea and thought, "Why not store the grain in these tree trunks? This way the grain will not rot due to moisture."

So, Du Kang and his people poured all the grain into the tree trunks.

After some time, Du Kang came to the woods to check on the grain situation. He was surprised to find that in front of the dead trees where grain was stored, some wild boars, goats and rabbits were lying in random directions, motionless, as if they were dead.

He quickly came closer to take a closer look, only to find that the animals were not dead, but seemed to be asleep.

The tree trunk that originally held the grain had several cracks, and water was seeping from the inside out.

Du Kang judged from this that these animals should have "licked" and eaten them, and the water seeped out before they lay down.

However, what is the reason?

Du Kang leaned over and took a whiff, and felt a fresh fragrance coming to his face. He couldn't help but take a few sips of the strong perfume and felt refreshed.

Du Kang took these strong perfumes back and asked people to taste them. After everyone tasted them, they all said they tasted good. After drinking them, they felt very energetic, but they were worried about whether the water could be drunk.

Du Kang did the experiment himself. He drank a lot of this water, and then felt a little dizzy and fell asleep.

When he woke up, he didn't feel any physical discomfort.


Du Kang reported the matter to Huangdi. Huang Di also tasted the strong perfume himself and felt that it was good, so he asked Du Kang to continue research and observation.

In this way, Du Kang finally invented wine making, and wine gradually became popular among the people. Du Kang was also revered as the ancestor of wine making.

After reading "Dukang Brewing", the Internet became lively again, and all readers seemed very excited.

In a short period of time, they learned about Cangjie's creation of Chinese characters, the origin of "Qihuang Technique", and that the ancestor of wine making was Du Kang. What could be more enjoyable than this?

"No wonder I saw records about 'Dukang Wine' in history books. It turns out that Dukang was the ancestor of wine making."

"So, my Chinese wine culture can be traced back to more than 5,000 years ago, hahaha! This is so 'awesome'."

"Hey! Although wine is good, don't be greedy."

"Witch it! You can do it upstairs, it looks like an advertisement."


We know the origin of wine, but the story is not over yet. After Du Kang, another big figure appeared on the stage.

This big shot is called Lei Zu, and her story is called "Lei Zu Begins the Silkworm".

Leizu, some people who are familiar with history know that Leizu was the wife of the Yellow Emperor, or the concubine of the Yuan Dynasty.

However, the history books passed down only record that Leizu was the wife of the Yellow Emperor, but there are mixed records of Leizu's deeds.

Does Leizu's silkworm creation mean that Leizu invented sericulture?

"Leizu, the first silkworm? Is this 'Leizu' a personal name?" Readers who don't know who Leizu is can't help but murmur in their hearts.

I don’t know if I heard their murmurs, but someone said on the Internet: "There is a history book, there is such a record, 'The emperor lived in the hills of Xuanyuan, and married the 'daughter' of Xiling, who was Leizu. Leizu was The Yellow Emperor’s wife gave birth to two sons, both of whom became famous in the world. ‘It can be seen that this Leizu was the wife of the Yellow Emperor. Could it be that this Leizu invented silkworm breeding?”

"Here, this name is weird. She is the wife of the Yellow Emperor. Who invented silkworm raising? That's not an ordinary person!"

"Nonsense, that is Huangdi's wife, how can she be an ordinary person?"

"That's right. Ordinary people can't become the wife of the Yellow Emperor, the first silkworm of Lei Zu, okay, okay!"


Knowing that Leizu was the wife of the Yellow Emperor, everyone couldn't help but look forward to the story of "Leizu's first silkworm".

After Huangdi became the leader of the tribe, he handed over the clothing and clothing matters to Leizu, the concubine of Yuan Dynasty.

Leizu often led women up the mountain to peel tree bark and weave hemp nets. They also peeled off the skins of various beasts hunted by men and processed them.

Once, Leizu's subordinates were in a mulberry forest and found that the trees were full of small white fruits.

They began to think that these small white fruits were fresh fruits, so they picked them and tasted them, but found that they had no taste, and they couldn't chew them no matter how hard they bit.

Later, they picked some small white fruits and took them back to show Leizu.

Lei Zu carefully observed the small white fruit that his subordinates brought back for a long time and thought about it a lot. Then he happily said to his subordinates: "This is not a fruit and cannot be eaten, but it is of great use. You guys This time it was a great success.”

Leizu discovered that the small white fruits were of great use. However, where did these small white fruits come from?

^0^ Remember in one second【】

Woolen cloth?

After Leizu asked his subordinates where they found the small white fruit, he went up the mountain himself and observed it in the mulberry forest for several days.

Finally, I figured out that this small white fruit is made of filaments spun from the mouth of a kind of insect.

Leizu informed Huangdi about this and asked Huangdi to protect all the mulberry forests on the mountain. Huangdi naturally agreed.

From then on, under the initiative of Leizu, people began to plant mulberry and raise silkworms.

Leizu invented sericulture, which benefited China and the whole world. Later generations honored him as the "First Silkworm Empress".

In addition, Leizu pioneered marriage to honor the world and benefit all people. Together with the Emperors Yan and Huang, he opened up the vastness and bid farewell to the barbaric wilderness. He is also the humanistic ancestor of China.

After reading the story of "Leizu's Silkworm", all readers sighed in their hearts that Leizu was also so great.

"Sure enough, it was Leizu who invented sericulture, which is also of great significance and can definitely benefit the world."

"Leizu can definitely be called the great mother of our Chinese nation. She is as respected as the two emperors of Yan and Huang!"

"Thanks to Mr. Li Fan for letting us know the story of Lei Zu and that during the Yan and Huang dynasties, China had such a great ancestor, the Silkworm Empress."

"The Chinese culture of myths and legends is indeed brilliant and brilliant. It was really enjoyable to see it today."

"And what's even more enjoyable is that today's story is not over yet. It's really exciting."



Cen Geng and Shen Cong were also very excited.

Cen Geng said excitedly: "The story of 'Leizu's Silkworm' is really important to us. With it, many things that were unclear before now make sense."

Shen Cong also said: "We really went to the right place this time when we went to Sansheng Village. Otherwise, we don't know when that kid will push out these products."

Cen Geng laughed and said, "That's right, that's right. We went at the right time."


Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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